Charles F. Kinner

Captain Charles F. Kinner (1829-1899) was a sea captain. He was born in Port Jefferson, New York in 1829 to Captain Caleb Kinner (1793-1875) and Maria Davis. Charles was captain of the schooner Nirvana. In 1888 he rescued 10 members of the crew of the Bessie Parker. Kinner died in 1899 from a stroke.

Works about Charles F. Kinner

"Capt. Charles F. Kinner, an old and highly respected resident of this village, died suddenly last Friday night."
"Captain Charles F. Kinner died Saturday last of paralysis. … Captain Kinner was 69 years of age. He has led a sea faring, life since boyhood and for the past thirty-five years has followed yachting. At the time of his death he was in command of the schooner yacht Nirvana, owned by the estate of the late George I. Tyson of Riverside and now in winter quarters at this place. He leaves a widow and three children, Mrs. Daniel S. Smith, Captain Charles D. and Joseph Kinner. He was twice married. Mrs. Smith was a daughter by his first wife."
"Capt. Charles F. Kinner is one of the most respected and venerable figures of the early life on the island that is familiar to the vision of the present generation. He was born in Port Jefferson in 1829, being the son of Caleb and Maria (Davis) Kinner, natives of this county, who spent their lives within its borders. His father, who was a seaman, followed that occupation until within five years of his death, which occurred in 1875. His wife died the year before his demise."
"The schooner yacht Nirvana belonging to General H. W. Perkins of this city recently returned from her annual cruise among the islands of the Bahama group in charge of her veteran Captain, Charles Kinner, of Port Jefferson, Long Island, who has for a number of years sailed the General's yachts at home and abroad."
"The schooner yacht Nirvana, of New-York, Kenner [sic] master, belonging to Gen. H.W. Perkins, arrived here on the 30th ult., all hands well, after a very stormy and eventful voyage."