Young Christian's first lesson-book/Lesson Twenty Three

3278306Young Christian's first lesson-book — Lesson Twenty Three1822Philip Doddridge


Of Judgment and Eternity Heaven and Hell.

WHEN Chriſt to judge the world deſcends,
Thus ſhall he ſay to all his friends,
"Come, bleſsed ſouls! that kingdom ſhare,
"My Father did for you prepare,
"Ere earth was founded—Come and reign,
"Where endleſs life and joy remain."

Then to the wicked—"Curſed crew!
"Depart. Heav'n is no place for you;
"To thoſe eternal burnings go,
"Whoſe pangs the rebel angels know."

He ſpeaks, and ſtraight his ſhining bands,
With fiery thunders in their hands
Drives them away—Hell's lakes receive
The wretches on its flaming waves!
Juſtice divine the gates ſhall bar,
And for a feal affix deſpair!

While Jeſus, riſing from his throne,
Leads his triumphant army on,
To enter their divine abode,
In the fair city of their God!
There everlaſting pleaſures grow!
Full rivers of ſalvation flow!
And all their happineſs appears
Increaſing with eternal years.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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