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The Lurking Fear - H. P. Lovecraft 791
Slithering shadows of red madness poured out of the underground burrows beneath the Martense mansion
The Philosopher's Stone August W. Derleth 805
A short tale of the Borgias—Messer Orsini was no match for the guile of the noted poisoners
The Bat-Men of Thorium (Part 2) - Bertram Russell 807
A three-part serial story about a giant submarine, and a weird land below the bed of the Pacific Ocean
Wild Horses - Eugene C. Dolson 818 Verse
The Phantom Fiddler - Arlton Eadie 819
In the cellars beneath the old English tavern was committed an atrocious crime—a fascinating ghost-story
The Blue Lizard Fiswoode Tarleton 829
The hillman thought himself very clever in calling the "scorpion" to his aid in concealing his crime—but he failed
Sonnets of the Midnight Hours:
3. Purple - Donald Wandrei 837
The Last Laugh - C. Franklin Miller 838
From the jungles of Africa he came, with his strange tale of sacrifices to the fire-god—and weird was his revenge
The White Road - Manly Wade Wellman 845
Weird Story Reprint:
The Specter Bridegroom Washington Irving 846
A famous weird tale by a great American story-teller—a ghost-tale of medieval Germany
Folks Used to Believe:
The Fad for Relics - Alvin F. Harlow 855
Some strange beliefs were held by our ancestors
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