Siberia and the Exile System/Volume 2/Index

2544712Siberia and the Exile System Volume 2 — Index1891George Kennan


Abakán River, II. 395, 397.
Áchinsk, prison at, II. 523, 524-526, 532, 541, 543.
Achkín, Mr., political exile, I. 246.
Active Correspondent, the, I. 36.
Administrative process. See Exile.
Adriánof, A., Russian editor, II. 440, 475, 517, 518.
"Afar," I. 374, 384, II. 125, 158, 159, 529, 536.
Agriculture. See Siberia.
Akatúi, mine of, II. 274, 275, 280, 286-289, 468; prison at, 287-289.
Akmolínsk, political exiles in, II. 31, 40.
Albany, N. Y., an exciting meeting at, I. 339.
Alexánder Névski, cathedral of, I. 6, 8.
Alexander the Second, assassination of, I. iii, II. 499, 555; annotations of prison reports, I. viii, II. 544-555; prison reform, measures of, I. 80; administrative exile during reign of, 258; arbitrary actions of, 268; mining gold for, II. 148; report of Gov.-gen. Anúchin to, 544-555.
Alexander the Third, reported domestic virtues of, I. vi, vii; address of Revolutionists to, I. 179, II. 249, 431, 499-503; treatment of a petitioner, I. 249; oath of allegiance to, required, II. 19-21, 26, 27; an exile's response to demand for oath of allegiance to, 56-59; Véimar's doubts of rule of, 204; imperial command of, 507-509.
Alexándrofsk, new forwarding-prison at, II. 7, 296, 344-350, 366, 537, 541, 542, 546, 548.
Alexandrófskaya, perils of the journey to, I. 229-231.
Alexandrófski Zavód, departure from Strétinsk for, II. 279, 280; arrival at, 284; prison at, 285; number of convicts at, 317.
Alexéi Mikháilovich, exile legislation of, I. 74.
Alexéiova, Anna, political exile, II. 375, 376.
Algachí, departure from Strétinsk for, II. 279; visit to the mine of, 289-307; prison at, 291-297; number of convicts at, 317.
Altái, "the Siberian Switzerland," I. 120, 121; our trip through the, 138-226; mines of the, 281.
Altái Station, I. 193-201, 226, 227.
America, ignorance of, in Siberia, I. 135, 136.
American Geographical Society, effect in Russia of my defense of exile system before, I. 303.
American songs in Kírghis tents, I. 149.
American travelers, characteristics of, I. 27.
Amûr River, I. 49, II. 60, 64, 123, 131, 279, 546, 549.
Amúrski prison, transfer of prisoners from political prison of Lower Diggings to, II. 234.
Anarchists compared with nihilists, iv.
Andersonville, likeness of Tomsk forwarding prison to, I. 312.
Andréief, ——, political exile, II. 449.
Angará River, I. 367, II. 1, 62-65, 344, 350; breaking through the ice on, 351; storm in mountains of, 352; ice bridge over, 354.
Annals of the Fatherland, I. 143,245, 259, 274, II. 212, 439, 440, 447, 486, 488. See also Atéchestvenia Zapíski.
Ants, strength of formic acid, I. 202, 203.
Anúchin, E. N., Russian author, I. 255, 256.
Anúchin, Gov.-gen., reports of, to the Tsar, I. viii, 387-389, II. 44, 227-229, 544-555; order in Schiller's case, I. 265; brutality of, 329, II. 223-225; treatment of an inferior's suggestion, I. 396; interview with Col. Kononóvich, II. 217; Col. Zagárin's report to, on marching of exiles, 371, 372; protest from, against exile system, 465.
Apselin, Prof., Finnish archæologist, II. 393, 394.
Architecture, of Kazán, I. 20; of Siberian villages, 67.
Ardagank, the, II. 489.
Argún River, II. 138, 279, 280.
Armfeldt, Miss Nathalie, political exile, II. 168, 174, 181, 183-195, 200, 212, 259, 447, 450.
Arrestántski prison at Tomsk, I. 318, II. 515, 516, 518.
Art, pursuit of, under difficulties, I. 196, II. 110-112, 192, 193, 493.
Artél, secret organization among exiles, I. 390-395.
Arúl, village of, I. 206.
Asia, boundary between Europe and, I. 34, 35.
Assault, how punished, I. 75.
Assembly of Nobles, memorial of, I. 273.
Atéchestvenia Zapiski, I. 142, 143. See also Annals of the Fatherland.
Athenæum, I. 31.
Atlantic Monthly Magazine, II. 431.
Aül, description of a Kírghis, I. 145-149.
Aurora borealis, I. 60.
Austria, prison death-rate compared with that of Tiumén, I. 98; compared with Russia in punishment of political offenses, 258.
Authors, Russian, hanged, imprisoned, or exiled, II. 494 ; quoted, etc., see their names.
Baikál Lake, II. 1, 62, 64-67, 343.
Balagáns, I. 314-318.
Balagánsk, crime in, II. 463; prison at, 526, 541, 542.
Balákhina, Mrs., case of shooting of, with treatment of exile surgeon in the matter, II. 47, 48.
Banishment, rules for, II. 508, 509.
Barába, steppe of, I. 139.
Barabásh, Gov., 11.61, 330, 532; forbids our seeing political prison at Kará, 196.
Baránof, Gov., report of, on administrative exile, I. 276, 277; invokes aid of censor of press, II. 491.
Bárdina, Sophie, Russian revolutionist, II. 184, 450.
Barges, convict, I. 110-119. 294, 296-301, II. 520, 523.
Barnaül, town of, I. 281; museum at, II. 390; prison at, 527, 538, 540, 541.
Bastinado, the, I. 74, 75.
Begging, in name of religion, I. 71, 72; how punished, 76.
Belgium, prison death-rate compared with that of Tiumén, I. 98.
Bell, flogging a church, I. 354; its history, II. 421, 422.
Belokónski, Iván Petróvitch, political exile, I. 261, II. 39, 407, 449, 450, 526.
Berél, I. 208-211.
Berél River, I. 208, 211, 217, 218, 226.
Berezniúk, ——, political exile, II. 207.
Berózef, gold mines of, I. 40-42, 77, II. 31, 43.
Berry, Capt., II. 105.
"Between Hammer and Anvil," objectionable novel, II. 494.
Beverly, ——, political exile, killing of, II. 26.
Bialovéski, Adam, political exile, I. 240, 241.
Bíbikof, ——, political exile, II. 219.
Bielaüsof, Siberian pioneer, I. 208.
Biéli, Dr., political exile, I. 249-253, II. 39.
Bieli, Mrs., sufferings and death of, I. 251, 252.
Bíisk, prison at, II. 538, 542.
Birusínski étape, II. 527, 541, 543.
Black Berél River, I. 217.
Blacksmithing in Siberia, I. 362, 363.
Blagovéishchensk, prison at, II. 542, 546.
"Blind Musician," the, I. 245.
Blok, Alexander L., political exile, I. 232, 234-237.
Bobókhof, Sergéi, political exile, brutal treatment of, II. 233; suicide of, 268. Bobrofski, prison officer, brutality to Madam Kaválskaya, II. 264; flogs Madam Sigída, 267; promotion of, 267.
Bogaródski, Col., warden of Petropávlovsk prison, I. 323.
Bogdánof, ——, political exile, II. 210.
Bogdanóvitch, Prof. Fiorian, political exile, II. 20, 447.
Bogoliúbof, ——, flogging of, II. 234.
Bogomólets, Dr., I. 184.
Bogomólets, Madam, political exile, II. 216, 258, 338.
Boguslávski, Arsene, trial and condemnation of, II. 442-445.
Bólomez, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 232.
Books, expurgated, suppressed, prohibited, etc., see their names; consulted in preparation of this work, II. 475-483.
Boródin, Mr., political exile, I. 245, 240, 271.
Botí, II. 277.
Boundary post between Russia and Siberia, I. 51-54.
Bourse Gazette, II. 485, 491, 492, 493.
Boyárskaya, arrival at, II. 67, 68.
Branding, I. 74, 75, II. 463.
Brehm, ——, explorations in the Altái, I. 188.
Breshkófskaya, Madam, political exile, II. 54, 119-122.
Brodyágs, I. 293, 373, 374, 380-382, 389, 390, 393, 407, 409, II. 154, 461, 462, 549.
Brut, Iván, pseudonym of Felix Volkhófski, I. 340.
Búhler, Baron, I. 3, 5.
Búkhtarmá, settlement of, I. 229.
Búkhtarmá River, I. 195, 200, 203-206, 208, 211, 213, 229.
Bukófski, Adam, Siberian mining proprietor, II. 17. 63.
Bulubásh, Gov., I. 336.
Búnge, Dr., I. 61.
Bureau of Exile Administration, establishment of, I. 77.
Buriát shrines, II. 99.
Burkháns, II. 88-94; dance of, 92-94.
Burléi, ——, administration at Kará, II. 260.
Bútin, Mr., II. 17; house at Nérchinsk, 323, 324.
Butsínski, ——, political exile, immured for life at Schlusselburg, II. 237
Cabinet mines, II. 286.
Cable, George W., on convict systems, I. 100, 102, II. 536.
Camels in Siberia, I. 103, 157, 158, 161, 162, II. 298, 418.
Capital punishment, I. 74, 76.
Caspian Sea, I. 13, 15.
Castiúrin, Victor, political exile, II. 193.
Catherine the Second, I. 65; exile system under, 76, 248.
Catherine's Alley, I. 65.
Cattle-plague, II. 415, 416.
Caucasians, defensive measures against, I. 145.
Caucasus, bureaucratic methods in, II. 471.
Censor, censorship. See Press and names of publications, authors, etc.
Central Asia, commerce of, I. 16; frontier of, 58.
Century Magazine, the, I. iv, vi, 1, II. 176, 267, 270, 271, 428, 447, 510, 512-516, 523, 536.
Chaikóftsi, the, II. 501.
Charúshin, Mr., political exile, II. 118, 209, 210, 216, 324, 325, 450.
Cheddo-Ferotti, Russian author, II. 505.
Cheremkhófski, prison at, II. 527.
Cherévin, Gen., at head of revisory commission, I. 272.
Chernaief, Gov., II. 252, 253.
Cherniávski, Iván, political exile, II. 25.
Cherniávski, Mrs., distressing case of, II. 25-28.
Chernishéfski, Russian author and political exile, II. 249-251, 494; attempts to rescue, 251-253.
Chernoyárskaya, solving a mystery at, I. 152.
Cherómka, our stop at, II. 355.
Chinese dinner, a, II. 105, 112-116.
Chíta, arrival at, II. 128; the town and its inhabitants, 128-130; care of lunatics at, 228; Madam Kutitónskaya's attempt to assassinate Gov. Ilyashévich at, 241; departure from Nérchinsk for, 325; return to, 329; political exiles at, 330, 336-339, 342; a mysterious nocturnal adventure in, 339-341; difficulty about secreting my papers, 341, 342; farewell to exiles at, 342, 343: prison at, II. 541, 546.
Chúdi, prehistoric people of Siberia, II. 398.
Chudnófski, Solomon, political exile, I. 322-324, 345, II. 436, 449, 450, 494.
Chúiski Alps, I. 188, 200, 201.
Civil rights, forfeiture of, I. 79, 82.
Climate on Káma River, I. 24; of Siberia, I. 57-64, 103, 105, 145, 157, 158, 190, 191, 193, 201, II. 65, 71, 72, 298.
