Babel user information
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
sv-3 Den här användaren har avancerade kunskaper i svenska.
de-3 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf hohem Niveau.
la-2 Hic usor/Haec ustrix lingua Latina mediae difficultatis conferre potest.
da-2 Denne bruger har et godt kendskab til dansk.
Users by language
On-going projects
The Heimskringla, vol. 1 by Snorri Sturluson (Samuel Laing translation) (Validation)
Romance of the Rose (volume 2) translated by F S Ellis (Proofreading)
History of the Literature of the Scandinavian North by Frederik Winkel Horn (Proofreading)
Completed projects
Tycho Brahe by John Louis Emil Dreyer (Validated)
Romance of the Rose (volume 1) translated by F S Ellis (Proofreading completed)
Kalevala, the Land of Heroes, Vol. 2 by Elias Lönnrot (Proofreading completed)
Kalevala, the Land of Heroes, Vol. 1 by Elias Lönnrot (Proofreading completed)
Völsunga Saga (Validated)
The lay of the Nibelungs (Proofreading completed except for advertisements)
The Nibelungenlied (Shumway 1909 prose translation) (Proofreading completed)
Possible Future Projects (in no particular order:)
Index:Love's trilogy.djvu by Peter Nansen (Finish Proofreading)
Index:The_Homes_of_the_New_World-_Vol._I.djvu by Fredrika Bremer (Validation)
Index:Von Heidenstam - Sweden's laureate, selected poems of Verner von Heidenstam (1919).djvu
Index:The Prose Edda (1916 translation by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur).pdf (needs validation)
Index:The Elder Edda and the Younger Edda - tr. Thorpe - 1907.djvu (needs validation)
Index:Poeticedda00belluoft.djvu (needs to be proofread)
Index:The Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus - Volume 1.djvu (needs to be proofread)
Index:A description of Greenland.djvu (needs validation)
Index:Tale of Beowulf - 1898.djvu (needs validation)

Participation in other Wikisource projects


Swedish: Användare:PWidergren

Danish: Bruger:PWidergren

Latin: Usor:PWidergren

Year counts


Generated using XTools on 2024-05-15 14:49

Year Count
2021 1,123
2022 378
2023 1,824
2024 3,053