edit- Sarsfield, Patrick - Sartorius, George Rose - Sartorius, John - Sass, Henry - Sassoon, Albert Abdullah David - Satchwell, Benjamin - Saul, Arthur - Saull, William Devonshire - Saumarez, James - Saumarez, Philip
- Saumarez, Richard - Saunders, Charles - Saunders, Edmund - Saunders, Edward - Saunders, Erasmus - Saunders, George (1671?-1734) - Saunders, George (1762-1839) - Saunders, Henry - Saunders, John (1810-1895) - Saunders, John Cunningham
- Saunders, Laurence - Saunders, Margaret - Saunders, Richard (1613-1687?) - Saunders, Richard Huck- - Saunders, Thomas William - Saunders, William (1743-1817) - Saunders, William (1823-1895) - Saunders, William Wilson - Saunderson, Nicholas - Saurin, William
edit- Savile, Henry (1549-1622) - Savile, Henry (1642-1687) - Savile, Jeremiah - Savile, John (1545-1607) - Savile, John (1556-1630) - Savile, John (1811-1896) - Savile, Thomas - Saviolo, Vicentio - Savona, Laurence William of - Savory, William Scovell
- Sawbridge, John - Sawrey, Solomon - Sawtrey, James - Sawyer, Edmund - Sawyer, Herbert - Sawyer, Robert - Saxby, Henry Linckmyer - Saxon, James - Saxton, Charles - Saxton, Christopher
- Saxulf - Say, Geoffrey de - Say, John - Say, Samuel - Say, William (1604-1665?) - Say, William (1768-1834) - Sayer, Augustin - Sayer, Robert - Sayers, Frank - Sayers, James
edit- Schalch, Andrew - Schanck, John - Scharf, George (1788-1860) - Scharf, George (1820-1895) - Scharpe, George - Schaub, Luke - Schaw, William (1550-1602) - Schaw, William (1714?-1757) - Scheemakers, Peter - Schetky, John Alexander
- Schetky, John Christian - Beresford, John George de la Poer - Blane, Gilbert - Brande, William Thomas - Boult, Swinton - Boulton, Matthew - Scheutzer, John Gaspar - Scheves, William - Schiavonetti, Luigi - Schimmelpenninck, Mary Anne
- Schmitz, Leonhard - Schnebbelie, Jacob - Scholefield, James - Scholefield, William - Scholes, James Christopher - Schomberg, Alexander (1720-1804) - Schomberg, Alexander Crowcher - Schomberg, Charles Marsh - Schomberg, Frederick Herman - Schomberg, Isaac (1714-1780)
edit- Scogan, Henry - Scoles, Joseph John - Scoloker, Anthony - Scorburgh, Robert de - Scoresby, William (1760-1829) - Scoresby, William (1789-1857) - Scory, John - Scot, David - Scott, Alexander (1525?-1584) - Scott, Alexander John (1768-1840)
- Scott, Alexander John (1805-1866) - Scott, Andrew - Scott, Benjamin - Scott, Caroline Lucy - Scott, Cuthbert - Scott, Daniel - Scott, David - Scott, George (d.1685)} - Scott, George Gilbert - Scott, George Lewis
- Scott, Gregory - Scott, Harriet Anne - Scott, Helenus - Scott, Henry (1676-1730) - Scott, Henry (1746-1812) - Scott, Henry Young Darracott - Scott, Hew - Scott, James (fl.1579-1606) - Scott, James (1649-1685) - Scott, James (1733-1814)
edit- Scott, Reginald - Scott, Robert (1777-1841) - Scott, Robert (1811-1877) - Scott, Robert Bisset - Scott, Robert Eden - Scott, Samuel - Scott, Sarah - Scott, Thomas (1480?-1539) - Scott, Thomas (1580?-1626) - Scott, Thomas (d.1660)
- Scott, Thomas (1705-1775) - Scott, Thomas (1747-1821) - Scott, Thomas (1745-1842) - Scott, Thomas (1808-1878) - Scott, Walter (1490?-1552) - Scott, Walter (1565-1611) - Scott, Walter (1550?-1629?) - Scott, Walter (1644-1693) - Scott, Walter (1614?-1694?) - Scott, Walter (1771-1832)
- Scott, William (d.1350) - Scott, William (d.1532) - Scott, William (d.1656) - Scott, William (1674?-1725) - Scott, William (1745-1836) - Scott, William (1797-1848) - Scott, William (1813-1872) - Scott, William Bell - Clinton, William Henry - Scottow, Joshua
edit- Scrope, John (1662?-1752) - Scrope, Richard le (1327?-1403) - Scrope, Richard le (1350?-1405) - Scrope, Thomas - Scrope, William le - Scrope, William (1772-1852) - Bowdich, Thomas Edward - Bragge, William - Case, John (d.1600) - Scrymgeour, Henry
- Scrymgeour, James - Scudamore, Charles - Scudamore, Frank Ives - Scudamore, John - Scudamore, William Edward - Scully, Denys - Seager, Charles - Seager, Edward - Seagrave, Robert - Seally, John
- Seaman, William - Searle, Thomas - Seaton, Edward Cator - Seaton, John Thomas - Seaton, Thomas (1684-1741) - Seaton, Thomas (1806-1876) - Seaward, John - Sebbi - Sebert - Sebright, John Saunders
edit- Seed, Jeremiah - Seeley, John Robert - Seeley, Robert Benton - Seeman, Enoch - Seemann, Berthold Carl - Seffrid - Segar, Francis - Segar, William - Segrave, Gilbert de (d.1254) - Segrave, Gilbert de (d.1313?)