Coal Creek, Tenn., prison system at, I. 100, 101.
Coal mines, I. 35.
Cold, Asiatic pole of, I. 60, 61.
Colonization, forced, I. 75, 259, 260, 346, II. 57, 58, 458-470, 546, 548, 552.
Color, Russian love for, I. 20, 21, 23, 189, 198, 209-211, 353, II. 75, 80, 82, 86, 94, 99.
Communal exile, I. 79, 80, II. 546; proposed reforms in, 469, 470.
Communes, land tenure of, I. 66.
Conscription, evasion of laws, II. 221.
Convict barges, I. 110-119, 294, 296-301, II. 520, 523.
"Convict Lease System in the Southern States," II. 536.
Convict's Head, the political exiles' burial-ground, II. 212.
Convicts. See Exiles.
Convoy commands, I. 369, 370.
Copper mines, I. 35, 281.
"Coriolanus," objections to performance in Russia, II. 489.
Correspondence, supervision of, II. 54, 55, 121, 341.
Cossack Messenger, II. 492.
Cossack troops, I. 197; methods of breaking up street meetings, II. 45, 46; guards for prisoners, 140.
Cossack villages, I. 144, 145, 155, 188, 195-197, 206, 207, 227.
Costelloe, B. F. C, author, II. 431.
Costume, Russian, I. 13, 14, 21, 23, 189, 209-211, II. 75, 80, 82, 80, 94, 99.
Cracow, trial of socialists at, I. 258.
Cuckoo, effect of notes of, on exiles, II. 153-155.
Dagmár, Crown Princess, interest in Véimar's case, II. 203, 204.
Dálgúshkas, II. 102.
Danenhower, Lieut., survivor of the Jeannette, II. 105.
Daúrski silver mines, I. 76.
Debagóri-Mokriévich, Vladímir, Russian revolutionist, II. 184.
Decapitation, I. 74.
Decembrists, the, II. 208, 280, 288
Deer farm, a Siberian, I. 208, 209.
De Long, Lieut., Siberian experiences of, I. 103.
Demídof, Capt., commandant at Górni Zerentúi, II. 312, 315.
Denmark, prison death-rate compared with that of Tiumén, I. 98; sick- and death-rates of prisons in, II. 533.
Desertion, how punished, I. 75.
"Destiny of Capital in Russia," II. 212.
Devil's Sand Box, the, I. 158.
Dieheskúla, Madam, I. 180-182, 184, II. 54.
Dicheskúlo, ——, political offender, II. 234.
Diélo, Russian magazine, I. 243, 244, 324, II. 488, 493.
Dikófski, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 232.
Dmítri, Crown Prince, assassination of, II. 421.
Dmokhófski, Leo, political exile, speech of Muíshkin over dead body of, II. 256, 257.
Dnéiper, II. 489.
Dobroslávin, Prof., investigation into sanitary condition of prison at Kharkóf, II. 256.
Documents, difficulty of secreting, II. 341, 342; mailing precious papers to St. Petersburg, II. 413-415.
Dólgopólof, Nifónt, political exile, II. 45-51, 449.
Dolgopólova, Madam, II. 530.
Dolgúshintsi, the, II. 501.
Domestication, I. 337.
Dóndukof-Korsákof, Prince, governor of the Caucasus, II. 471.
Donskói Gólos, II. 486, 487.
Donskói Pehéla, II. 485.
Dontremember family, I. 293, 373, 374.
Dórpat Gazette, II. 490.
Dostoyéfski, Fedor, Russian novelist and exile, I. 142, 143, 268, II. 275, 476, 494.
Dream, a remarkable, II. 361-365.
Drosbá, II. 490.
Druggists, restrictions on, I. 264.
Dubróf, ——, missionary in Siberia, II. 376.
Dubróva, Madam, political exile, II. 374-378.
Dubróvins, the, II. 501.
"Dungeon conditions," II. 232, 235, 239, 264.
Dúrnovo, Mr., Assistant Minister of Interior, interview of Col. Kononóvich with, II. 217, 218, 260.
Eastern Review, I. 332, 333, II. 53, 317, 374, 462-464, 470, 488, 490, 493, 517. See also Vostóchnoe Obozrénie.
Eastern Siberia, transportation of convicts to, I. 110-119; extent of, 265; hardships of exile to, 275; division of, into governor-generalships, II. 263; exile of Poles to, 280; prisons of, 537; étapes of, 544; government buildings in, 545. See also Siberia.
Eckhardt, Dr. Julius, Russian author, II. 431, 436.
Ekaterínburg, arrival at, I. 34; the town of, 35 39; wealth of, 35, 36; exposition in, 36; discovery of mines of, 76; prison at, 540, 541.
Ékho, II. 485, 487, 489.
Elephant, sacred white, II. 90-92.
"Emigration to Siberia," II. 449.
Empress of Russia, interest in Véimar's case, II. 203, 204.
England, prison death-rate in, I. 98.
Éólos, II. 537.
Erman, Adolph, "Travels in Siberia," II. 89, 96.
Étapes, I. 77, 251, 364-366, 369-409, II. 6, 16, 26, 117, 120, 127, 128, 177, 547.
Europe, boundary between Asia and, I. 34, 35.
European Messenger, II. 212, 493.
Exile, communal, I. 79, 80, II. 469, 470, 546; by administrative process, I. 80, 81, 171, 172, 177, 242-277, II. 29-59; political, statistics of, I. 81; causes deemed sufficient for, 242-250, 254, 255, 257-259, 261-270, 273-276; rules relating to, II. 508, 509.
"Exile in Russia in the Seventeenth Century." I. 76.
Exiles, tribute to, I. x; scenes around the boundary post, 52-54; early transportation of, 76, 77; records of, 78; classification of, 79; deprivation of civil rights, 79, 82; routes traversed by, 83; food of, 90, II. 151, 232; embarkation of, for Tomsk, I. 110-119; statistics of transportation between Tiumén and Tomsk, 111, 112; ethnological differences among, 114; posing for pictures, 119; sympathy between Russian officials and political, 168; first meeting with political, 168-187; government support for, 172, II. 38, 39; my prejudices against political, I. 173, 174; my impressions changed, 176; literature among, 160, 178, 184-186, 236, 330, 331, 334, 335, II. 30, 106, 107, 179, 180; descriptions of some, I. 180, 181; girls among, 182, 183; summer recreations of, 182, 183; familiarity with American history and institutions, 185, 186; political, in Ulbínsk, 232-237; visit to, in Ust Kámenogórsk, 240; orders directed against, 265; dangers of interviewing politicals, 278; landing of party from Tiumén at Tomsk, 288-296; patience under sufferings, 346, 347; distinction between horses and, in Eastern Siberia, 355, 356; deportation by étape, 369-409; dress of, 290, 370, II. 13, 14, 160, 511, 512, 527, 528-533; privileged classes among, I. 370; separation of sexes in marching parties, 370, II. 547; family parties, I. 370, 371; inspection of fetters, 372, II. 368-370; departure of a marching party from Tomsk, I. 371-378; on the march, 378-387, 389; commissariat, 385, 386; secret communications among, 389, 390; the artél, 390-395; exchange of names among, 290, 291, 394-396, II. 547; begging-song of, I. 400, 401, II. 358; death-rate among, I. 407; escapes of, 407-409, II. 153-156: government provision for food and clothing, 13-15; Capt. Makófski's opinions of politicals, 17-20; transfer of administratives to Yakútsk, 18-25,27; increased severity towards politicals, 24, 25; "Bill of Rights" of, 34-36; surveillance of women among, 53, 54; supervision of correspondence of, 54, 55, 121; status of administrative, 55-59; return of politicals, 120; colony in Chíta, 128-130; free commands, 152, 153, 156, 164, 166-190, 208, 227, 229, 260; immorality among, 152; difficulties of meeting with, at Kará, 166-173, 181-183; an official's views of the lives of politicals, 178; money received by, 179, 180; searching a political, 180, 181; risks of carrying letters for, 194, 195, 198-200; politicals sent to Kará, 206-222; abolition of free command at Kará, 208, 227, 229; hardships of politicals at Kará, 223 et seq.; care of lunatics among, 228; attempts to escape, 229-232; reduction to "dungeon conditions," 232, 235; hunger-strikes among, 216, 238-240, 264-266, 338; officials' opinions about, 244, 245; stringent orders about politicals, 261; servitude in Nérchinsk silver mines, 280; meeting with a party on the march, 357-359; the maidánschik among, 358, 359; departure of marching party from Krasnoyársk, 368-370; winter marches of, 370-372; visits to politicals at Minnsínsk, 407, 410-412, 415; character of politicals, 430-456; division into classes, 436-439; cost of transportation, 465, 466; reforming-class, 548.
"Exile Statutes," I. 254.
Exile system, incitements to study of, I. iii; difficulty of investigating, v; criticism of author's articles on, vi, viii; sources of authority on, viii, x, II. 475-483; origin of, I. 74-77; early horrors of, 76, 77; remedial measures, 77; statistics of, 78-82; workings of, 242-277; opinions of Siberian officers of, 308-310; the tragedies of, as seen in Tomsk, 348, 349; my change of views on, 349, 350; horrors of, 397-409; discussion and study of, with Capt. Makófski, II. 6-11, 13-15, 17-19; Gov.-gen. Ignátief's views on, 16; Capt. Nikólin's opinions of, 177-182; Col. Nóvikof's opinions of, 331-334; evils and projected reforms, 457-471; disorganization of, 547.
Extraordinary safeguard, II. 507.
Fair, at Nízhni Nóvgorod, I. 6-9; at Irbít, 104.
Families, separation of, I. 82, 83.
"Fathers and Children," II. 433.
Fauna of Siberia, I. 150, 217, 227, II. 63, 64.
Fedchénko, Madam, sister of Miss Armfeldt, II. 183, 184.
Ferries in Siberia, I. 162, 284, 285, 362, 368, II. 98, 132-134.
Figuer, Véra, Russian terrorist, II. 433.
Finland, petition for freedom of press from parliament of, II. 489.
Finno-Ugrian language, II. 393.
Finsch, ——, explorations in the Altái, I. 188.
Fire department, in Siberian villages, I. 69, 70; at Irkútsk, II. 11-13.
Flogging, in early times, I. 74, 75; of Dostoyéfski, 143; at East Siberian mines, 374; of Madam Sigída, II. 216, 266, 267, 269-272; threats of, at Lower Diggings, 237, 238; practical disuse of, for politicals, 262; restoration of its use, 262; applied to women, 262, 266, 267, 270-272; of servant-girl at Kará, 333.
Flora of eastern Russia, I. 23, 24, 32, 33, 43, 44; of Siberia, 62-65, 68, 70, 71, 136-138, 145, 149, 150, 155, 188, 193-195, 202, 205, 206, 213, 217, 218, 227, 232, 279, 283, 351, 352, II. 63, 72.
Flowers, love of, in Siberia, I. 68, 69.
Foinítski, Prof. I., Russian author, II. 465-467.
Fomíchef, , political exile, II. 207.
Fomin, Mr., warden of Alexandrófski Zavód prison, II. 285, 286.
Forced colonization. See Colonization.
Forests, zone of, I. 61.
"Former Resident in Russia, A," II. 441.
Formic acid, strength of, I. 202, 203.
