A Study of Peter Chelčický's Life and a Translation from Czech of Part I of His Net of Faith (1947)/Bibliography

[[../../|A Study of Peter Chelčický's Life and a Translation from Czech of Part I of His Net of Faith]] (1947)
by Enrico Molnár
4426451[[../../|A Study of Peter Chelčický's Life and a Translation from Czech of Part I of His Net of Faith]] — Bibliography1947Enrico Molnár


(NOTE: For the convenience of American readers the entries of Czech and Slavic books are followed by an English translation of their titles.)

(Arranged Alphabetically)

List knēzi Mikula̍s̄ovi.
(A Letter to Nicholas the Priest).
List knēz̄i̍m Mikula̍s̄ovi a Martinu Lupa̍c̄ovi.
(A Letter to the Priests Nicholas and Martin Lupa̍c̄).
O ci̍rkvi svate̍.
About the Holy Church).
O milova̍ni̍ Boha.
(About Loving God).
O moci svēta.
(About the Power of the World).
O rota̍ch c̄esky̍ch.
(About Czech Hordes).
O svēdectvie.
(About Witnessing).
O trojiem lidu.
(About the Threefold People, i.e. the Three Estates).
Postilla: Kniha vy̍kladuov spasitedlny̍ch na c̄tenie nedēlni̍ cele̍ho roku. (The Postil: A Book of Sunday Meditations and Readings for the Whole Year).
R̄ec̄ a spra̍va o tēle boz̄i̍m.
(Oration and Treatise about the Divine Body).
O boji duchovni̍m.
(About the Spiritual Combat).
R̄ec̄ na evangelium svate̍ho Matous̄e.
(Oration Concerning the Gospel of St.Matthew).
R̄ec̄ na pas̄ije svate̍ho Jana.
(Oration Concerning the Passion of St.John).
R̄ec̄ o marnotratne̍m synu.
(Oration Concerning the Prodigal Son).
R̄ec̄ o s̄elmē a obrazu jeji̍m.
(Oration About the Beast and its Image).
R̄ec̄ o stare̍m človēku.
(Oration About the Old Man).
R̄ec̄ o za̍kladu za̍konu lidsky̍ch, o oc̄istci.
(Oration About the Foundation of Human Laws; About Purgatory).
Replika proti Mikula̍s̄i Biskupci Ta̍borske̍mu.
(Reply to Nicholas "Biskupec" of Ta̍bor, Bishop of Pisek).
Replika proti Mistru Janovi z Rokycan.
(Reply to M aster John of Rokycany).
Siet viery prave̍.
(The Net of True Faith); see infra, C and D.
Spis Antikristova pozna̍ni̍!
(About Recognizing the Antichrist).
Spis o rozezna̍ni̍ duchuov pro bludy.
(About Discerning the Spirits and Errors).
Spis o svēdomie.
(A Treatise About Conscience).
Spis o tom, kterak nema̍me z̄ivota svého milovati, ale nena̍vidēti. (A Treatise about Our Duty not to Love our Life but to Hate it).
Spis o tresta̍ni̍ srdci̍.
(A Treatise About the Punishment of Hearts).
Trakta̍t o stare̍ a nove̍ vi̍r̄e.
(A Tract About old and New Faith).
Trakta̍t o vec̄er̄i Pa̍nē proti Biskupcovi.
(A Tractate About the Lord's Supper; in Reply to "Biskupec," i.e. Bishop Nicholas).
Trakta̍t: pro kra̍dez̄ neni̍ hodno c̄lovēka pro smrt vydati. (A Tract About Theft, and How Man Ought Not to be Punished for it by Death).
Vy̍klad na c̄teni̍ sv. Jana.
(Commentary on the Gospel of St. John).
Vy̍klad na Otc̄e na̍s̄.
Commentary on the Lord's Prayer).
Vy̍klad na slova svate̍ho Pavla.
(Commentary on the Words of St. Paul).
Zpra̍va o sva̍tostech.

(I. Czech Studies)

Flajs̄hans, Va̍clav, "Postilla Chelc̄icke̍ho," (Chelc̄icky̍'s Postil; cf. A:9). Prague: Osvēta, vol. xxxv.
Holinką, Rudolf, Trakta̍ty Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho: O troji̍m liduO ci̍rkvi svate̍. (Peter Chelc̄icky̍'s Tracts: About the Three Estates – About the Holy Church; cf. A: 8 and 3). 4th volume in the series "Odkaz minulosti c̄eske̍," Prague: Melantrich, 1940.
Kara̍sek, J., ed., Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho mens̄i̍ spisy, (Peter Chelc̄icky̍'s Lesser writings, comprising A: 10,11,12,15,16,17). 2 vols. Prague : Comenium, 1891.
Krofta, Kamil, Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho O boji duchovni̍m a O troji̍m lidu. (Peter Chelc̄icky̍'s Spiritual Combat and Threefold People, cf. A: 10a and 8)."Svētova̍ knihovna," no.916–918. Prague: Otto, 1911.
Rys̄a̍nek, Fr., ed., Vy̍klad Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho na podobenstvi̍ o dēlni̍ci̍ch na vinici Pa̍nē. (Peter Chelc̄icky̍'s Interpretation of the Parable of the Laborers on the Lord's Vineyard).
Rys̄a̍nek, Fr., ed., Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho "O jiste̍m a nejiste̍m oc̄istci" a "o zly̍ch knēz̄i̍ch" s obranou Markoltovou. (Chelc̄icky̍'s "Certain and Uncertain Purgatory," "Evil Priests" and Markolt's Defense). Prague: Sbornik Pastrnkūv, 1923.
Smeta̍nka, E., ed., Dva Trakta̍ty: Vy̍klad na druhou epis̄tolu sv. Jana; O za̍kladu za̍konu̍ lidsky̍ch. (Two Tracts: Commentary on the Second Chapter Epistle of St. John; the Foundation of Human Laws, cf. A: 16). Prague: Reichel, 1932.
Smeta̍nka, E., ed., Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho Postilla, (Peter Chelc̄icky̍'s Postil, cf. A:9), 2 vols. Prague: Comenium, 1900–1903.
Straka, J., ed., Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho Replika proti Mikula̍s̄i Biskupci Ta̍borske̍mu. (Chelc̄icky̍'s Reply to Nicholas Bishop of Ta̍bor. Ta̍bor: Jihoc̄esky̍ sbornik historicky̍, 1930.

(II. FOReign Studies)

Annenkov, J.S., ed., Replika protiv Biskupca, (Reply to "Biskupec," the Bishop of Ta̍bor. St.Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1880.
Jastrebov, N.V., ed., Petra Chelc̄ickago O trogiem lidu rzeco duchownych a o swietskych. C̄eskij tekst s vvedeniem i russkim pērevodom. (Chelcicky's "About the Threefold People. Cf. A:8; with Czech Text and Russian introduction and translation). St.Petersburg, Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1903.
Peschke, Erhard, ed., "Erklärung des Wortes Joh.12:25f.," "Erklärung der Worte 1.Tim. 1: 5–8," "Erklärung des Vaterunsers," "Von den Sakramenten," und "Vom Leibe Christi." (Cf. A:28,29,30,31,10). In Die Theologie der Böhmischen Bruder in Ihrer Frühzeit, 2 vols. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1940. An excellent study of the beginnings of the Czech Reformation. Chelc̄icky̍ is given considerable attention. The translations are in the 2nd vol.



