Portal:William Henry Duryea

William Henry Duryea

William Henry Duryea (1827-1903) was a merchant. He was born in New York in 1827. He participated in the California Gold Rush and he migrated to Globe, Arizona in 1878 and died there in 1903.

William Henry Duryea

Works about William Henry Duryea

"… William Duryea (the Glen Cove, L.I., Starch Co. family), left New York during the gold rush to seek [his] fortunes in California. …"
"W. H. Duryea was a native of New York state but lived the greater part of his life on the Pacific coast and in Arizona. He came to Globe, Arizona in 1878 and had lived here continuously since."
"W. H. Duryea … suffered the third stroke of paralysis sometime during Sunday night. Mrs. Aeschliman at whose house Mr. Duryea took his meals, becoming uneasy at his failure to appear for breakfast Monday morning, went to Mr. Duryea's room at 8 o'clock and found him lying on his bed unconscious. Dr. Wightman has attended him and by stimulants hypodermically administered succeeded in arousing some animation, so that he has had lucid intervals and recognized and talked to those about his bedside. Mrs. Cornelius and Mrs. Aeschliman have done everything possible for the comfort of the old man. This evening he is sinking rapidly and his death is hourly expected."