Fortune-telling, how puuished, I. 75.
Forum, the, II. 450.
France, sick- and death-rates of prisons in, I. 98, II. 534.
Frank, Rosa, political exile, II. 25.
Free command. See Exiles.
Free Russia, English newspaper, I. 344.
Freight wagons, I. 49-51.
Friends of Russian Freedom, I. 344.
Frisch, Commissioner, II. 374.
Frost, eternal, I. 58-61.
Frost, George A., breakdown of, II. 420, 422; dangerous illness of, 428.
Fruits of Siberia, I. 217, 218.
Full Collection of Russian Laws, I. 74-76.
Fumigation, II. 416.
Gálkine Wrásskoy, chief of prison administration, I. 390, 406, 407, II. 231, 234, 526, 533, 536-538; report on lazarets, I. 406, 407; part in the pogróm of May 11, II. 232, 235; harsh orders of, 261, 262; advocate of prison reform, 313, 314, 467-470; visit to, 429; report on Tomsk prison, furnished to International Prison Congress, 522, 523; opinion of politicals, 450, 451.
Gambling with vermin, I. 366.
Gartield, Pres., opinions of Russian Revolutionists on assassination of, I. 180.
Gatekeepers, village, I. 50, 71, 72, 132-134.
Gatsifer, II. 493.
Gaséta, II. 489.
Gazéta Gátsuka, II. 486, 488, 489, 492.
Géllis, ——, political exile, immured for life at Schlusselburg, II. 237.
Géllis, Madam, political exile, II. 237, 336.
Gilder, W. H., Herald correspondent, II. 105.
Glaciers in Siberia, I. 213, 217, 219-222, 224-226.
Gold mines of the Ural, I. 35; of the Altái, 281; at Kará, II. 160-165, 324; in Nérchinsk, 286.
Gólos, the, I. 258, II. 59, 202, 439, 440, 484-487.
Góltsef, Prof. V. A., political exile, II. 441, 494.
Gomulétski, ——, governor of Kará prison, II. 267.
Goose Lake, determine to visit lamasery of, II. 61; departure from Irkútsk for, 63; journey to, 74-80; valley of, 78; the temple at, 85-92.
Górni Zerentúi, prison at, II. 295, 314, 542, 543; visit to mines of, 311-315; number of convicts at, 317.
Gossudar, the, name for the Tsar, II. 508, 509.
Government Messenger, II. 491.
Grand Lama of Eastern Siberia, II. 61, 62, 78-84, 86, 92, 94-97.
Grázhdanín, I. 286, II. 490, 493, 494.
Great Siberian Road, the, I. 49, 120, 121, 351-368, II. 355.
Greek Church, ceremonies of, I. 126-130, II. 273, 277.
Gross, Séiverin, political exile, I. 232, 234; an awkward meeting for, 239; introduces us to exiles in Ust Kamenogórsk, 240.
Grot, Commissioner, II. 374, 539.
Gubérnia, meaning of the term, I. 140.
Gubérnski prison at Tomsk, II. 510-515.
Gúdenof, Bóris, Tsar, II. 421.
Gudím, Capt., nachálnik of Tomsk convoy command, I. 371, 373, 374, 376, 378, 380.
Gúrvich, Dr., refuses to sanction flogging of Madam Sigída, II. 266, 267; attends would-be suicides, 267.
Gusínnoi Ózera. See Goose Lake.
Guslá, II. 485.
Hamilton, Mrs., II. 105.
Hanging, I. 74.
Harber, Lieut., I. 368.
Harper's Magazine, I. 297.
Health, II. 490.
Hermanof, Dr., physician at Tomsk, II. 521.
"History of Russian Consciousness," objectionable article, II. 493.
Horse, a handcuffed, I. 354.
Horse express service, I. 47, 122-124.
Horses, how shod in Siberia, I. 362, 363.
Áchinsk, II. 524-526, 541.
Alexándrofsk, II. 349, 350, 541.
Alexandrófski Zavód, II. 285.
Algachí, II. 292, 293.
Balagánsk, II. 526, 540, 541.
Chíta, II. 541.
Ekaterínburg, II. 540, 541.
Irbít, II. 541.
Irkútsk (city), II. 8, 9, 528, 541.
Kamishlóva, II. 540.
Kansk, II. 540.
Kará, I. 148, 149, II. 541.
Khabarófka, II. 541.
Kirinsk, II. 531.
Koliván, II. 541.
Krasnoyársk, II. 366, 532, 541.
Kuznétsk, II. 540.
Marínsk, II. 540, 541.
Minusínsk, II. 540.
Nérchinsk. II. 532, 541.
Pavlodár, II. 541.
Perm, II. 533, 541.
Saghalín, II. 549.
Tára, II. 540.
Tiukalínsk, II. 540.
Tiumén, I. 90, 91, II. 541.
Tobólsk, II. 534, 540.
Tomsk (city), I. 310, 318-320, II. 511, 519, 534, 535, 540, 541.
Turínsk, II. 540.
Vérkhni Údinsk, II. 541.
Yakútsk, II. 541.
Yeniseisk, II. 536.
Hoúrwitch, ——, political exile, II. 449.
House of Preliminary Detention, II. 429.
Hue, M., "Journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China," II. 89.
Humboldt, Baron von, experiences in Russia, I. 31.
Hunger-strikes, II. 216, 238-240, 264-266, 338.
Identification papers, I. 290.
Iguátief, Countess, II. 14-16.
Ignátief, Gov.-gen., I. 339, II. 60; action towards a road contractor, I. 357; inspection of Irkútsk prisons by, II. 13-15; views on exile system, 16; protest from, against exile system, 465; advocate of prison reform, 467.
Ignátof, Mr., I. 83, 87, 94, 111.
Ikón, journey of a miracle-working, I. 126-130.
Ílinskaya, post-station of, II. 68-71.
Ilyashévich, Gen., governor of Trans-Baikál, II. 220, 231, 232, 235; brutality of, 233; the shooting of, 240, 241, 336; asks commutation of sentence for Madam Kutitónskaya, 243.
Ílyin, Mr., isprávnik of Tiukalínsk, treatment of Dr. Dólgopólof, II. 46-51.
Impalement, I. 74.
Imperial Academy of Sciences, II. 391.
Imperial Geographical Society, Memoirs of, I. 75; West Siberian branch, I. 142, 176.
Imperial Russian Post, the, I. 122-124.
Incendiarism to cover crime, II. 173.
Index expurgatorius, I. 160, II. 489.
Indian question compared with Russian penal system, I. vii.
Indians, resemblance of Káchinski Tatárs to, II. 400.
Indigírka River, I. 265, 266.
Ingodá River, II. 131.
Interior, Minister of the, letter from, I. v, 2, 30, II. 400; treatment of authors by, I. viii; power of, 80, 270, II. 508; diligence of, I. 121; amends rules of police surveillance, 273; criticisms on, II. 23; secret letters of, 31; harshness of, 206, 208.
International Prison Congress at Stockholm, II. 374; at St. Petersburg, 523; at London, 528, 533, 534.
Inter Ocean, II. 451.
"Investigation of Percentages of Siberian Exiles," I. 75, 255.
Irbit, commercial fair at, 1. 104, II. 418-420; prison at, 541.
Irkútsk (city), manufactories in, 1.76; exile bureau in, 78; expulsion of Volkhófski from, 339; arrival at, 367, 368, II. 1; description of, 1-3; trade of, 1-3; great fire in, 1, 2; fire department at, 11-13; prisons at, 6-11, 13-15, 27, 368, 528, 538, 541, 542, 544; few political exiles in, 19; hunger-strike at, 338; our return to, 343.
Irkútsk (province), runaway convicts in, II. 462; crime in, 463; prisons of, 528, 538, 540; étapes in, 544.
Iron mines, I. 35, 36.
Írtish River, I. 229, 237: exile route on the, 83; route to Eastern Siberia, 120; travel along the bank of, 144; Cossack settlements on, 144, 145; villages on, 155; ferry at Semipalátinsk, 162; valley of, 188, 190-193.
Ishím, Humboldt's experiences at, I. 31; arrival at, 126; the ikón of, 127-130; political exiles in, II. 31, 32; Dr. Dólgopólof's removal to, 50; emigration from, 460; protest from, against exile system, 461, 464; crime in, 464; prison at, 529; étapes at, 530, 541.
Ishútin, ——, political offender, II. 442.
Ishútinof, ——, political exile, death of, II. 259.
Ivánchin-Písaref, Mr., political exile, II. 407, 410, 412, 494.
Ivanénko, Mr., warden of Tomsk forwarding prison, I. 312, 319.
Ivanof, Leo, political exile, II. 52; escape of, 553.
Izbítski, ——, attempt to escape, II. 26.
Jeannette, the survivors of, I. 103, 135, 136, 250, 251, II. 105; gifts sent to rescuers of survivors of, 17; party of succor to survivors, 120.
Jews, I. 76, 259; banishment to Yakútsk, II. 25; regulations relating to, 490.
Jingistái, arrival at, I. 205.
Journal de St. Petersbourg, II. 269, 270, 537.
Journal of Civil and Criminal Law, II. 467, 508.
"Journey of Privy-councilor Gálkine Wrásskoy through Siberia," II. 538.
"Journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China," II. 89.
"Julius Cæsar," objections to performance in Russia, II. 489.
Juridical Messenger, I. 277, II. 30, 53.
Káchinski Steppe, the, II. 400.
Káchinski, Tatár tribe, II. 394, 395, 397-400.
Kadaínski mine, number of convicts at, II. 317.
Kadáiya, visit to mine of, II. 307-311.
Káinsk, prison at, II. 538.
Kalageórgi, Major, II. 553.
Kahúzhnaya, Miss Marie, political exile, II. 266, 267; suicide of, 267.
Kalúzhni, Iván, political exile, suicide of, II. 268.
Káma River, I. 5, 15, 16, 22-24, 83.
Kámenski Bros.' steamers, I. 15.
Kainishétskaya, blacksmith's shop in, I. 362, 363.
Kamishlóva, sympathy of villagers for political exiles, I. 181; 182; prison at, II. 540.
Kanoválof, Mr., political exile, I. 240.
Kansk, prison at, II. 538, 540.
Kará, prisons at, I. vii, 253, 254, II. 138-140, 142-151, 156-160, 206, 223-277, 331-334, 530, 541, 546, 548, 549, 551; nihilists of, blamed for administrative exile, I. 253, 254; convicts from mines of, II. 119-122; start from Chíta for mines, 130; road to, 131; our ride to, 135-137, 140; the mines of, 138-140, 143-145, 148, 151, 160-165; the free command, 152, 153, 156, 164, 166-190, 208, 227, 229, 260; rations at, 159, 160; clothing, 160; cost of maintenance at, 160; items of history of penal settlement at, 206-222; attempts to escape at, 229-232, 548; the pogróm of May 11, 233, 241; flogging a woman to death at, 262, 266, 267, 269-272; effect of redivision of Eastern Siberia, 263; difficulty of communication with politicals at, 273; increased hardships of politicals, 273-275; our departure from, 275; Col. Nóvikof's opinions of prison system, 331-334; flogging of a servant-girl at, 333; brutality of Cossacks at, 530.
Kará River, II. 131, 137, 138, 143-145, 151, 153, 160.
Kardashóf, Mr., political exile, II. 119.
Karélin, Apollo, political exile, I. 232, 233, 237, II. 39.
