778174A Chinese Biographical Dictionary — Chang FuHerbert A. Giles

52Chang Fu 張輔. (T. 文弼). A.D. 1375—1449. A general in the service of the third Emperor of the Ming dynasty, by whom, after conquering the west of China, he was employed in the subjugation of Tongking and Annam. In A.D. 1407 be defeated the Annamite troops in a great battle, — the first occasion on which the use of firearms for warfare is mentioned in Chinese history. In 1411 he further inflicted a crushing defeat on the forces of the Tongkingese. For these brilliant achievements he was ennobled, ultimately as Duke. In 1427 he was honoured with the title of Grand Preceptor, and in 1438 he received a salary for preparing the biography of the Emperor Hsüan Tsung. In 1449 he accompanied the Emperor Ying Tsung on his ill-fated campaign against the Wara or Oirad, and perished in the battle in which his master was captured. He was canonised as 忠烈, and received the title of Prince.