- Abbot, Henry Larcom
- Abbot, Samuel (philanthropist)
- Abbot, Samuel (inventor)
- Abbott, Charles Conrad
- Abbott, Joseph Carter
- Acland, Christina Harriet Caroline Fox
- Acrelius, Israel
- Acuña, Manuel
- Adair, James
- Adair, John
- Adair, William Penn
- Adam, Græme Mercer
- Adams, Abigail
- Adams, Alvin
- Adams, Amos
- Adams, Andrew
- Adams, Benjamin
- Adams, Charles
- Adams, Charles Baker
- Adams, Charles Follen
- Adams, Charles Francis
- Adams, Charles Kendall
- Adams, Daniel
- Adams, Edwin
- Adams, Eliphalet
- Adams, Ezra Eastman
- Adams, Frederick Whiting
- Adams, Hannah
- Adams, Henry A.
- Adams, Herbert Baxter
- Adams, Isaac
- Adams, James Hopkins
- Adams, Jasper
- Adams, John (clergyman)
- Adams, John
- Adams, John Folsom
- Adams, John Quincy
- Adams, Julius Walker
- Adams, Nehemiah
- Adams, Robert H.
- Adams, Samuel
- Adams, William (educator)
- Adrain, Robert
- Agassiz, Alexander
- Agassiz, Jean Louis Rudolphe
- Agramonte, Ignacio
- Aguado, Pedro
- Agüero, Joaquin de
- Agüeynaba
- Aguilar, María
- Aguirre, José María
- Aguirre, Lope de
- Akerly, Samuel
- Akers, Benjamin Paul
- Alaminos, Antonio
- Alcocer, Vidal
- