Wikisource:WikiProject United States Executive Orders
WikiProject United States Executive Orders is a project started in order to improve the collection of United States presidential executive order documentation. These are published in the Federal Register at and given numbers a few days after they are signed and appear at
editCurrent Table of Indexes of scanned volumes and their status.
Manual of Style
editAlso See Discussion Page
Article Naming
edit- Executive Order (contiguous numbering scheme - 1 to 99999).
- redirect from the descriptive name can and should be given for notable orders that are referenced or quoted on elsewhere here and on wikipedia.
- For example, we have Executive Order 14158 of January 20, 2025, and Establishing and Implementing the President's "Department of Government Efficiency", which redirects to it.
- When you see the name written somewhere, often within subsequent orders and guidelines issued by departmental secretaries, or quoted by secondary sources in the media and included on Wikipedia, then our wikisource text of the EO can be easily linked with brackets, and there is no need to remember or research the number. From other projects, you can do this with the s: prefix.
- These EOs should then be listed on and linked from the subpage of the relevant president, e.g. Author:Donald John Trump/Executive orders#2025, or Author:Joe Biden/Executive orders.
Article Formatting
edit- Still to be finalized.
BOT conversion of standard header template to custom pending as of 12/10/2009.Done
- All existing EOs using custom EO header ( see below ) as of July 2010.
- Signature Images - Various images of the Presidents' handwritten signatures. Follow the linked images to existing Executive Orders from there for examples of use.
edit- {{Potus-eo}} − Executive Order header template.
- Takes the usual article header and customizes it for use with EO's specifically.
- Inserts a citation bar before blue note field found in most of the standard header templates that is utilized just for the signing date and/or the page and date the EO was actually published in the Federal Register (can be overriden manually).
- automatically figures out which President created the Executive Order just by inputing the EO# and then creates both an external link to a government listing to verify title, dates, citation info, etc. and an internal link to the Wikilist page of the EO's for that particular President (works from FDR to Obama Administrations} and places it in the new citation bar.
- automatically adds the correct [[Executive orders of {{Year}}]] category at the end based on signing date info given.
- Takes the usual article header and customizes it for use with EO's specifically.
- See the template's documentation for all available parameters/details.
edit- Final yet to be determined - the Potus-eo header template automatically adds the 2 basic ones covering authorship of type (Executive Order document) and year created.
edit- Wikify important document names to link to the appropriate wikisource document by placing them in brackets, especially other executive order documents, even if currently redlinked. You can click on a redlink, or someone else can later, and blueify it by creating a Help:REDIRECT to the numbered EO, as explained Wikisource:WikiProject_United_States Executive Orders#Article Naming
- These EOs should then be listed on and linked from the subpage of the relevant president, e.g. Author:Donald John Trump/Executive orders#2025, or Author:Joe Biden/Executive orders.
To do
edit- Every day's issue of needs to be read
- Complete Manual of Style
- Locate more sources for eventual hosting
Related or Useful pages
edit- Portal:Executive Orders
- White House Announces Federal Register 2.0
- [[Category:United States executive orders]]
External links
edit- Presidential Executive Orders
- Two volumes, both sponsored by the W.P.A. Historical Records Survey, edited by Clifford L. Lord, and made available in 1944. These books do not contain any full Executive Orders as issued by the various Presidents and should be primarily used for cross-referencing and verification purposes only against more current EO indicies since the title names or number designations may no longer correspond with current listings.
- Volume I, listing all numbered executive orders through the end of 1938 (EO 8030), giving a brief synopsis of each and, for some, references of other publications where the text may be found. It also contains a short history of executive orders.
- Volume II is a subject index of all the EOs listed in the first volume, useful for finding orders related to each other.
- Unnumbered Series (no full view)
- National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
- United States Government Printing Office (GPO)
- Compilation of Presidential Documents (1993 to Present)
- Federal Register (1994 to Present)
- List of CFR Sections Affected (1997 to Present)
- Public and Private Laws (104th Congress to Present)
- ... and a few other databases with more to be added thru the end of 2009
- All the orginal content currently being converted to FDsys.
- Contains the same databases as in FDsys above plus many more.
- Searching/Browsing is more flexible but much of the content is only available as plain text.
- The American Presidency Project
- Presidential Documents Archive - Executive Orders, Proclamations, Directives and similar from the 1930's on forward
- Presidential Data Archive - Supplemental info to the above documents.
- A searchable third-party database for the Federal Register
- JURIS database
- JURIS database at - has raw text for most 1948-1993 executive orders in seven SGML files.
- j0130_07.sgml (147K) − EO 9917 (December 31, 1947) EO 9978 (July 17, 1948) → All EOs within are hosted on WS
- j0130_06.sgml (2MB) − EO 9979 (July 20, 1948) EO 10339 (April 5, 1952)
- j0130_05.sgml (2MB) − EO 10340 (April 8, 1952) EO 10849 (November 27, 1959)
- j0130_04.sgml (2MB) − EO 10850 (November 27, 1959) EO 11287 (June 28, 1966)
- j0130_03.sgml (2MB) − EO 11288 (July 2, 1966) EO 11834 (January 15, 1975)
- j0130_02.sgml (2MB) − EO 11835 (January 27, 1975) EO 12327 (October 1, 1981)
- j0130_01.sgml (2MB) − EO 12328 (October 8, 1981) EO 12863 (September 13, 1993) → All EOs within are hosted on WS
- HathiTrust
- HathiTrust is putting a number of books online, originally from the University of Michigan but now joined by other libraries. They have many U.S. Government works visible which are not visible on Google Books (in some cases they have the Google Books scan). Supplementary publications include:
- Presidential documents of the Hoover Administration (two volumes), March 4, 1929 to March 4, 1933,
—Proclamations 1870-2037 and Executive Orders 5076-6070; - The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Volume 4, pages 524-624,
—FDR executive order listings from March 1933 - Jan 1937 (EO 6071 - 7539) - A number of orders printed by the Government Printing Office, including some not printed in Federal Register (and omitting many which were printed there)
- 1932-33 (EO 5800 - 6070), (February 17, 1932 to March 3, 1933).