"Karónin," pen-name of Petropávlovski, I. 142.
Kartainíshef, Mr., Siberian editor, II. 492, 517.
Katkóff, M., I. 3, 5; attack on, by Gasetn Gátsuka, II. 486.
Katún River, I. 200, 213, 217, 219-222, 224-226.
Katúnski Alps, I. 188, 200, 201, 206, 208, 218-221.
Katúnski Pillars, I. 219, 221.
Kavaléfskaya, Márya Pávlovna, political exile, II. 212-216, 447; insanity of, 214-216, 259; participator in hunger-strike, 216, 266; suicide of, 216, 267.
Kavaléfski, Prof., political exile, II. 212-214.
Kaválskaya, Elizabeth, brutal treatment of, II. 258, 263, 265, 267; participator in hunger-strike at Irkútsk, 338.
Kazán, Tatárs of, I. 10; krémlin of, 10, 19; arrival at, 19; architecture of, 20; exile bureau in, 78; visit to, II. 428; protest from, against Siberian exile, 458; censorship of press in, 491.
Kaznakóf, Gov.-gen., protest from, against exile system, II. 465.
Khabarófka, prison at, II. 541, 542.
Khanúef Munkú, chief of police at Selengínsk, II. 74-82, 84, 88, 92, 94, 97.
Khaltúrin, Major, brutality of, II. 235-239; administration at Kará, 260.
Khambá Lamá, the. See Grand Lama.
Kharkóf, disturbance among students in, II. 45, 46; prison of, 206, 254, 255, 338.
Khersón, robbery from treasury of, II. 375-377.
Khoróshkin, Gen., governor of Trans-Baikál, II. 264.
Khrenófski, Stánislaus, political exile, II. 261.
Kiákhta, determine to visit, II. 61, 62; journey to, 63-78, 98-101; town of, 101-105, 107, 108; commerce of, 104.
Kibítkas, description of Kirghis, I. 146-148.
Kiev, University of, banishment of students, I. 261-263; killing of Beverly at, II. 26.
Kírghis, defensive measures against, I. 145; first meeting with, 145-149 ; cemetery, 150, 151; wrestling, 164-167; anthropological researches among, 176; pursuit of learning among, 184; shopping among the, 197, 198; dress of, 198; greetings among, 199; visits to, 200; summer encampments of, 211, 212; horses, 211, 213, 217, 222, 223; use of camels by, II. 418, 419.
Kírghis of the Wild Rocks, I. 217.
Kírinsk, prison at, II. 530.
Kistiakófski, Prof., remarks on punishment on suspicion, I. 274.
Klembótski, Mr., quarters with, II. 102, 117.
Klementóvich, ——, hotel-proprietor in Nérchinsk, II. 321.
Kléments, Dmítri, political exile, II. 395, 404, 407, 412, 436, 449, 450, 494.
Knut, use of the, I. 74, 75; abolition of, II. 239.
Kobyliánski, ——, political exile, brutal treatment of, II. 233; immured for life at Schlusselburg, 237.
Kohan-Bérnstein, ——, political exile, II. 450.
Kókchetav, political exiles in, II. 31.
Kokóftsef, Mr., assistant chief of prison department, II. 234, 374; on prison reform, 314.
Kolénkina, Madam, political exile, II. 188, 189, 193.
Koliván, prison at, II. 541.
Koliván, Lake, I. 283.
Kolmakóf, Mr., hospitality of, I. 124, 125.
Kolpakófski, Gov.-gen., harshness towards political exiles, II. 40-42.
Kolymá, River, I. 266.
Kouonóvich, Col., humanity to exiles, II. 206-210, 216, 219, 220, 222; resignation of, 206, 216-220; appointed to command of Saghalín, 221; administration of, at Kará, 259, 260.
Kopún, hardships at, II. 281.
Koran, expurgated by order of censor, II. 493.
Korbá, Anna Pávlovna, political exile, II. 215-249, 450.
Korbá, Victor, husband of Madam Anna Korbá, II. 245, 246.
Korf, Gov.-gen. of the Amúr, II. 61; treatment of Madam Kaválskaya, 263; orders Madam Sigída to be flogged, 266, 267; protest from, against exile system, 465; advocate of prison reform, 467.
Korolénko, Vladímir, political exile, I. 245, 246, 265, 271, II. 20, 21, 24, 436, 441, 450, 494.
Koválski, Iván M., political exile, II. 447.
Koválskis, the, II. 501.
Kozéllo, Adjt., II. 544.
Kozúlskaya, étape, II. 543.
Kraiéfski, ——, Russian editor, II. 440.
Krásin, Bóris, isprávnik of Tiumén, I. 83.
Krasnoyársk, exile bureau in, I. 78; prison of, 263, II. 366-370, 523, 531, 532, 537, 538, 541, 542, 544, 553; arrival in, I. 357; our return to, II. 365; hospital at, 366; departure of marching party of convicts from, 368-370; risks of police interference in, 379-383; departure from, for Minusínsk, II. 383.
Krasófski, Gov., I. 308.
Krémlin, meaning of the word, I. 10.
Krivoshéin, ——, political exile, death of, II. 259.
Kropótkin, orthography of name, ix.
Kropótkin, Prince Alexander, my first impressions of, I. iv; political exile, 325-333, 385, 449, 450, II. 494; suicide of, 332, 333.
Kropótkin, Prince Pierre, I. 327, 331, 332, 335, II. 494.
Krúshchef, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 230-232.
Krutaya, village of, I. 133-136.
Kryzhanófski, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 232.
Kukúshka, Gen., II. 153-155.
"Kulaks," II. 499.
Kúmis, my first drink of Kírghis, I. 148.
Kurbátof & Ignátof, contractors for convict transportation, I. 111.
Kurgán, political exiles in, II. 31; emigration from, 460; protest from, exile system, 461, 464.
Kuriér, II. 486.
Kursk Leaflet, II. 493.
Kurteíef, ——, political exile, II. 188, 189.
Kuskúnskaya, my dream at, II. 361-365.
Kusnétsk, prison at, II. 540.
Kutitónskaya, Maria, political exile, II. 216; attempts assassination of Gen. Ilyashévich, 240, 241, 336; imprisonment, sentence, and death of, 241-243, 259; motives of, 244, 245; participator in hunger-strike at Irkútsk, 338.
Kutomárski Zavód, smelting works at, II. 308; mine at, 314, 315.
Kúzin, Sergéi, political exile, II. 261.
Kuznétsk, prison at, II. 540.
Kuznetsóf, ——, political exile, II. 324.
Kuznetsóf, Innokénti, hospitality of, II. 366; supporter of Minusínsk museum, II. 395.
Kuznetsóf, L. P., hospitality of, I. 357-361.
Kviatkóvski, ——, political exile, II. 210.
Laks, Gov., I. 336.
Lamaism, II. 61, 86-94.
Land tenure, I. 66.
Lansdell, Rev. Henry, book of, supposed to be truthful, I. iv; arrest of, 31; statements about convict barges, 297, 298; account of exile system, 303; books distributed by, II. 348; inspection of Tomsk prison, 513.
Last words, II. 445.
"Last Words over the Coffin of Alexander the Second," II. 255.
Lázaref, Egór, political exile, I. 268-270, II. 336, 450.
Lazarets. See Hospitals, Prisons, and their respective names.
Lead mines, I. 281, II. 279, 304.
Leaflet, the Saratóf, II. 493.
Leántief, Blok, political exile, I. 176-178, 183-186, II. 449, 450.
Léna River, I. 58, 60, 266, II. 253, 543.
Leroy-Beaulieu, M., II. 505.
Léschern, Madam, political exile, attempted suicide of, II. 236, 240.
Lesévich, ——, political exile, II. 449, 494.
Letters, supervision of exiles'. See Correspondence.
Levchénko, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 232.
Liberals, the, class of political exiles, II. 436, 437, 440, 442.
Life, II. 490.
Linóf, M., political exile, II. 20, 24.
Liquor traffic, the, in Siberia, I. 352, 353.
Liskovo, I. 16.
Lisófskaya, Madam, political exile, death of, II. 259.
Lisogúbs, the, II. 501.
Lisogórski, Gov., I. 271, II. 48-51.
Listók, the St. Petersburg, II. 488.
Lístvinichnaya, village of, II. 65-67.
Litkin, Mr., mayor of Minusínsk, II. 397.
Litófski Zámok, prison, II. 429.
"Little Russian Marseillaise," II. 337.
Liústig, Ferdinand, political exile, II. 9-11.
Livandófskaya, sisters, political exiles, I. 259-261.
Lobonófski, Mr., political exile, I. 173-176, 178-182, II. 54, 450.
Lokhvítski, ——, Russian author, II. 466.
Lombroso, Prof., anthropological study of Russian terrorists, II. 454, 455.
Lómi, stop at, II. 136.
Lopátin, ——, Russian political exile, II. 436.
Loris-Mélikof, administration of, I. 246, 258, 272, II. 21, 208, 210, 325; attempt to assassinate, 444; biographical sketch of, cited, 452; address of Moscow liberals to, 484.
Louisiana, convict death-rate in, I. 100.
Lower Diggings, penal settlement at Kará, II. 138-144; erection of new prison at, 223; administration of prison under Major Pótulof, 225-236; political prisoners brought back to, 237; brutality at, 237-240; hunger-strike at, 238-240. See also Kará.
Lunatics, care of, II. 228, 285.
Lúnin, ——, political exile, II. 288.
Lúshnikof, Mr., II. 102; hospitality of, 104, 105, 112-116.
M——, C——, flogging of Madam Sigída defended by, II. 271, 272.
Máchtet, Gregórie, political exile, II. 50, 436, 441, 450, 494.
Máchtet, Heléne, political exile, II. 450.
Macmillan's Magazine, II. 431.
Magazines, warned, suspended, suppressed, quoted, etc. See their names, and Press, Censorship of the.
Maidán, the, I. 390.
Maidánshchik, the, II. 358, 359.
Maidánski, ——, crime of, I. 259.
Máidera, image of, II. 90.
Maiéfski, Capt., hospitality of, I. 200-205, 228, 229.
Maimáchin, town of, II. 61, 101, 102, 104, 105, 107-112, 114, 116.
Makaréfski, Alexéi, political exile, II. 25.
Makárovo, a wakeful night at, II. 283, 284.
Makófski, C. F., chief of police at Irkútsk, II. 3, 4, 6-11, 13-15, 17-19, 350.
Makovétski, Mr., visit to, I. 176.
Maláfski, ——, political exile, escape of, II. 553.
Malaksiánof, ——, father of Madam Hope Sigída, II. 268.
Malávski, ——, political exile, immured for life at Schlusselburg, II. 237.
Malíuin, Dr., II. 397, 415.
Mámin, Sibiriák, political exile, II. 450, 494.
Mammoth, discovery of a supposed, II. 114.
Manáief, ——, administration at Kara, II. 260; banishment of, 260.
Manganese mines, I. 35.
Marínsk, crime in, II. 463, 464; prison at, 538, 540, 541.
Márkova, I. 50.
Martiánof, N. M., Siberian naturalist, I. 327; II. 388-394, 397, 402, 404, 405, 415.
Martínof, Dr. Serge V., political exile, II. 407-412.
Martínof, Mrs., brutality of police to, II. 410-412.
Masiúkof, Lieut.-col., in command of political prisons at Kará, II. 264-266.