Petr z Chelcz̄icz, Siet wiery, published by Chval Duba̍nek and printed by the Vile̍mov Monastery "this Thursday before All Saints Day in the 1521st year from the Birth of the Son of God." This is the first printed edition of the Net of Faith.
Annenkov J.S. and V. Jagic̄, editors, Siet viery.
St.Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1893.
This is the first modern critical edition of the Net of Faith.
Smeta̍nka, Emil, ed., Si̍ť vi̍ry Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho.
Prague: Comenium, 1912.
     , Si̍t̄ vi̍ry Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho, revised new edition with enlarged introduction. Prague: Melantrich, 1929.
Tobolka, Zd., ed., Siet viery, "Bohemiae monumenta typographica," a facsimile reprint of the Vile̍mov edition of 1521. Prague: Taussig, 1925.


Annenkov, J.S., Sietj Viery; s c̄eskago izloz̄il J.S.Annenkov, s predisloviem L.N.Tolstogo i s vvedeniem I.V.Jagic̄a. (Translated from the Czech by J.S. Annenkov, with an introduction by L.N.Tolstoy and a foreword by I.V.Jagic̍. Moscow: Posrednik, 1907. (Abbreviated translation).
Vogel, Carl, Peter Cheltschitski: Das Netz des Glaubens. (An abbreviated translation by C.Vogel). Dachau: 1924.