- 1933 (EO 6071 - 6250), (March 8, 1933 to August 15, 1933).
- 1933 (EO 6251 - 6479), (August 19, 1933 to December 7, 1933).
- 1933-34 (EO 6480 - 6689), (December 7, 1933 to April 24, 1934).
- 1934 (EO 6690 - 6935), (April 25, 1934 to December 29, 1934).
- 1935 (EO 6936 - 7081), (January 4, 1935 to June 20, 1935).
- 1935 (EO 7082 - 7261), (June 22, 1935 to December 31, 1935).
- 1936-38 (EO 7262 - 8027), (January 4, 1936 to December 23, 1938).
- 1939-41 (EO 8032 - 9003), (January 10, 1939 to December 30, 1941).
- Presidential documents of the Hoover Administration (two volumes), March 4, 1929 to March 4, 1933,
- Codification of Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders, (April 13, 1945 - January 20, 1989 ). Scanned copy of the out of print edition that made up the online version before NARA stopped updating it.
- Proclamations table ( starts on page 972 )
- Executive Orders table ( starts on page 1021 )
- The 1961 - 1985 version (which was superseded by the 1945-1989 volume)
- Codification of Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders, (April 13, 1945 - January 20, 1989 ). Scanned copy of the out of print edition that made up the online version before NARA stopped updating it.
- Code of Federal Regulations volumes (and a few others here). Title 3 volumes compile presidential works, including executive orders and proclamations. They have most Title 3 volumes from 1938-2006 it appears.
- Title 3 Consolidated Tables for 1936-1965. (Executive Order and Proclamation listings);
- Title 3 Consolidated Index for 1936-1965. (Subject index)
- Code of Federal Regulations volumes (and a few others here). Title 3 volumes compile presidential works, including executive orders and proclamations. They have most Title 3 volumes from 1938-2006 it appears.
- Starting with 1976, Title 3 compilations also include regulations contained in Chapter I, Executive Office of the President. They were thereafter issued as single-year volumes instead of covering multiple years in one volume. The compilations are a common source reference for Executive Orders issued since 1936.
- CIS Index to Presidential Executive Orders & Proclamations, Part I (1789 - 1921) The CIS Index was a comprehensive listing of all executive orders that could be found as of 1983. It was published in two parts (1789 - 1921, and 1921 - 1983). Part I had ten volumes, a few which were bibliographic data of all orders, and others being various indexes of the orders. It was accompanied by a microfiche collection with the full text of all the orders. HathiTrust has four volumes of Part I:
- Summary of Executive Orders in Times of War and National Emergency Contains, on page 20, a good history of executive orders written by the Library of Congress
- Executive Orders in Times of War and National Emergency Text of the orders listed in above volume
- Panama Canal Record The Canal Record printed matter, including executive orders, of interest to Canal Zone residents. 1907-1922 volumes are visible.
- ... probably quite a few more.
- Table lists of Public Land Orders giving the designated PLO No., the signature date, FR publication volume & page and a brief subject description for each issuance (many giving clues to any EOs being affected in the process)
- Covers PLOs from June 20, 1942 to June 4, 1998
- Range is PLO No. 1 to PLO No. 7342
Public Land Orders | | More |
- A separate copy is here; it also includes yearly listings from 1998 to 2010.
- Donnelly Collection of Executive Orders (archived copy from 2005)
- Recent listing of what is available in the Collection.
- Collection of EOs from 1961 through 1998, plus some dating back to 1789.
- Nearly all come complete with source url, original text, and amendments when available.
- Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
- Prior to 1905, the "President of the United States" section in the catalog only included proclamations and a few other items (marked here in gray). After that, executive orders sometimes began to be listed along with their subject and a quick summary, sometimes (but not always) including the signing dates. Consistent inclusion of dates begin in July 1908, and in January 1909 the executive order and proclamation numbers began to be listed, meaning it is a useful resource to correlate executive order numbers and dates. Some orders, especially those at the end of a month, are listed in the next month's chapter (and sometimes two months later). The following is a table which links to each month's President section in scanned versions of the catalog which have been uploaded to There are more years, but starting with 1937, the executive order information is easier to find on the National Archives sites, listed above.
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1905 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1906 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1907 J F M A M J J S O N D 1908 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1909 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1910 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1911 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1912 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1913 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1914 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1915 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1916 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1917 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1918 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1919 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1920 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1921 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1922 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1923 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1924 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1925 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1926 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1927 J F M A M J J A S O N 1928 J F M J J A S O N D 1929 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1930 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1931 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1932 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1933 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1934 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1935 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1936 J F M A M J J A S O N D 1937 J F M A M J J A S O N D
… add 'em if you got 'em