Setting of a poem by Alfred Tennyson

1596551The Child's Own Music Book — Sweet and LowJoseph Barnby
For other versions of this work, see Sweet and Low.


Alfred Tennyson
Sir Joseph Barnby

\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 6/8 \key c \major \tempo "Andante" <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative e' { \stemUp
  e4 e8 <a dis,>4. |
  <g e>4 q8 <c f,>4. |
  c8^\( b a\) g8.^\( g16\) fis8 | <a d,>4.^( ~ <g d>4) r8 |
  e4.^\< <a dis,>4\>^\( q8\!\) |
  <g e>4 e8 <a fis>4. |
  d8 b c a8.\( a16\) b8 |
  <a fis c>4.( <g b,>4) r8 |
  g8^\mf^\( b a g a g\) |
  g8\( c\) a\> g4. |
  <g b,>8^\pp^\( <b d,!> <a c,> <g b,> <b d,> <a c,>\) |
  g^\( <c e,> fis, <g e>4.\) |
  <c c,>8^\pp <c e,> <c a e> <c gis e>4^\( <b g d!>8\) |
  <a f>4.( <aes ees>)^\dim |
  <g e!>4\! q8 <g d>8.^\(^\markup { \italic "dim. et rit." } a!16 g8\) |
  <g c,>4 q8 <g f>8.^\( a16 q8\) |
  c2.^\pp ^~ | c4. ^~ c4 r8 \bar "|." } }
\new Voice = "two" { \relative e' { \stemDown
  s2.*2 | e4. d | s2. |
  e4. s | s2. | g4. <g e>4 <fis d>8 | s2. |
  f4. f | e4 dis8 e4. | f f |
  c4_( dis8) s4. | s2.*2 |
  s2.*2 | e4._( f)_( | e) _~ e4 } } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = "1. " Sweet and low, sweet and low, Wind of the west -- _ ern sea; __ Low, low, __ _ breathe and blow, Wind of the west -- _ ern sea; __ O -- ver the roll -- _ ing wa -- _ ters go Come from the dy -- _ ing moon __ _ and blow, Blow him a -- gain to me, __ While my lit -- tle one, while my pret -- ty one sleeps. __ }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = "2. " Sleep and rest, sleep and rest, Fa -- ther will come to thee soon; __ Rest, rest on moth -- er's breast, Fa -- ther will come to thee soon; Fa -- ther will come to his babe in the nest, Sil -- _ ver sails -- _ all out of the west, Un -- der the sil -- ver moon, __ Sleep, my lit -- tle one, sleep my pret -- ty one, sleep. __ }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key c \major
  <c g>4 q8 <c fis>4. | <c g>4 q8 <c a>4. |
  <c g>8 d'( c) <d b>4 <d a>8 | <g ~ c>4.( <g b>4) r8 |
  <c g>4. <c fis> | <c g>4 c8 <c' d'>4. |
  b8( g e) c4( d8) | g4. ~ g4 r8 |
  <b d'>8\( <g b> <a c'> <b d'> <g b> <b d'>\) |
  c' <e c'> <fis c'> <g c>4. |
  <g, g>4 r8 q4 r8 |
  <c e>8 g <c a> <c g>4. |
  <a, a>8( a, c) e4 e8 |
  <f c'>4. <fis c'> |
  <g c'>4 q8 <f! b>4 q8 | e4 ees8 <d b>4 <des bes>8 |
  << { bes4.( a4 aes8) | g4. ~ g4 } \\
     { c2. ~ c4. ~ c4 } >> r8 }