Bartos̄, F.M., "Chelc̄icky̍ a Rokycana," (Chelc̄icky̍ and Rokycana), Listy filologicke̍, vol. XLVIII. Prague.
      , "K datova̍ni̍ Chelc̄icke̍ho Si̍ti vi̍ry a trakta̍tu O s̄elmē a obrazu jeji̍m," (Concerning the Dating of Chelc̄icky̍'s Net of Faith and his Tract About the Beast and Its Image), C̄esky̍ c̄asopis historicky̍, (Czech Historical Review), vol.XX, pp.77–80. Prague.
      , Kdo byl Petr Chelc̄icky̍? (Who Was Peter Chelc̄icky̍?). Reprint from the Jihoc̄esky̍ sborni̍k historicky̍, (South-Bohemian Historical Review), Ta̍bor: 1946.
      , "K poc̄a̍tkūm Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho," (Inquiry Into the Beginnings of Peter Chelc̄icky̍), C̄asopis c̄eske̍ho musea, (Review of the Museum of Bohemia). Prague: 1914.
Blahoslav, Jan, O pūvodu Jednoty bratrske̍ a r̄a̍du v ni̍, (About the Origin of the Unity of Brethren and Its Order), edited by Otakar Odloz̄ili̍k, Prague: Reichel, 1928.
Cedlová, M., "Na̍boz̄enske̍ na̍zory Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho a bratra R̄ehor̄e," (The Religious Ideas of Peter Chelc̄icky̍ and Brother Gregory). C̄asopis c̄eske̍ho musea, vol.CVI.
C̄erny̍, K., "Ze spisū Chelc̄icke̍ho," (Chelc̄icky̍'s Writings), Listy filologicke̍, (Philological Review), vol. XXV.
Chaloupecky̍, Va̍clav, "S̄ti̍tny̍ a Chelc̄icky̍," (S̄ti̍tny̍ and Chelc̄icky̍). C̄asopis matice moravske̍, vol.38. Brno: 1914.
Goll, J., Chelc̄icky̍ a Jednota v XV. stoleti̍, (Chelc̄icky̍ and the Unity in the 15th Century). Kamil Krofta, editor. Prague: Historicky̍ klub Klementinum, 1916.
   , "Petr Chelc̄icky̍ a spisy jeho," (Petr Chelc̄icky̍ and His Writings). C̄asopis c̄eske̍ho musea, Prague: 1881.
Ha̍jek, Viktor, "Chelc̄icky̍ nebo Luther," (Chelc̄icky̍ or Luther), Kr̄est̄anska̍ Revue, Prague: 1928.
      , "Co uc̄il Petr Chelc̄icky̍ o kr̄tu?" (What Did Chelc̄icky̍ Teach About Baptism?). Kalich, vol.XIII. Prague.
Kli̍ma, St., "Petr Chelc̄icky̍," Kalich, vol.VI. Prague.
Kopal, L., "P.Chelc̄icke̍ho na̍zory o manz̄elstvi̍, c̄istotē a rodinē." (Peter Chelc̄icky̍'s Ideas Concerning Marriage, Chastity, and Family). Besedy casu, vol.XVIII. Prague: 1913.
Krofta, Kamil, "Knēz Jan Protiva z Nove̍ Vsi a Chelc̄icke̍ho Mistr Protiva," (Jan Protiva the Priest of Nova Ves and Chelc̄icky̍'s Master Protiva). C̄asopis c̄eske̍ho musea, Prague: 1874. vol. LXXIV.
      , Listy z na̍boz̄ensky̍ch dējin c̄esky̍ch. (Epistles from the Czech Religious History). Prague: 1936.
      , Duchovni̍ odkaz husitstvi̍. (The Spiritual Legacy of Hussitişm). With a reprint of an earlier study on Chelc̄icky̍ published in Vodniany in 1913 by the Committee to Erect a Memorial to Chelc̄icky̍. (All this material is included in the supra Listy etc.) Prague: Svoboda, 1946.
      , "N.V.Jastrebova studie o Petru Chelc̄icke̍m a jeho dobē," (N.V. Jastrebov's Study of Peter Chelc̄icky̍ and His Times). C̄esky̍ c̄asopis historicky̍, vol. XV.
Kubalkin, S., "Petr Chelc̄icky̍, c̄esky̍ Tolstoj XV. stoleti̍," (Peter Chelc̄icky̍, the Czech Tolstoy of the Fifteenth Century). Prague: Vēstni̍k Evropy, 1909.
Lenz, Ant., Na̍stin uc̄eni̍ Jana Amosa Komenske̍ho a uc̄eni̍ Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho, (Outline of the Teaching of John Amos Comenius and Peter Chelc̄icky̍). Prague: 1895.
     , "Papez̄ R̄ehor̄ VII a Petr Chelc̄icky̍," (Pope Gregory VII and Peter Chelc̄icky̍). Vlast, vol.XI
     , "Petr Chelc̄icky̍ a slovnik nauc̄ny̍," (Peter Chelc̄icky̍ and the Encyclopaedia), Vlast, vol.XIII.
     , "Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho Uc̄eni̍ a Soustava," (The System of the Teaching or Peter Chelc̄icky̍). Prague: Sbornik historicke̍ho krouzku, vol.I.
     , "Uc̄eni̍ katolicke̍ o Antikristovi a uc̄eni̍ Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho o tomz̄e, (The Catholic Teaching About the Antichrist and Peter Chelc̄icky̍'s Teaching about the Same). Vlast, vol.XII.
(Lenz was Capitular Provost of Vys̄ehrady, and all his writings present the Catholic point of view).
Molna̍r, Amedeo, Stra̍z̄na̍ samota Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho. (Peter Chelc̄icky's Watchful Solitude). A theological study. Z̄elezny̍ Brod: Bratrska̍ s̄kola, 1945.
Müller, Dr. Jos. Th., Dējiny Jednoty bratrske̍. (The History of the Unity of Brethren). Translated from the German original (written by the Director of the Moravian Church Archives in Herrnhut) by Dr. F.M. Bartos̄. Prague: Jednota bratrska̍, 1923.
        , "Stary̍ rukopis dvou spisū Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho," (An Old Manuscript of Two Writings of Peter Chelc̄icky̍). C̄esky̍ c̄asopis historicky̍, vol.XIII.
Navra̍til, F.O., Petr Chelc̄icky̍: na̍rodohospoda̍r̄sky̍, sociologicky̍ rozbor na̍boz̄enske̍ osobnosti. (Peter Chelc̄icky̍: An Economic and Sociological Analysis of a Religious Personality). Prague: Orbis, 1929.
Novotny̍, V., and R. Urba̍nek, editors, C̄eske̍ dējiny. (Czech History). A monumental work in 3 vols. Particularly III:iii: "The Era of George of Podiebrady." Prague: Laichter, 1930.
Novotny̍, V., "Petr Chelc̄icky̍," C̄eske̍ hlasy, vol.33. Prague: 1925.
Palacky̍, Frantis̄ek, Dējiny na̍rodu c̄eske̍ho. (History of the Czech Nation). Prague, Bursik & Kohout, 1864.
Pavlensky̍, W., O Petru Chelc̄icke̍m. (About Peter Chelc̄icky̍). Lwow: Z̄iti̍ a slovo, 1896.
Rys̄a̍nek, Fr., "Chelc̄icke̍ho o jiste̍m a nejiste̍m oc̄istci," (Chelc̄icky̍'s About the Certain and Uncertain Purgatory). Slovansky̍ sborni̍k. Prague: 1923.
Smeta̍nka, E., "K Postille Chelc̄icke̍ho," Listy filologicke̍, (A Propos Chelc̄icky̍'s Postil), Prague: 1930.
Stēhule, J., "Uc̄eni̍ Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho o la̍sce k bliz̄ni̍mu," (Peter Chelc̄icky̍'s Teaching about Neighbourly Love). Nas̄e doba, Prague: 1917.


