Index:Weird Tales Volume 3 Number 3 (1923-03).djvu
| Table of Contents The contents of Weird Tales is fully protected by copyright and must not be reproduced either wholly or in part without permission from the publishers. All communications should be addressed to the publishers main office at 854 North Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Subscription, $3.00 a year in the United States; $3.50 in Canada. Single copies, 25c.
THE EDITOR For Advertising Rates in WEIRD TALES apply to YOUNG & WARD, Advertising Managers, ———$$$__—_— Stop Using a Truss Pane eee PLAPAOs mbanioo- the tras, mer chemico Stifvadhesive. purposely hold the distended musolea securely in place, ho atans buckles or spring attach -~»_ Reduced Fas-Simile Gold Medal Soft a3 natural so afterwards no further use f prove it by sending Trial of Plapeo absotutely Write name on and send TODAY. 837 ctrl Bite St. —_ Mo. oe AGDETESS .iccverercccccceveres Botarn mail will bring Free Trial Fiapeo secccccrocceee Balance in easy monthly payments, ‘The 21 Jewel every take bie Bye ted'es.00 stu’ aber Watch Cn ON ry Iadisas
One day while the supercompositor was out a bird that had flown into the office walked into some printing ink and then on to a number of loose sheets lying on the floor. These sheets were placed on the absent compositor's desk and when he returned he proceeded to set up the supposed "copy." Presently he jibbed at a word and went and asked Greeley what it was. "Why," Greeley shouted, "any fool could see what it is. It's unconstitutional."
Critic—"I congratulate them on their success."