The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift/Volume 18/Letter from Jonathan Swift to John Barber - 7


FEB. 16, 1738-9.

THE young gentleman who delivers you this, lies under one great disadvantage, that he is one of my relations, and those are of all mortals what I despise and hate, except one Mrs. Whiteway and her daughter. You must understand that the mother has the insolence to say, that you have heard of her and know her character. She is a perfect Irish teague born in Cheshire, and lived, as I remember, at Warrington. The young gentleman who waits upon you, has a very good countenance, has been entered three years at the Temple (as it is the usual custom), but I think was never yet in England, nor does he know any one person there. However, as it is easy to find you, who are so well known and so much esteemed, he will attend you with this letter, and you will please to instruct him in the usual methods of entering himself in the Temple. He is a younger brother, but has an estate of a hundred pounds a year, which will make shift to support him, in a frugal way. He is also a very good person of a man, and Mrs. Whiteway says he has a virtuous disposition. My disorders of deafness, forgetfulness, and other ailments, added to a dead weight of 70 years, make me weary of life. But my comfort is, that in you I find your vigour and health increase. Pray God continue both to you. I am, my dear friend, with very great esteem and affection, your most obedient and most humble servant,

Do you ever see any of our old friends? If you visit Mr. Lewis, I must charge you to present him with my kind and hearty service: and how or where is my lord Bolingbroke and Mr. Pope?

I am very much obliged to you for the favour you have shown to Mr. Richardson. He is a very prudent, good gentleman; if you see him, pray make him my compliments. So, my dear friend, once more adieu.