- Segrave, Gilbert de (d.1316) - Segrave, Hugh - Segrave, John de - Segrave, Nicholas de (1238?-1295) - Segrave, Nicholas de (d.1322) - Segrave, Stephen de (d.1241) - Segrave, Stephen de (d.1333) - Seguarde, John - Seguier, William - Seguin, Arthur Edward Shelden
- Seiriol - Selby, Charles - Selby, Prideaux John - Selby, Walford Dakin - Selkirk, Alexander - Sellar, Patrick - Sellar, William Young - Seller, Abednego - Seller, John - Sellon, Baker John
edit- {Senan - Senatus - Senchan - Senex, John - Sengham, William - Senhouse, Humphrey Fleming - Senhouse, William - Senior, Nassau William - Senlis, Simon - Seres, William
- Sergeant, John - Sergison, Charles - Serle, Ambrose - Serlo - Sermon, William - Serres, Dominic - Serres, John Thomas - Service, John - Setchel, Sarah - Seton, Alexander (fl.1311-1340)
- Seton, Alexander (d.1470) - Seton, Alexander (d.1542) - Seton, Alexander (d.1555?-1622) - Seton, Alexander (1621?-1691) - Seton, Alexander (1639?-1719) - Seton, Alexander (1814-1852) - Seton, Charles - Seton, Christopher - Seton, George (d.1478) - Seton, George (d.1549)
edit- Sewell, Mary - Sewell, Richard Clarke - Sewell, Thomas - Sewell, William - Sexburga (d.678) - Sexburga (d.699?) - Sexby, Edward - Sexred - Seyer, Samuel - Seymour, Mrs.
- Seymour, Aaron Crossley Hobart - Seymour, Catherine - Seymour, Charles - Seymour, Edward (1506?-1552) - Parsons, James (1705-1770) - Collins, William (1788-1847) - Seymour, Edward (1539?-1621) - Seymour, Edward (1633-1708) - Seymour, Edward Adolphus (1775-1855) - Seymour, Edward Adolphus (1804-1885)
- Seymour, Edward James - Seymour, Francis (1590?-1669) - Seymour, Francis (1743-1822) - Seymour, Francis (1813-1890) - Seymour, Frederick Beauchamp Paget - Seymour, George Francis - Seymour, George Hamilton - Seymour, Henry (1612-1686) - Seymour, Henry (1729-1805) - Seymour, Henry (1805-1859)
edit- Shalders, George - Shanks, John - Shardelowe, John de - Shareshull, William de - Sharington, William - Sharp, Abraham - Sharp, Cuthbert - Sharp, Granville - Sharp, Jack - Sharp, James
- Sharp, John (1572?-1648?) - Sharp, John (1645-1714) - Sharp, Michael William - Sharp, Richard - Sharp, Samuel (1700?-1778) - Sharp, Samuel (1814-1882) - Sharp, Thomas (1693-1758) - Sharp, Thomas (1770-1841) - Sharp, William (1749-1824) - Sharp, William (1805-1896)
- Sharpe, Bartholomew - Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick - Sharpe, Daniel - Sharpe, Edmund - Sharpe, Gregory - Sharpe, James - Sharpe, Lewis - Sharpe, Louisa - Sharpeigh, Alexander - Sharpey, William
edit- Shaw, Peter - Shaw, Robert Barkley - Shaw, Samuel - Shaw, Stebbing - Shaw, Thomas (1694-1751) - Shaw, Thomas Budge - Shaw, William (1749-1831) - Shaw, William (1797-1853) - Shaw, William (1823-1895) - Shaw-Lefevre, Charles
- Shaw-Lefevre, John George - Sheaffe, Roger Hale - Sheares, John - Shakespeare, William - Shee, Martin Archer - Shee, William - Sheehan, John - Sheehy, Nicholas - Sheepshanks, John - Sheepshanks, Richard
- Sheeres, Henry - Sheffield, Edmund (1564?-1646) - Sheffield, George - Sheffield, John (1648-1721) - Sheffield, John (1654?-1726) - Sheffield, Robert - Sheil, Justin - Sheil, Richard Lalor - Sheilds, Alexander - Sheldon, Edward