Máslof, ——, political exile, escape of, from Minusínsk, II. 401, 402.
"Materials for the Study of the Legal Customs of the Kírghis," II. 449.
Matvéivich, ——, political exile, insanity of, II. 259.
Maxímof, S., Russian author, I. 77, 255, 384, II. 148, 158, 159, 280.
Meísner, Iván, political exile, II. 261; flogging of, II. 262.
Melville, Lieut., survivor of the Jeannette, II. 105.
"Memorandum Book of the Province of Tobólsk," II. 461.
Memphis Daily Commercial, II. 535.
Mengart, Paul, father of Madam Korbá, II. 245.
Meshchérski, Prince, opposition to Tomsk University, I. 286.
Messenger of the Will of the People, II. 30, 184.
Mézzentsef, Gen., plot to assassinate, II. 188.
Middle Kará, transfer of prisoners from political prison of Lower Diggings to, 233-235; solitary-confinement cells at, II. 332. See also Kará.
Mikháiel, our guide in the Altai, I. 209, 211.
Mikhaiélis, ——, political exile, II. 436, 449.
Mikháilofski, N. K, political exile, II. 436, 440-442, 494.
Milinchúk, Mr., political exile, I. 240.
Miller, Prof. Orest, prohibited from public speaking, II. 440.
Minakóf, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 232.
Mines, permission to inspect, I. v; development of, in Siberia, 76. See also their respective names.
Minister of the Interior. See Interior, Minister of.
Minusínsk, place of exile of Prince A. Kropótkin, I. 327-330; museum at, 327, 328. II. 386, 389-395; arrival at, 385; the town of, 386 et seq.; first skirmish with police in, 405-407; mailing precious papers from, 413-415; leave for Tomsk, 415; prison at, 540.
Minúta, II. 489, 492, 493.
Mirskói Tolk, II. 488.
Mississippi, River, compared with the Vólga, I. 14, 15.
Mississippi, State, convict death-rate in, I. 100, II. 535.
"Modern Russia," II. 431, 436.
Mongolia, frontier of, I. 58.
Moody and Sankey hymns forbidden in Russia, II. 492.
Mordóftsef, ——, Russian author, objectionable work by, II. 494.
Morénis, Fanny, political exile, II. 336.
Moscow, preliminary excursion to, I. iv; arrival at, 5; krémlin of, 10; visit to, II. 428; liberals in, 441.
Moscow Gazette, I. 3, 5, II. 486, 489, 493.
Moscow Telegraph, II. 484-486.
Mosquitos, I. 70, 71, 139, 362.
Muíshkin, Hypolyte, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 230-232; career of, 249, 251-258; execution of, 258.
Múkhinskoe, post-station of, II. 72.
Muravióf, Gen., "the hangman," II. 174.
Múromtsef, Prof. S. A., expelled from Moscow University, II. 440.
Murray, Grenville, sensational pictures of convict life, II. 307.
Mutilation, I. 74, 75.
Muzikálni Mir, II. 489.
N——, Iván, political exile, I. 262, 263.
Nabliudátel, II. 486, 490.
Naked command, the, II. 332.
Names, exchanging, among convicts, I. 290, 291, 394-396, II. 547.
Nashville Weekly Banner, I. 101.
Nature, I. 61.
Necháief, ——, political offender, II. 435, 442.
Nediélia, II. 488, 489.
Nekrasof, ——, Russian poet, II. 256, 505.
Némerof, ——, hospitality of, II. 330, 331; police inspection of letter from, 341.
Nérchinsk, silver mines of, I. 76, II. 278-318; corruption at, 220, 221; town of, 320-325; prison at, 532, 533, 541, 542, 546.
Nérchinski Zavód, founding of, II. 279; visit to, 319.
Nésterof, Mr., mining engineer at Algachí, II. 290, 297, 298, 301-304, 307.
Nesterófski, N. J., hospitality of, I. 39-45.
New Siberia, I. 61.
Newspapers, warned, suspended, suppressed, quoted, etc. See their names, and Press, Censorship of the.
New York, departure from, I. 1; compared with Nízhni Nóvgorod, 6; return to, II. 429.
New York Tribune, II. 254.
Nicholas, Emperor, exile during reign of, I. 255; punishment for literary men, 268; attempts to obtain constitution from, II. 129, 130.
Night-watchmen, I. 45, 152-154.
Nihilism, definitions of, II. 431.
Nihilist, the word, II. 433-436, 504-506.
Nihilists, first ideas concerning, I. iv, 171, 174; modification of my opinions, 177; facts about, 179, 186, 187; an exile's description of, 179; American ideas concerning, 186, 187; search for my ideal, 234; Capt. Makófski's opinions of, II. 17; character of, 430 et seq.
Nikífer, ——, our guide towards Kará, II. 135.
Nikítina, Sophia, political exile, I. 275; death of, II. 524.
Nikolái, our guide in the Altái, I. 209, 211.
Nikoláivsk, prison at, II. 546.
Nikólin, Capt., in charge of women's prison at Ust Kará, II. 144, 150; difficulties presented by his presence at Kara, 169-172, 174-183; proposes to search our baggage, 197; administration at Kará, 259, 260; our suspicions of, 330.
Nile, River, compared with the Vólga, I. 15.
Nineteenth Century, I. 258.
Nízhni Nóvgorod, first impressions of, I. 5, 6; aspects of the city, 6-14; commercial aspect of, 6-9, 12-14; compared with New York, 6; fair-city of, 6-15; shipping at, 8, 13, 14; old city of, 9-14; krémlin of, 10, 15; second-hand shops of, 12; Siberia's contributions to fair at, 105; visit to, II. 428.
Nízhni Tagíl, railroad station at, I. 33, 34.
Nízhni Údinsk, prison at, II. 546.
Nord, Col., messenger from Empress Dagmár to Véimar, II. 204.
North Carolina, convict death-rate in, I. 100, II. 536.
"Notes from a House of the Dead," I. 144.
Notóvich, Mr., Russian editor, imprisonment of, II. 492.
Nóvgorod Listók, II. 486.
Nóvikof, Col., opinion of Véimar's case, II. 202; opinions of political exiles, 244, 245, 442; opinion of Kará prison, 331-334; opinion of Madam Dubróva, 376, 377.
Nóvoe Vrémya, II. 269, 270, 493, 536.
Nóvosti, II. 249, 485, 487-490, 492, 493.
Nóvo Zaímskaya, sojourn at, I. 126.
Ob, River, I. 5, 285, II. 510, 515; exile route on the, I. 83; fisheries and commerce of, 105; route to Eastern Siberia, 120.
Óblast, meaning of the term, I. 140.
Obózes, I. 49.
Odéssa Listók, II. 484, 486.
Odéssa Messenger, II. 493.
Official Messenger, II. 489.
"Official Year Book," I. 323.
Officials, corruption among, II. 156.
Óka River, I. 5, 6, 9.
Ókrug, meaning of the term, I. 138.
Om River, I. 142.
Omsk, arrival at, I. 139; description of the city, 140; departure from, 144; political exiles in, II. 31; imprisonment of Dostoyéfski at, 275; return to, 418;

prison at, 538.

"On the Volga there is a Cliff," prohibited song, II. 337, 342, 444.
Onward, II. 209.
Orchids, Siberian, I. 103.
Orenburg, protest from, against Siberian exile, II. 458.
Orfánof, M. I., Russian author, I. 374, 384, II. 124, 125, 158, 159, 529, 535, 536.
"Origin of the Wealth of the Románofs," II. 286.
Orlóf, Paul, political exile, brutal treatment of, II. 233; immured for life at Schlusselburg, 237.
Orozhánni, nomad tribe near Kará, II. 276, 277.
Orthography, Russian, I. viii, ix.
Órzhefski, Gen., chief of gendarmes, II. 429.
Órzheshkó, Dr., surgeon of Tomsk prison, I. 294, 295, 318-320, II. 519, 521.
Ossínskis, the, II. 501.
Óstrog, meaning of the term, I. 142.
Ovchínnikof, ——, punished for printing prayer-books illegally, II. 491.
Overcrowding, I. 84, 92, 96, 97, 102, 309, 310, 312-320, 383, 384, II. 16, 124, 127, 144, 147, 148, 159, 372, 514, 517-523, 543.
Padarózhnaya, functions of, I. 122.
Paivtsóf, Col., hospitality of, I. 142.
Pall Mall Gazette, II. 510, 512-515, 517, 522, 523.
Pavlodár, prison at, II. 541.
Pávlovski, Mr., introduces us to political exiles, I. 168-176, 186.
Pavóskas, II. 75, 356, 383.
Peanuts in Russia, I. 38, 39.
Pedashénko, Gen., governor of province of Yeniséisk, II. 374, 408, 409.
Penal Code, I. 74.
Pépeláief, Mr., chief of exile bureau at Tomsk, I. 296, 311, 314, 315, 317.
Perisylní prison at Tomsk, II. 513-515.
Perm (city), embark for, I. 15; arrival at, 24; our arrest at, 25-30; prison at, 25, II. 533, 541, 542; commerce of, I. 31; departure from, 32; exile bureau in, 78; a convict station, 83.
Perm (province), partly in Asia, I. 35; boundary post of the province, 51; protest from, against Siberian exile, II. 458.
Permits to reside, II. 426.
Perófskaya, ——, Russian revolutionist, II. 184.
"Personal Detention as a Police Measure," I. 254.
Petersburg Leaflet, II. 492.
Peterson, ——, political exile, meeting with, on his return to Russia, II. 359, 366, 374, 377; police surveillance of, 379, 380.
Petition, right of, ignored by Russian government, I. 259.
Petróf, Gov., II. 60, 296; description of Alexandrófski central prison, 344.
Petropávlovsk, fortress of, II. 206.
Petropávlovski, political exile, I. 142, II. 441, 450, 494.
Petrunkévich, Iván I., expelled from province of Chernígof, II. 440.
Petukhóf, Gov. Nathaniel, courtesies and information from, I. 308-310, 312, 351; an embarrassing interview with, 345, 346; humane treatment of exiles, II. 42; censor of press, 517.
Phillípova, Véra, Russian terrorist, II. 433.
Photographs, as means of identification of convicts, I. 290, 291, 397.
Photography, difficulties of, in Maimáchin, II. 110-112.
Picture, a sacred, I. 127-130.
Pictured rocks, II. 366, 384.
Picturesque Review, II. 492.
Pik, ——, political exile, I. 266.
Písaref, Dmitri, Russian nihilist, II. 494, 505.
Písaref, Dr., physician of Irkútsk, II. 17.
Plague-guard, the, II. 415, 416.
Platinum mines, I. 35.
Plet, flogging with, II. 239, 333.
Plótto, Col. von, colonel of gendarmes, II. 265.
Pokrófski, our visit to mine, II. 302-304, 307; prison at, 302, 312, 313; number of convicts at, 317.
Polar exploration, village discussion of, I. 136.
Pole of cold, Asiatic, I. 60, 61.
Poles, banishment of, I. 82; statistics of exiles to Siberia, II. 280; transportation of, to Nérchinsk silver mines, 280, 288.
Polevói, Mr., Russian editor, imprisonment of, II. 492.
Police Gazette, II. 491.