(I. Historical Studies)

Denis, Ernest, Fin de l'inde̍pendance boheme. Vol.I: "Georges de Podie̍brad." Paris: Leroux, 1930.
      , Fin de l'inde̍pendance boheme. Vol.II: "Les premiers Habsbourgs," Paris: Leroux, 1930.
      , Huss et la guerre des Hussites.
Paris: Leroux, 1930.
Friedrich, Otto, Helden des Geistes,
Switzerland, 1936.
Goll, J., Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Böhmischen Brüder, 2 vols. Prague: Otto, 1378 and 1882. Particularly vol.II with detailed study, "Peter Chelc̄icky̍ und seine Lehre."
Jastrebov, N.V., "Chelc̄icky̍ i Gus," (Chelc̄icky̍ and Hus), St.Petersburg: Novij Sbornik, 1905.
       , "Na̍c̄rtek z̄ivota a litera̍rni̍ c̄innosti Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho," (An Outline of the Life and work of Peter Chelc̄icky̍). St.Petersburg: Z̄urnal ministerstva narodnago prosvēs̄c̄enia, (pp.224–280), 1895.
Molnar, Enrico, C.S., "A Short Prehistory of Moravianism," The Moravian, vol.LXXXVIII, 29–33 (July 19 – August 16, 1943). Bethlehem, Penna.
Palmov, J., C̄es̄skija brat̄ja v svojich konfesijach. (The Czech Brethren in Their Creeds). Moscow: 1904.
Preger, W., "Ueber das Verhältnis der Taboriten zu den Waldesiern des 14.Jahrhunderts," in Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Munich: 1887.
Spinka, Matthew, "Peter Chelc̄icky̍, the Spiritual Father of the Unitas Fratrum." Church History, vol.XII (December, 1943), pp.271–291.
Vogl, Carl, Peter Cheltschitzki. Ein Prophet an der Wende der Zeiten. Zurich: 1926.

(II. Belles Lettres)

Tolstoy, L.N., The Kingdom of God is Within You, "The Novels and Other Works of L.N.Tolstoy." New York: Scribner's, 1900, pp.12–22.
Waln, Nora, Reaching for the Stars, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1939, pp.301–303.


Goll, Jaroslav, "Jes̄tē jednou – kdo jest Chelc̄icke̍ho mistr Protiva?" (Once More – Who is Chelc̄icky̍'s Master Protiva?) C̄esky̍ c̄asopis historicky̍, vol.I:1 (1895), pp.47–49.
Krofta, Kamil, "Knēz Jan Protiva z Nove̍ Vsi a Chelc̄icke̍ho Mistr Protiva," (Jan Protiva the Priest of Nova̍ Ves, and Chelc̄icky̍'s Master Protiva). C̄asopis c̄eske̍ho musea, vol. LXXIV.
Lenz, A., Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho Uc̄eni̍ o sedmer̄e sva̍tosti̍ a pomēr uc̄eni̍ tohoto k Janu Viklefovi. (Peter Chelc̄icky̍'s Teaching About the Seven Sacraments and Its Relation to the Teaching of John Wyclif). Prague: 1889.
    , Vza̍jemny̍ pomēr uc̄eni̍ Chelc̄icke̍ho, Jednoty C̄esky̍ch bratr̄i̍ a Ta̍borū k nauce Valdensky̍ch, Husi a J.Viklefa. (Mutual Relation of the Teaching of Chelc̄icky̍, the Unity of Czech Brethren, and the Taborites, to the Doctrines of the Waldensians, Hus, and John Wyclif). Prague: 1895.
    , "Z jaky̍ch pr̄i̍c̄in jmenuje Petr Chelc̄icky̍ Viklifa Protivou." (For what Reasons is Wyclif Called the Adversary by Chelc̄icky̍). Vlast, 1917.
Rys̄a̍nek, Fr, "Mistr Protiva u Chelc̄icke̍ho," (Master Adversary in Chelc̄icky̍'s Writings). Listy filologicke̍, vol.XLII.
Svoboda, M., "K otázce Chelc̄icke̍ho Mistra Protivy," (A Propos the Question of Chelc̄icky̍'s Master Protiva). C̄asopis c̄eske̍ho musea, vol.LXXX.


Bartos̄, F.M., Hleda̍ni podstaty kr̄est̄anstvi̍ v c̄eske̍ reformaci. (Seeking of the Essence of Christianity in the Czech Reformation). Prague: Kalich, 1939.
      , Nicolaus de Pelhr̄imov et Ulricus de Znojmo, Orationes . . . in Concilio Basiliensi Anno 1433. Ta̍bor: Archivium Taboriense, I, 1935.
The Cambridge Medieval History, vol.VIII: "The Close of the Middle Ages." Cambridge: University Press, 1936.
Gindely, A., Böhmen und Mähren im Zeitalter der Reformation, Pt.I, vol.I. Prague: 1857.
Krummel, L., Geschichte der böhmischen Reformation Gotha: 1866.
Lenfant, Jacques, Histoire de la guerre des Hussites et du Concile de Basle. (Supplt. by J.de Beausobre, Lausanne: 1745). Utrecht: Lefebure, 1731.
Martinū, Dr.Johann, Die Waldesier und die husitische Reformation in Böhmen. Wien: Kirsch, 1910.
S̄imek, F., Jakoubek ze Str̄i̍bra, Vy̍klad na zjeveni̍ sv. Jana. (Jakoubek of Stribro: Interpretation of the Revelation of St.John). Prague: 1932.
Vanc̄ura, B., Jednota bratrska̍. (The Unity of Brethren). Prague: Jednota bratrska̍, 1938.


(I. General)

Aquinas, Thomas, Summa Theologica, translated by the Fathers of the English Dominican Province. London: Burns Oates & Washbourne, 1916.
Bābur, Zahīr-ad-Dīn, Memoirs. Translated by A.S.Beveridge.2 vols. London: Luzac, 1922.
Baker, J., A Forgotten Great Englishman: Or the Life and Work of Peter Payne the Wicliffite. London: 1894.
Bergson, Henri, Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion. Paris: 1932.
Coulton, G.G., Art and the Reformation. New York: Knopf, 1928.
Jakubec, J., Dējiny literatury c̄eske̍. (History of the Czech Literature). 2nd ed. Prague: 1929.
Jalla, Jean, Pierre Valdo. Geneva: Labor, 1934.
Krofta, Kamil, A Short History of Czechoslovakia.
Translated by Wm.Beardmore. London: Williams and Norgate, 1935.
Laffan, R.G.D., Select Documents of European History, 2 vols. London: 1930.
Littledale, Richard Frederick, The Petrine Claims. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1889.
Lützow, Count Francis, Bohemia: An Historical Sketch. London: Chapman and Hall, 1896.
Māle, Emile, L'art religieux du XIIIe siècle en France. 6th ed. Paris: Armand Colin, 1925.
Mancini, Girolamo, Vita di Lorenzo Valla.
Florence: Sansoni, 1891.
Masaryk, T.G., Svētova̍ revoluce. (The World Revolution). Prague: Orbis, 1925.
Migne, J.P., ed., Patrologiae Cursus Completus. vols.133, 59, 76, 164. Paris: Bibliotheca cleri universa, 1862–1886.
Mumford, Lewis, The Condition of Man.
New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1944.
Nejedly̍, Z., Poc̄a̍tky husitske̍ho zpēvu. (The Beginnings of Hussite Song). Prague: 1907.