edit- Shepherd, George - Shepherd, John (fl.1550) - Shepherd, John (1759-1805) - Shepherd, Luke - Shepherd, Richard (1732?-1809) - Shepherd, Richard Herne - Shepherd, Samuel - Sheppard, Elizabeth Sara - Sheppard, Fleetwood - Sheppard, John (1702-1724)
- Sheppard, John (1785-1879) - Sheppard, Robert - Sheppard, Samuel - Sheppard, William (fl.1650-1660) - Sheppard, William (d.1675?) - Sheppey, John de - Shewen, William - Shield, William - Shiels, Robert - Shilleto, Richard
- Shillibeer, George - Shilling, Andrew - Shillitoe, Thomas - Shipley, Charles - Shipley, Jonathan - Shipley, William (1714-1803) - Shipley, William Davies - Shipman, Thomas - Shipp, John - Shippard, Alexander
edit- Shirreff, Emily Anne Eliza - Shirreff, John - Shirrefs, Andrew - Shirwood, John - Shirwood, Robert - Shirwood, William - Shoberl, Frederic - Shore, Jane - Shore, John - Shore, Louisa Catherine
- Shoreditch, John de - Short, Augustus - Short, James - Short, Thomas (1635-1685) - Short, Thomas (1690?-1772) - Shortall, Sebastian - Shortland, Edward - Shortland, John - Shortland, Peter Frederick - Shortland, Thomas George
- Shortland, Willoughby - Shovell, Clowdisley - Shrapnel, Henry - Shrubsole, William (1729-1797) - Shrubsole, William (1760-1806) - Shuckard, William Edward - Shuckburgh, Richard - Shuckburgh-Evelyn, George Augustus William - Shuckford, Samuel - Shuldham, Molyneux
edit- Sicklemore, John - Siddall, Henry - Siddons, Henry - Siddons, Sarah - Sidley, Samuel - Sidney, Algernon - Sidney, Henry (1529-1586) - Sidney, Henry (1641-1704) - Sidney, Philip (1554-1586) - Sidney, Philip (1619-1698)
- Sidney, Robert (1563-1626) - Sidney, Robert (1595-1677) - Sidney, Samuel - Stapleton, Robert - Wetenhall, Edward - Philips, John - Atkins, Henry - Atkins, John - Atkins, Richard - Atkins, Samuel
- Atkins, William - Atkinson, Henry - Atkinson, James (1759-1839) - Atkinson, James (1780-1852) - Atkinson, John Augustus - Atkinson, Joseph - Atkinson, Miles - Atkinson, Paul - Atkinson, Peter (1725-1805) - Atkinson, Peter (1776-1822)
edit- Sighard - Sigheri - Sigillo, Nicholas de - Sihtric (d.871) - Sihtric (d.927) - Sihtric (fl.962) - Sihtric (d.1042) - Sikes, Charles William - Sillery, Charles Doyne - Sillett, James
- Silver, George - Silvester, Philip Carteret - Silvester, Tipping - Simcocks, John - Simcoe, Henry Addington - Simcoe, John Graves - Sime, James - Simeon of Durham - Simeon Stock - Simeon of Warwick
- Simeon, Charles - Simeon, John - Simeon, Joseph - Simeonis, Symon - Simmons, Bartholomew - Simmons, Samuel (1777?-1819) - Simmons, Samuel Foart - Simmons, William Henry - Simms, Frederic Walter - Simnel, Lambert
- Simon du Fresne - Simon de Wells - Simon of Faversham - Simon the Anchorite - Simon, Abraham - Simon, John (1675?-1751) - Simon, John (1818-1897) - Simon, Thomas - Simpson, Christopher - Simpson, David
- Simpson, Edward - Simpson, George - Simpson, James (1781-1853) - Simpson, James (1792-1868) - Simpson, James Young - Simpson, Jane Cross - Simpson, John (1782-1847) - Simpson, John Palgrave - Simpson, Nathaniel - Simpson, Richard
edit- Simpson, Robert - Simpson, Sidrach - Simpson, Thomas (fl.1620) - Simpson, Thomas (1710-1761) - Simpson, Thomas (1808-1840) - Simpson, William - Sims, James - Sims, John - Simson, Andrew (d.1590?) - Simson, Andrew (1638-1712)