Police, power of, I. 25; our arrest at Perm by, 25-30; interception of letters by, 244; irresponsibility of, 272; stringent regulation of, in Minusínsk, 328-330; right of search, II. 35; criminals among, 52; brutality of, 52-54; an entertaining chief of, 74-82, 84, 88, 92, 94, 97; risks of interference by, 379-383; skirmish with, in Minusínsk, 405-407.
Police surveillance, I. 242, 262, 263, 269, 273, 328-330, II. 25, 29-59, 189, 205, 552-554.
Political exiles. See Exiles.
Polónski, Mr., Russian editor, offer to subscribers, II. 487.
Polu-étapes, I. 369, 370, 382, 384, 385, 387.
Pomázkin, Mr., receiver for Bútin Bros., II. 324.
Pópeko, ——, political exile, death of, II. 259.
Popko, ——, political exile, II. 207.
Popóf, S. S., Russian author, II. 8.
Popóf, ——, political exile, immured for life at Schlusselburff, II. 237.
"Popular Life in the North," II. 23.
Poriádok, II. 484, 485.
Possiót, Vice-Adm., protest from, against exile system, II. 465.
Post-travel, I. 47-50, 70-73, 122-126, 130-139, 144, 152-157, 228-232, 279-281, 351, 354-357, 361-367, II. 62, 68-73, 98-102, 118, 279-284, 307, 308, 319, 320, 325-329, 343, 344, 350-365, 383-385, 415-420.
Pótulof, Major, hospitality of, II. 140-142, 168, 170, 171, 173, 188; on prison life, 146, 150, 157, 165; hostility between Capt. Nikólin and, 169-172, 174, 175; awkward relations with, 195-200; opinion of Véimar's case, 202; administration at Kará, 225-236, 260; brutality of, 240; our farewell to, 275; Col. Nóvikof's opinion of, 331, 332, 334.
"Powers of Darkness," sale forbidden, II. 492.
Pózen, ——, political exile, insanity of, II. 228, 259, 552.
Prayer-books, punishment for illegal printing of, II. 491.
Precious stones, I. 35.
Press, censorship of the, I. viii, 36, 160,

184, 185, 244, 246, 256, 285, 334, 336, II. 484-494; a limited freedom of, 21. See also names of publications.

Preston, Harriet W., II. 431.
Priklónski, S. A., Russian author, I. 245, II. 494; opinions on exile by administrative process, 21-23.
Prisédski, ——, political exile, II. 450.
Prisédski sisters, political exiles, I. 184.
Prison Administration, report of, II. 142.
"Prison Circulars," I. 246.
Prison discipline, II. 263, 264.
"Prisoners of the Irkútsk Prison Castle, and their Maintenance," II. 8.
Prison hospitals. See Hospitals.
"Prison Life of the Russian Revolutionists," I. 184, II. 267.
Áchinsk, II. 523, 524-526, 532, 541, 543.
Akatúi, II. 287-289.
Alexándrofsk, II. 7, 296, 344-350, 366, 537, 541, 542, 546, 548.
Alexandrófski Zavód, II. 285.
Algachí, II. 291-297.
Amurski, II. 234.
Balagánsk, II. 526, 541, 542.
Barnaül, II. 527, 538, 540, 541.
Bíisk, II. 538, 542.
Blagovéishchensk, II. 542, 546.
Cheremkhófski, II. 527.
Chíta, II. 541, 546.
Eastern Siberia, II. 537.
Ekaterínburg, II. 540, 541.
Górni Zerentúi, II. 295, 314, 542, 543.
Irbít, II. 541.
Irkútsk (city), II. 6-11, 13-15, 27, 368, 528, 538, 541, 542, 544.
Irkútsk (province), II. 528, 538. 540.
Ishím, II. 529.
Káinsk, II. 538.
Kamishlóva, II. 540.
Kansk, II. 538, 540.
Kará, I. vii, 253, 254, II. 138-140, 142-151, 156-160, 206, 223-277, 331-334, 530, 541, 546, 548, 549, 551.
Khabarófka, II. 541, 542.
Kharkóf, II. 206, 254, 255, 338.
Kírinsk, II. 530.
Koliván, II. 541.
Krasnoyársk, I. 263, II. 366-370, 523, 531, 532, 537, 538, 541, 542, 544, 553.
Kuznétsk, II. 540.
Marínsk, II. 538, 540, 541.
Minusínsk, II. 540.
Nérchinsk, II. 532, 533, 541, 542, 546.
Nikoláivsk, II. 546.
Nízhni Údinsk, II. 546.
Omsk, II. 538.
Pavlodár, II. 541.
Perm, I. 25, II. 533, 541, 542.
Pokrófski, II. 302, 312, 313.
Saghalín, II. 546, 548-550.
St. Petersburg, II. 234, 429.
Tára, II. 540.
Tiukalínsk, II. 49, 540.
Tiumén, I. 74-102, 349, II. 368, 537, 538, 541, 543.
Tobólsk, II. 420, 534, 537, 538, 540, 542.
Tomsk (City), I. 308-321, 350, II. 368, 510-518, 521-523, 534, 535, 537, 538, 540-543.
Tomsk (province), II. 540, 542.
Trans-Baikál, II. 535, 540, 543, 546.
Turínsk, II. 540.
Ust Kámenogórsk, II. 366.
Ust Kará, II. 143, 150.
Vérkhni Údinsk, II. 123-127, 177, 264, 535, 536, 541, 543, 545-547.
Yakútsk, II. 541.
Yakútsk (province), II. 543.
Yeniséisk, II. 536, 540, 543.
Prisons, permission to inspect, I. v; criticisms on my articles on, vi; humane officials in, x. See also their names, supra.
"Prisons and Étapes," II. 526.
"Prisons of the Lena Region," II. 531.
Prize-fighting, how punished, I. 75.
Property, forfeiture of, I. 82.
"Province of Yeniséisk," I. 323.
Przyjaciel Mlodziezy, II. 489.
Ptítsin, Vladímir, Russian author, II. 531.
Pultáva, tyranny in, I. 264.
Punishments under early criminal code, I. 74, 75.
Quartz-milling, I. 41, 42.
"Question of Siberian Exile," II. 467.
Railroads, extension of, I. 9; a perfect road, 33.
Rakmánofski hot springs, I. 214, 215.
Ralston, W. R. S., author, I. ix, 258.
Ramazan, fast of, I. 162, 163.
Rántsef, ——, Russian journalist, expelled from St. Petersburg, II. 487.
"Rationalistic Sects in Russia," II. 447.
Razgildéief, ——, his work at Kará mines, II. 148.
Razín, Sténka, Russian revolutionist, II. 444.
"Recollections of a Prisoner," II. 447.
"Recollections of a Russian Socialist," II. 447.
Regulators, flogging in Russia compared with actions of American, II. 271.
Reinforced safeguard, II. 507.
Reins, their use forbidden, I. 75.
Religious services on convict barges, I. 117, 118.
Remesló, II. 489.
Revolutionary documents, II. 495-506.
Revolutionary Party, program of, II. 495-506.
Revolutionists, exile of, I. iii; supposed character of, iv; regulations affecting, viii; blame for administrative exile laid upon, 253-256; first meeting with actual, 322; class of political exiles, II. 438, 442-451.
Ribálskaya, a storm on the plain near, II. 416-418.
Riga Véstnik, II. 485.
Rissákof, ——, Russian regicide, II. 435.
Roads, corduroy, I. 71.
Rodgers, U. S. relief steamer, II. 105.
Ródin, ——, political exile, suicide of, II. 216, 259.
Rodiónof, ——, political exile, brutal treatment of, II. 233.
Rogatchóf, ——, political exile, death of, II. 259.
Rogatchóf, Madam Véra, attempted suicide of, II. 236, 237, 240.
Róssikova, Madam, political exile, II. 216, 335, 338, 375-378, 447.
Royal Geographical Society, rules for Russian spelling, I. ix.
Rozhnófski, account of treatment of Dostoyéfski, I. 143.
Rúble, value of, I. 9.
Rúdenko, Lieut.-col., brutality of, II. 233, 240.
"Rules Relating to Police Surveillance," I. 273, 274, II. 25, 30, 32, 34-44, 47, 53, 55, 59.
"Rules Relating to Preservation of Order and Tranquillity," I. 271, II. 507.
Russ, II. 490.
Russia, suspicion in, I. x; holidays in, 2; material resources of, 14; dangers to students of life in, 31; culture in, 36; criminal code of, 74, 75; apathy of government in matters of prison reform, 95; exports of manufactures to Siberia, 105; the Imperial Post, 122-124; desire for constitutional government in, 179; martial law proclaimed in, 257; compared with Austria in punishment of political offenses, 258; restrictions on druggists, 264; arrogance of officials in, 396, 397; corruption in, 388, 389, II. 332; financial difficulties in the way of prison reform, 6, 465, 468; bureaucratic system in, 173, 219, 294-297, 314, 317, 372-374, 424-428; travesty of justice in, 202, 203; difficulties in leaving, 424-428; the anti-Government party in, 430 et seq.; trial of political cases by court-martial, 445; evils and projected reforms in, 457-471; laws and orders with regard to political offenses, 507-509; prison administration in, 539.
"Russia, Social and Political," II. 506.
"Russia and the Revolution," II. 431.
Russian Affairs, II. 492, 493.
Russian-American Telegraph Co., I. 1, II. 426.
Russian Antiquity, II. 452. See also Russkaya Stariná.
"Russian Convicts in the Salt Mines of Iletsk," I. 297.
Russian Gazette, II. 22, 23, 441, 513, 514, 522, 539. See also Rússkia Védomosti.
Russian Government, my predilections in favor of, I. iv; predisposition in writer's favor, iv; supposed misrepresentations concerning, iv; favorable attitude of, v; my championship of, v; limitation of my criticism of, v, vi; instructions of, with regard to us, 121; supposed motives in granting us leave to inspect prisons, 302-304; excessive paternalism of, II. 378.
Russian Imperial Post, I. 355.
"Russian Laws, Collection of," I. 254.
Russian names, system of spelling, I. ix.
"Russian Resident of Eastern Siberia," anti-nihilist article by, I. 253-256.
"Russian Revolutionary Literature," I. 258.
Russian Revolutionary Party, Program of the, II. 495-506.
Russian skirmish drill, I. 197.
"Russian State Prisoners," II. 267.
Russian statistics, value of, I. viii.
Russian Thought, II. 23, 212, 441, 485-487, 489, 491. See also Rússkaya Misl.
Russian Workman, II. 492.
Rússkaya Misl, I. 309, 527. See also Russian Thought.
Rússkaya Sariná, I. 31, 258, II. 451. See also Russian Antiquity.
Rússkia Védomosti, II. 488, 489, 491, 492. See also Russian Gazette.
Rússki Kuriér, II 487, 488, 492.
Saadi, fable of, I. 263, 264.
Safiánof, Mr., II. 397, 398, 400, 415.
Saghalín, command given to Gen. Kononóvich, II. 221, 222; shipment of convicts to, with harsh orders as to politicals, 261, 262; flogging at, 262; proposition to send vagrants to, 469; transportation of convicts to, 510, 549; prison at, 546, 548-550.
St. Petersburg, departure for, I. i, 1; preliminary excursion to, iv; departure from, 5; prisons in, II. 234, 429; return to, 422; an anxious moment in, 422-424; subsequent visit to, 428.
Sáltikof, Shchedrín, Russian editor, II. 440, 494.
Salt mines, I. 35.
Saltstein, Lieut.-col., warden of prison at Algachí, II. 290-297, 307.
