The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift/Volume 11/From John Barber to Jonathan Swift - 4

AUG. 3, 1714.

YOU may easily imagine the concern we were all in on the sudden surprise of the queen's death. I have hardly recovered it yet. Lord Bolingbroke told me last Friday, that he would reconcile you to lady Somerset, and then it would be easy to set you right with the queen, and that you should be made easy here, and not go over. He said twenty things in your favour, and commanded me to bring you up, whatever was the consequence. He said farther, he would make clear work with them. But all vanished in a minute; and he is now threatened and abused every day by the party, who publickly rejoice, and swear they will turn out every tory in England.

Enclosed you have a letter from my lord; he desires you would come up, and be any where icognito. Why not at the queen's house?

The earl of Berkeley is to command the fleet to fetch over the king, and the duke of Argyll is to go to Scotland. I send you the list of the twenty-five kings[1]. Poor lady Masham is almost dead with grief * * * * * * *.

The parliament meets to morrow, which will hinder me from coming down for three or four days; but if you resolve to stay in the country farther, I will certainly come down; for I must needs see you. Pray favour me with a line. I am, sir, your most obedient humble servant. Pray come up.

When my lord gave me the letter, he said, he hoped you would come up, and help to save the constitution, which, with a little good management, might be kept in tory hands.

  1. The lords of the regency.