- Simson, Archibald - Simson, Patrick - Simson, Robert - Simson, Thomas - Simson, William - Simwnt Fychan - Sinclair, Andrew - Sinclair, Catherine - Sinclair, George (d.1582) - Sinclair, George (1566?-1643)
- Sinclair, George (d.1696) - Sinclair, George (1786-1834) - Sinclair, George (1790-1888) - Sinclair, Henry (d.1400?) - Sinclair, Henry (d.1418) - Sinclair, Henry (1508-1565) - Sinclair, James (d.1762) - Sinclair, James (1821-1881) - Sinclair, John (d.1566) - Sinclair, John (1610-1676)
edit- Sirr, Henry Charles - Siward (d.1048) - Siward (d.1055) - Siward (d.1075) - Skae, David - Skeffington, Clotworthy - Skeffington, John - Skeffington, Lumley St. George - Skeffington, William - Skelton, Bevil
- Skelton, John (1460?-1529) - Briggs, John Joseph - Skelton, John (1831-1897) - Skelton, Philip - Skelton, William - Skene, James - Skene, John - Skene, William Forbes - Skerning, Roger de - Skevington, Thomas
- Skey, Frederic Carpenter - Skeyne, Gilbert - Skinner, James (1778-1841) - Skinner, James (1818-1881) - Skinner, John (1721-1807) - Skinner, John (1744-1816) - Skinner, John (1772-1839) - Skinner, John Edwin Hilary - Skinner, Matthew - Skinner, Robert
edit- Slade, James - Slade, John - Slade, Matthew - Slade, William - Sladen, Charles - Sladen, Edward Bosc - Slane, Philip of - Slaney, Robert Aglionby - Slanning, Nicholas - Slare, Frederick
- Slate, Richard - Slater, Samuel - Slattery, Michael - Slatyer, William - Slaughter, Edward - Slaughter, Stephen - Sleath, John - Sleeman, William Henry - Sleigh, William Campbell - Slezer, John
- Slingsby, Henry - Slingsby, Mary - Slingsby, Robert - Sloane, Hans - Sloper, Edward Hugh Lindsay - Smalbroke, Richard - Small, John (1726-1796) - Small, John (1828-1886) - Smalle, Peter - Smallwood, Charles
edit- Smirke, Robert (1752-1845) - Smirke, Robert (1781-1867) - Smirke, Sydney - Hyde, Thomas (1524-1597) - Lowe, Edward (d.1682) - Annesley, Richard - Blamire, William - Bowater, Edward - Bourke, Richard (1777-1855) - Couch, Richard Quiller
- Stillingfleet, Benjamin - Pont, Timothy - Oxenden, Henry - Hoblyn, Robert - Holborne, Robert - Fleetwood, Charles - Horner, William George - Parkes, Richard - Smith, Aaron (d.1697?) - Smith, Aaron (fl.1823)
- Smith, Adam - Smith, Albert Richard - Smith, Alexander (fl.1714-1726) - Smith, Alexander (1684-1766) - Smith, Alexander (1830-1867) - Smith, Andrew - Smith, Anker - Smith, Aquilla - Smith, Archibald - Smith, Augustus John
edit- Smith, Gabriel - Smith, George (1693-1756) - Smith, George (1713-1776) - Smith, George (1797?-1850) - Churton, Edward - Gresley, William - Smith, George (1800-1868) - Smith, George (1815-1871) - Smith, George (1840-1876) - Smith, George (1831-1895)
- Smith, George Charles - Smith, Gerard Edward - Smith, Harry George Wakelyn - Smith, Henry (1550?-1591) - Smith, Henry (1620-1668?) - Smith, Henry John Stephen - Smith, Horatio - Smith, Hugh - Smith, Humphrey - Smith, James (1605-1667)
- Smith, James (1645-1711) - Smith, James (1789-1850) - Smith, James (1782-1867) - Smith, James (1805-1872) - Smith, James Edward - Smith, James Elimalet - Smith, Jeremiah (d.1675) - Smith, Jeremiah (d.1723) - Smith, Jeremiah (1771-1854) - Smith, John (1534?-1607)