Samára, I. 16.
Samárin, U. F., memorial of, I. 273.
Sand-storm, I. 192, 193.
Sanitary conditions. See Prisons.
"Sanitary Condition of Prisons, The," II. 521, 528.
Sávenkof, Iván, Siberian archæologist, I. 360, 361, II. 366, 384.
Sávenski mine, II. 315-317.
Schevchénko, ——, Russian poet, punishment of, I. 268, II. 494.
Schiller, H. A., political exile, I. 264-267.
Schlusselburg, the "stone bags" of, II. 237, 239; Muíshkin's imprisonment in, trial, and execution, 257, 258.
Schmidt, Alexander, students' disapproval of, II. 490.
Schuetze, Lieut., I. 368, II. 17, 63.
Science, pursuit of, under difficulties, II. 493.
Scurvy, II. 148.
Séiverni Véstnik, II. 531.
Selengá River, II. 71, 102, 123, 124, 535.
Selengínsk, leave Boyárskaya for, II. 68; arrival at, 72; chief of police of, 74-82, 84, 88, 92, 94, 97; exile in, 122.
Semipalátinsk, railroad communication with, I. 5; arrival at, 155; description of the city, 155-158; commerce of, 157; library in, 160, 184; ferry at, 162; political exiles in, II. 31.
Semyónofski, Alexander, II. 211.
Semyónofski, Eugene, political exile, II. 209-212; suicide of, 210, 216, 259, 325.
Serfs, provisions for banishment of, I. 76.
Sergéyefski, Russian author, I. 76, 255.
Setting fire, how punished, I. 76.
Shaitánof, Mr., I. 239, 240.
Shakspere, objections to tragedies of, II. 489.
Shamárin, Constantine, political exile, II. 54, 119-121, 359, 366, 374, 376, 377, 379, 380.
Sharápof, Mr., Russian editor, removal of, II. 493.
Shchedrín, ——, political exile, immured for life at Schlusselburg, II. 237, 259.
Sheftel, Véra, political exile, II. 25.
Shelapugina, post-station of, II. 282.
Sheláshnikof, Gen., acting governor-general of Eastern Siberia, I. 328.
Shelgunóf, N. V., Russian publicist, II. 440, 441, 494.
Sheragulski, étape, II. 533, 541, 543.
Shílka River, II. 131-136, 138, 141, 145, 264, 276-280, 319, 320, 322, 323, 549.
Shishkó, ——, political exile, II. 210, 450.
Shúbin, ——, administration at Kará, II. 260.
Siberia, as field of research, I. iii; my first impressions of, iv; scope of my description of, vi; scope of my study of prison system of, vii; permits to visit, 2; trade and commerce of, 13, 16, 31, 49, 105; boundary of, 34, 35; leave Ekaterínburg for, 47; travel in, 49, 50, II. 355, 356; magnitude of the country, I. 55-57; common ignorance among Americans concerning, 55; boundaries of, 56; climate of, 57-64, 103, 105, 145, 193, II, 65, 71, 72 ; topographical aspects, I. 57-64; pole of cold in, 60, 61; agriculture, 62, 103, 138, 139; tobacco in, 62, 103, 157, 239, 240, II. 63; flora of, I. 62-65, 68, 70, 71, 136-138, 145, 149, 150, 155, 188, 193-195, 202, 205, 206, 213, 217, 218, 227, 232, 279, 283, 351, 352, II. 63, 72; birds of, I. 64, 150; system of land tenure, 66; mosquitos in, 70, 71, 139, 362; development of mines in, 76; erroneous conceptions of, 103-105; statistics of, 103-105; village aspects in, 130-136; scenery of, 130, 137, 145, 193-195, 202, 206, 213, 218-220, 289, 302; ignorance of America in, 135, 136; fauna of, 150, 217, 227, II. 63, 64; mosques in, I. 158; ferries, 162, 284, 285, 362, 368, II. 98, 132-134; "the, movement of young people into," I. 169, 170; English and American liferature in, 160, 184-186, 236, 330, 334, 335, II. 30, 106, 107, 179, 180; sunstroke, I. 191, 192; glaciers, 213, 217, 219-222, 224-226; fruits, 217, 218; silkworm culture, 239, 240; irrigation, 279; position of authorities in, on our researches, 302-309; our intercourse with officials, 304-310; liquor traffic, 352, 353; graveyards, 353; treatment of a road contractor in, 357; culture, 358-361; blacksmithing in, 362, 363; mail service in, 363, 364; lack of medical service in, II. 44; a tiger of, 63, 64; American clock in, 107; bureaucratic system in, 173; redivision of eastern part, II. 263; the first exile to, 421, 422; condemnation of exile to, 457; burden of exile system on, 457-471, 548; statistics of criminals sent to, 458, 459; highwaymen in, 462, 463; bibliography of, 475-483; reward of zeal in, 537.
"Siberia and Penal Servitude," I. 77, 384, II. 148, 158, 159, 280.
"Siberia and the Exile System," I. 303.
"Siberia as a Colony," II. 461, 467.
"Siberian Echoes," I. 340.
Siberian Gazette, the, I. 329, 334, 336, II. 43, 51, 450, 460, 462-464, 470, 490, 492, 517, 518, 521, 522. See also Sibírskaya Gazéta.
Siberian Italy, the, II. 383.
Siberian Messenger, II. 462, 492, 493, 514, 517, 518, 521, 522.
Siberian Switzerland, the, I. 121.
Sibír, the, I. 61, 272, II. 1, 8, 260, 440, 463, 488-492, 524, 528-530, 537; correspondent of, imprisoned and flogged, 491.
Sibíriakóf, I. M., supporter of Minusínsk museum, II. 395.
Sibírskaya Gazéta, II. 440, 525, 527, 532. See also Siberian Gazette.
Sidorátski, Vasílli, response to demand for oath of allegiance to Alexander the Third, II. 56-59.
Sidórski, Vladímir, political exile, I. 247.
Sigída, A. S., husband of Madam Hope Sigída, II. 268.
Sigída, Madam Hope, career of, II. 266-269, 271, 272; flogging of, 216, 266, 267, 269-272; death of, 267, 271, 272.
Silkworm culture, I. 239, 240.
Silver, Daúrski mines, I. 76; Altái mines, 281; Nérchinsk mines, II. 278-318.
Sims, Dr. P. D., report on Tennessee convict system, I. 100, 101.
Sipiágin, Mr., warden of Alexandrófski central prison, II. 345, 346, 348, 350.
Skalon, V. U., Russian author, II. 23.
"Sketches of Self-Government," II. 23.
Skóbelef, Gen., hero-worship of, I. 261-263.
Skrínikof, ——, provincial procureur, II. 402.
Slovtsóf, Mr., hospitality of, I. 106.
Smallpox, exposure to, II. 279, 281.
Smirnítskaya, Miss Hope, political exile, II. 266, 267; suicide of, 267.
Smirnóf, Councilor, expurgates the Koran, II. 493.
Smírnovo mine, number of convicts at, II. 317.
Snow-waves, II. 361.
Snuff-taking, how punished, I. 75.
"Social Dynamics" burned by censor, II. 494.
Sókolof's hotel, II. 101, 102.
Solivióf, ——, Russian political offender, II. 444, 447.
Solivióf, Col., brutal treatment of women, II. 258.
Solivióf, Vladímir, Russian author, objectionable article by, II. 493.
Solohub, Commissioner, II. 374.
"Some Truths about Russia," II. 441.
Sómof, ——, political offender, murder of, II. 339.
Son of the Fatherland, II. 492, 494.
Southerner, II. 493.
Sovrémmenia Izvéstia, II. 489, 491, 492.
Soyótes, Siberian tribe, II. 393, 394, 397, 402.
Soyúzof, ——, political exile, II. 210.
Spelling of Russian names, I. viii, ix.
"Spell of the Russian Writers," II. 431.
Speranski, Count, I. 77.
Správochni Listók, II. 486.
Srédni Kolímsk, Exile Schiller's adventures at, I. 266, 267.
Staniukóvich, Constan tine, political exile, I. 243-245, 324, 325, II. 436, 441, 450, 488, 494.
Stankévich, A. V., political exile, II. 395.
Stépniak, I. iv, II. 404.
Steppes, I. 58; pleasures of traveling on the, 136-138; the great Kírghis steppe, 140-167; banishment to the, 173.
Straná, II. 486, 487.
Strélnikof, Gen., speech of, at trial of Boguslávski, II. 442-445; character and opinions of, 446-448, 450.
Strétinsk, II. 131-133, 277, 278; étape at, 543.
Stretton, Hesba, account of Volkhófski's daughter, I. 343, 344.
Sufflér, II. 488.
Sulkófski, Mr., Russian boundary commissioner, hospitality of, II. 105-107, 110.
Surgút, harsh treatment of exiles in, II. 31, 42, 43; price of necessaries in, II. 38.
Svechín, Col., acting governor at Chíta, II. 330.
Svet I Téni, II. 488.
Svetóch, II. 489.
Sweden, sick- and death-rates of prisons in, II. 534.
Tára, political exiles in, II. 31; protest from, against exile system, 460, 464; prison at, 540.
Tárantás, I. 47, 122, 123, 125, 126, 131, 133, 135, 136, 151, 152,228-231, 351, 356, 357, 362-364, 366, II. 62.
Tarásof, ——, Russian author, I. 254, 255.
Tashkénd, a caravan from, I. 162.
Tatárs, I. 10, II. 394, 395, 397-400; wrestling among, I. 164-167.
Tea, brick, I. 484, II. 104; overland, 104.
Telégas, transportation by, I. 108-110, 138, 162, 251, 363, 370-372, 376, 378, 406, II. 68, 71, 278, 279, 281.
Telegraph, II. 492.
Temperature in Siberia, I. 60-63, 154, 158, 190-193, II. 65, 131-137, 280-282, 301, 307, 310, 320, 325, 326, 343, 344, 355, 360, 361, 365, 416.
Tennessee, convict death-rate in, I. 100.
Térek, the armed line of the, I. 145.
Térek, the, II. 488.

Teréntief, ——, political exile, II. 210.

Terrorists, I. iv, 179, 250, 257, II. 248, 375-378, 438, 439, 451-456, 501.
Tévtul, ——, political exile, II. 210.
Texas, convict death-rate in, II. 536.
Thibetan books, II. 89.
Third Section, the, II. 57.
Tiazhiuski, polu-étape, II. 542.
Tiger, a Siberian, II. 63, 64.
Tikhomírov, L., Russian author, II. 506.
Tíkhonof, ——,political exile, death of, II. 235, 259.
Tíkhonrávof, Prof., I. 326.
Times, the (London), II. 51, 202, 451.
Tirétski, étape, II. 534, 541, 543.
Tiukalíusk, arrival at, I. 139; political

exiles in, II. 31; Dólgopólof's exile to, 46-49; prison at, 49, 540; crime in district of, 462.

Tiumén, railroad communication with, I. 5; approach to, 70; arrival at, 72; prison of, 74-102, 349, II. 368, 537, 538, 541, 543; removal of Bureau of Exile Administration to, I. 78; prison statistics, 96-102; commercial importance of, 103, 105; appearance of the town, 106; real schule of, 106, 107; departure of a marching party of exiles from, 107-110; our departure from, 122; return to, II. 422; crime in, 464.