Peattie, Roderick, Geography in Human Destiny.
New York: Stewart, 1940.

Poole, Reginald Lane, ed., Iohannis Wycliffe Tractatus De civili dominio, vols. I–IV. London: Truebner, 1885.

Rahner, Hugo, Abendländische Kirchenfreiheit: Dokumente über Kirche und Staat im frühen Christentum.
Einsiedeln: Benzinger, 1943.

Shaw, George Bernard, Saint Joan, New York: Penguin Books, 1946.

Thiel, A., Epistolae Romanorum Pontificum.
Braunsberg, 1863.

Toynbee, Arnold J., A Study of History. 2nd ed., 7 vols. London: Oxford University Press, 1945.

Voigt, G., Enea Silvio de Piccolomini als Papst Pius II und sein Zeitalter. 3 vols. Berlin: 1856–1863.

Winter, Zikmund, Dējiny kroje v zemi̍ch c̄esky̍ch. (History of Costume in Czech Lands). Prague: S̄ima̍c̄ek, 1893.


Allen, J.W., A History of Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century, New York, 1928.

Bainton, Roland, The Church and War: Historic Attitudes Toward Christian Participation. Social Action Reprint of vol.XI:1 (January 15, 1945).

Cadoux, A.T., The Early Christian Attitude to War.
London: 1919.

      , The Early Church and the World.
Edinburgh, 1925.

Erdmann, Carl, Die Entstehung des Kreuzzuggedankens.
Stuttgart: 1935.

Harnack, Adolf, Militia Christi. Tübingen, 1905.

Heering, G.J., The Fall of Christianity. Translated from the Dutch by J.W.Thompson. New York: Fellowship, 1943.
McNeil, John T., "Asceticism vs.Militarism in the Middle Ages." Church History, vol. V (1936), pp.3–28.
Regout, Robert, La doctrine de la guerre juste de Saint Augustin a nos jours. Paris: 1935.
Scott, Thomas, and S.K.Scott-Craig, Christian Attitudes to War and Peace. New York: 1938. (Interpretation of the positions of Jesus, Augustine, Luther, and Grotius).
Thürlemann, Ine̍s, Erasmus von Rotterdam und Johannes Ludovicus Vives als Pazifisten.
Freiburg (Switzerland), 1932.

Paetow, Louis John, A Guide to the Study of Medieval History. Revised Edition, prepared under the auspices of The Mediaeval Academy of America. New York: F.S.Crofts and Company, 1931.

The Complete Bible, An American Translation, the Old Testament translated by J.M.Powis Smith and a group of other scholars, the New Testament and the Apocrypha translated by Edgar J. Goodspeed. Chicago: University Press, 1941.
New Testament, A New Translation, By James Moffatt, New edition, revised. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1935.
The New Testament, Revised Standard Version, revised A.D.1946. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1946.


Erasmus of Rotterdam, Against War, With an Introduction by J.W. Mackail, Boston: Merrymount Press, 1907.
          , The Praise of Folly, With a Short Life of the Author by Hendrik Willem van Loon, New York: Classics Club, 1942.
Seebohm, Frederic, The Oxford Reformers. London: Dent and Sons, 1914.
Singer, Charles, From Magic to Science; Essays on the Scientific Twilight. New York: 1928.