1597061The Child's Own Music Book — Slumber SongAlbert Ernest WierFriedrich Wilhelm Kücken


F. Kücken

\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 3/4 \key f \major \tempo "Andante" <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative a' { \stemUp
  <a f>2^\( <g e>4 | f2\) <a f>4 |
  c^\( d4. c8 | q2.\) |
  q2^\( <g e>4 | f2\) f8^\< g |
  <a f>2^\> a8^(\! g) | f2. |
  <c' e,>2^\<^\( <g e>4\) | a4.^\(^\> d8\! c4\) |
  <c e,>2^\( <g e>4\) | <a f>2.^\< |
  <f' d f,>2^\mf^\( <d f,>4\) | <c f,>2 d8^(^\dim c)\! |
  c4^\( g <gis e>\) | <a f>2.^\< |
  <f' d f,>2^\mf^\( <e c>8 <d bes>\) |
  <c f,>2^\( d8 c\) | c4^\( g a\) |
  f2 a4\( | f2\) a4\( | f2\)^\< a4\! |
  c4.^\( d8 <c e,>4\) | <c f,>2 a4\( |
  f2\) a4\( | f2\) a4\(^\< |
  c, <f a>^\> <g e>\) | <f c>2.^\pp\fermata \bar "|." } }
\new Voice = "two" { \relative e' { \stemDown
  s2.*2 | e2. s2.*2
  s2 d4 | s2 e4 |
  s2.*2 | f2. s2.*3 
  s2 f4 e2 s4 |
  s2. s2 f4 s2 f4 |
  e2 e4 s2.*3 e2 } } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"1. " All is still in sweet -- _ est rest, Be thy sleep se -- _ rene -- ly blest! Winds are moan -- _ ing o'er the wild, Lul -- la -- by, sleep on, _ my child; Lul -- la -- _ by, sleep _ on, _ my child. So lul -- la -- by, sleep on, _ my child; May an -- gel gleams per -- vade _ thy dreams! }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"2. " Close each lit -- tle lov -- _ ing eye, Le them like two _ rose -- lets lie; And when pur -- _ pling morn shall glow, Still as rose lets fresh -- _ ly blow; Still as __ _ rose -- lets _ fresh -- _ ly blow; }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major
  <f c'>2 <f bes>4 | <f a>2 <f c'>4 |
  << { bes2( g4) } \\ { c2. } >> | <f a>2. |
  <f c'>2 <f bes>4 | <f a>2 <d a>4 |
  <c c'>2 <c bes>4 | <f a>2. |
  <c g>2 <c c'>4 | << { c'4.( bes8 a4) } \\ { f2 f4 } >> |
  <c g>2 <c c'>4 | <f c'>2. |
  <bes, f>2 <d bes>4 | <f a>2 << { bes8( a) g4 c' } \\ { f4 c2 } >> <c c'>4 | <f c'>2. |
  <bes, f bes>2 q4 | <f a>2 << { bes8 a g4 bes } \\ { f4 c2 } >> <c c'>4 |
  \repeat unfold 3 { <f a>2 <f c'>4 }
  <c bes>2 <c g>4 | \repeat unfold 3 { <f a>2 <f c'>4 }
  << { a4^\( c' bes\) <f a>2.^\fermata } \\
     { c2 c4 | r_\fermata f,2_\fermata } >> }