Young Christian's first lesson-book/Lesson Twenty Four

3278308Young Christian's first lesson-book — Lesson Twenty Four1822Philip Doddridge


The Concluſion in a practical Reflection on the Whole.

AND now, my heart, with rev'rend awe,
From hence thine own inſtruction draw,
I at this judgement muſt appear;
I muſt this ſolemn ſentence hear,
[As I'm with ſaints or ſinners plac'd,]
"Depart accurs'd" or "Come ye bleſs'd."
For ME the fruits of glory grow;
Or hell awaits MY fall below.

Eternal God! what ſhall I do?
My nature trembles at the view;
My deathleſs ſoul herſelf ſurveys,
With joy and error, and amazed.
Oh! be thy ſhield around me ſpread,
To guard the ſpirit thou halt made !
Save me from ſnares of earth and hell,
And from myſelf preſerve me well;
Left all the heav'nly truths I know
Should aggravate my guilt and woe!

Thy power in weakneſs is diſplay'd;
If babes by thee be conqu’rors made,
If Satan's malice ſhall confound,
And heav'n with praiſes ſhall reſound.


This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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