Index:Weird Tales Volume 11 Number 06 (1928-06).djvu
VOLUME XI NUMBER 6 Published monthly by the Popular Fiction Publishing Company, 2457 E. Washington Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Entered as second-class matter March 20, 1923, at the post office at Indianapolis, Ind., under the act of March 3, 1879. Single copies, 25 cents. Subscription, $2.50 a year in the United States; $3.00 a year in Canada. English office: Charles Lavell, 13, Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, E. C. 4, London. The publishers are not responsible for the loss of unsolioited manuscripts, although every care will be taken of such material while in their possession. The contents of this magazine are fully protected by copyright and must not be reproduced either wholly or in part without permission from the publishers. NOTE—All manuscripts and communications should be addressed to the publishers' Chicago office at 450 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Ill. FARNSWORTH WRIGHT, Editor. Copyright, 1928, by the Popular Fiction Publishing Company
Contents for June, 1928 Cover Design - C. C. Senf Illustrating a scene in "The Devil's Martyr" The Eyrie 724 A chat with the readers The Devil's Martyr - Signe Toksvig 726 A romance of love and witchcraft and Satan-worship, and dark clouds of doom that rolled up about the two lovers The Serpent Woman - Seabury Quinn 737 Jules de Grandin solves a mystery involving a lost child and a giant snake—and back of it all is the serpent woman The Elemental Law - Everil Worrell 753 A weird story of aviation and reincarnation—indescribably eery were the faces that stared out of the black pool The Hate - Wilford Allen 767 Bom of a murderer's lust for torture, the Hate grew through the ages, and worked its retribution during the World War The Dimension Terror Edmond Hamilton 769 Millions of lives were blotted out in the frightful catastrophe that came upon the earth out of the fifth dimension [continued on next page] [continued from preceding page] The Lurking Fear - H. P. Lovecraft 791 Slithering shadows of red madness poured out of the underground burrows beneath the Martense mansion The Philosopher's Stone August W. Derleth 805 A short tale of the Borgias—Messer Orsini was no match for the guile of the noted poisoners The Bat-Men of Thorium (Part 2) - Bertram Russell 807 A three-part serial story about a giant submarine, and a weird land below the bed of the Pacific Ocean Wild Horses - Eugene C. Dolson 818 Verse The Phantom Fiddler - Arlton Eadie 819 In the cellars beneath the old English tavern was committed an atrocious crime—a fascinating ghost-story The Blue Lizard Fiswoode Tarleton 829 The hillman thought himself very clever in calling the "scorpion" to his aid in concealing his crime—but he failed Sonnets of the Midnight Hours: 3. Purple - Donald Wandrei 837 Verse The Last Laugh - C. Franklin Miller 838 From the jungles of Africa he came, with his strange tale of sacrifices to the fire-god—and weird was his revenge The White Road - Manly Wade Wellman 845 Verse Weird Story Reprint: The Specter Bridegroom Washington Irving 846 A famous weird tale by a great American story-teller—a ghost-tale of medieval Germany Folks Used to Believe: The Fad for Relics - Alvin F. Harlow 855 Some strange beliefs were held by our ancestors
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