Tobacco, Siberian, I. 62, 103, 157, 239, 240, II. 63.
Toból, River, I. 74.
Tobólsk, Bureau of Exile Administration founded in, I. 77, 78, 255; arrival at, II. 420; prisons in, 420, 534, 537, 538, 540, 542.
Tobólsk (province), boundary post of, I. 52; comparison of size, 57; scenery and flora of, 63-66; commercial importance of, 103; manufacturing industries of, 104, 105; topographical features of, 124; population of, 138; products of, 139; fairs in, 139; cost of an exile's living in, II. 38, 39; harsh treatment of political exiles in, 42; criminal statistics of, 462; runaway convicts in, 462.
Todlében, Gen., tyranny of, I. 258; appointed governor-general of Odéssa, 262; administration of, 262, 263.
Tolstói, Count Dmítri, Minister of Interior, II. 43, 239.
Tolstói, Count Leo, Russian author, II. 184; opinions in regard to political exiles, 194; suppression of article by, 486, 489.
Tom, River, I. 285.
Tomsk, railroad communication with, I. 5; exile bureau in, 78; an exile station, 83; departure from Altái Station tor, 228; arrival at, 285; description of the city, 285, 286; University of, 285, 286; landing of convict party from Tiumén at, 288-296; prisons of, 308-321, 350, II. 368, 510-518, 521-523, 534, 535, 537, 538, 540-543; tragedies of exile life, as seen in, I. 348, 349; departure from, 351; political exiles in, II. 31; hospital at, 366; leave Minusínsk for, 415; arrival at, 418; protest from, against exile system, II. 464; Mr. De Windt's statements about prison at, II. 510-518, 521-523.
Tomsk (province), statistics of, I. 286; condition of, 286-288; topography of, 351, 352, 356; runaway convicts in, II. 462; criminal statistics of, 462 ; prisons in, 540, 542.
Tomsk Provincial Gazette, II. 53.
Tourguénef, ——, Russian novelist, II. 433, 494.
Tracy City, Tenn., prison system at, 1. 100, 101.
Trans-Baikál, exiles to, I. iii; mines of, 76; étapes in, 389, II. 127, 128, 544; preparations for trip through, 60; a ride through, 98-130; runaway convicts in, 462; protest from, against forced colonization, 464, 465; prisons in, 535, 540, 543, 546.
Transfers, traveling on, II. 62.
"Travels in Siberia," II. 89.
Trepóf, Gen., attempt to assassinate, II. 445.
Tréskin, Gov., I. 77.
Troínítski, Gov., action towards exiles, II. 43.
Tróitskosávsk, expulsion of Volkhófski from, I. 340; town of, II. 101, 102. 106; my sickness in, 117, 118; departure from, 118.
Tsars. See their respective names.
Tsébrikova, Madam, political exile, I. 248, 249.
Tseklínski, Gen., hospitality of, I. 158-160; humane treatment of political exiles, 171, 172, II. 42.
Tsigankof, ——, exile, I. 266.
Tsitsenko, Iván, political exile, II. 25.
Tsitsiánof, Prince, political exile, II. 255.
Tugulímskaya, I. 50.
Túndra, I. 58-61.
Túra, River, I. 74.
Turinopovorótnaya, consecration of a church at, II. 326-329.
Turínsk, protest from, against exile system, II. 460, 464; prison at, 540.
Túrukhánsk, horrors of the settlement of, I. 329, II. 43.
Tver, city of, II. 44; petition of Medical Society of, 44, 45; visit to, 428.
"Two Years of Life," II. 184, 447.
Typographical error, danger of a, II. 491.
Úda River, II. 127.
Uglích, bell of, the first exile to Siberia, I. 354, II. 421, 422.
Ukírski, robbery by officials at, II. 317.
Ulbá River, I. 237.
Ulbínsk, arrival at, II. 232; exiles at, I. 232-237.
Ulús, horrors of the Yakútsk, II. 19-24, 27.
"Underground Russia," II. 404.
United States, prison death-rate in, I. 98, 100, 101; familiarity with history and institutions of, among exiles, 185, 186, 236; invoking the assistance of legation of, II. 424-428.
Unsere Zeit, anti-nihilist article in, I. 253, 254.
Upper Kará, transfer of prisoners from political prison of Lower Diggings to, II. 233-235. See also Kará.
Urál Mountain Railroad, I. 5, 31-33, II. 510.
Urál Mountains, scenery of, I. 32; boundary line on, 35; luxury in, 40, 41, 43-45.
Urál Society of Friends of Natural Science, I. 36.
Urúsof, ——, political exile, II. 374.
Ushakófka River, II. 6, 528.
Uspénskaya, Madam, appeal to Count Leo Tolstói, II. 194.
Uspénski, ——, political exile, II. 210; suicide of, 216, 259.
Ust Kámenogórsk, arrival at, I. 237; political exiles in, 239. 240, 279, II. 31, 32, 41; our success in, I. 278 ; prison at, II. 366.
Ust Kará, II. 138; political prison at, 143, 150; transfer of prisoners from political prison of Lower Diggings to, 233-235; imprisonment of Madam Sigída at, 266; our departure from, 275. See also Kará.
Vagrancy, how punished, I. 75.
"Vagrant, The," I. 245.
Váldai Hills, I. 15.
Valúief, Mr., political exile, II. 336.
"Varnáks," II. 463, 464.
Véimar, Dr. Orest E., political exile, II. 200-205; death of, 259.
Vérkhni Údinsk, arrival at, II. 123; prison of, 123-127, 177, 264, 535, 541, 543, 545-547; departure for Chíta from, 127.
Verkholénsk, district of, crime in, II. 464. Verkhoyánsk, the Asiatic pole of cold, I. 60, 61.
Vermin, I. 251, 281, 283, 364-366, II. 22, 69, 71-73, 102, 117. 118, 120, 293, 294, 321, 525, 527.
Villages in Siberia, I. 66-69, 130-136, 352-354.
Villúisk, attempt to rescue Chernishéfski from, II. 251-253.
Vinokúrof, Col., inspector of exile transportation for Western Siberia, I. 78, 81, 95, 96, 114, II. 259, 370, 371.
Vítort, Mr., political exile, I. 233, 236.
Vladimir, Grand Duke, I. 72.
Vládivostok, Volkhófski's escape from, I. 341.
Vlangálli, Mr., I. 2, 3, 303, II. 176, 429.
Volashkévich, Dr. V. S., II. 529.
Vólga Messenger, I. 266, II. 491.
Vólga River, I. 1, 5, 6, 10, 13-21, 83, II. 491, 510.
Volkhófski, Felix, political exile, I. 333-345, 347, II. 450, 494; suicide of his wife, I. 334, 335; letters from, 335-338; receives a ticket-of-leave, 337; story of his escape, 338-344.
Volnóf, Vassílli, political exile, II. 261; flogging of, 262.
Volokhóf, Peter M., political exile, I. 265.
Voloshénko, ——, political exile, brutal treatment of, II. 233; immured for life at Schlusselburg, 237.
Voluntary exile, I. 79, 80, 82, 83, 94.
Volzhski Vestnik. See Volga Messenger.
Voronínskaya, sand-storm at, I. 192, 193.
Vorontsóf, Basil, Russian political economist, II. 212, 494.
Vorontsóf, Márya Pávlovna, political exile, II. 212. See Kavaléfskaya, Madam.
Vorontsóf, Paul, father of Madam Kavaléfskaya, II. 212.
Voskhód, II. 490.
Voskhód, II. 489, 494.
Vostóchnoe Obozrénie, I. 77, 266, II. 260, 524, 526, 527, 532, 533, 537, 538. See also Eastern Review.
Vostók, II. 485, 488.
Wages, in gold mines, I. 42.
Wallace, D. Mackenzie, arrest of, I. 31.
Ward, Lester F., American author, work burned by censor, II. 494.
Wardropper, Jacob R., hospitality of, I. 107.
Watchmen, night, I. 45, 152-154.
"Wealth of Nations," prohibited book, I. 185.
Week, the, I. 36, II. 23, 491.
Western Siberia, climate of, I. 62, 63; flora of, 63, 64; commerce of, 105; watchmen's rattles in, 152, 153; topography and scenery of, 283; protest from, against exile system, II. 460; runaway convicts in, 462.
West-Siberian Branch of Imperial Geographical Society, I. 323.
"What Is To Be Done?" II. 249.
Wheelbarrows, chaining prisoners to, II. 207, 227, 234, 259.
White Berél River, I. 217-219, 226.
White Caps, flogging in Russia compared with actions of, II. 271.
Will of the People, party of the, II. 248, 249.
Windt, H. de, statement about Tomsk prison, I. 321, II. 510-518, 521-523.
Wines, Dr. E. C., U. S. Commissioner, II. 374, 539.
Wocikof, Dr., I. 61.
Women, in Tiumén forwarding prison, I. 94; flogging and suicide of, II. 263; prisons for, 149, 150; Major Khaltúrin's brutality to, 236; searching, 258. See also their names.
Wrásskoy, Gálkine. See Gálkine Wrásskoy.
Wrestling-match at Semipalátinsk, I. 164-167.
Wurts, Mr., Secretary of U. S. Legation at St. Petersburg, II. 135, 424, 425, 428.
X——, Mr., I. 141, 142.
Y——, Mr., political exile, I. 246, 247.
Yádrintsef, N. M., Russian author, II. 461, 465-467, 494.
Yádrintsoff, Mr., Russian author, I. 215.
Yágodkin, Col., hospitality of, I. 288, 311, 314, 351.
Yakútsk, territory, extent of, I. 57, 265; banishment to, II. 19-25, 27, 43.
Yalútorfsk, political exiles in, II. 31; protest from, against exile system, 460, 464.
Yána, I. 60.
Yeniséi River, I. 360, 361, II. 383, 384, 386, 392, 393, 398, 400, 416, 531.
Yeniséisk (province), comparison of size, I. 57; Chudnófski's book on, 323; our entrance to, 354; runaway convicts in, II. 462; crime in, 463.
Yermák, conqueror of Siberia, II. 422.
Yurkófski, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 232.
Yúzhni Krái, II. 486.
Z——, Mr., accused of political conspiracy, I. 246.
Záblikof, our ferryman over the Shílka River, II. 133-135, 277, 278.
Zagárin, Col., inspector of exile transportation for Eastern Siberia, I. 78, 393, 396, 404, 405, II. 120, 366, 371, 372.
Zagóskin, Mr., editor of Sibír, II. 1, 17, 440.
Zarya, II. 490.
Zashíversk, a town without existence, I. 265, 266.
Zasúlich, Véra, crime of, I. 257, II. 445.
Zatsépina, Miss Zeuaïd, political exile, II. 407.
Zavalíshin, Mr., political exile, I. 201, 204.
Zémstvo, the, I. 245, 246, 273, II. 21, 23, 485.
Zhan, our attendant in Irkútsk, I. 368, II. 3, 4, 63.
Zhebunóf, Leonidas, political exile, II. 407.
Zhírkof, Capt., defeats Muíshkin's attempt to rescue Chernishéfski, II. 251–253.
Zhúkof, ——, political exile, death of, II. 259.
Zhukófski, ——, political exile, II. 235.
Známenski, Mr., chief of police at Minusinsk, II. 397, 408–410, 412.
Zrítel, II. 486.
Zubkófski, ——, political exile, insanity of, II. 259.
Zubóf, Commissioner, II. 374.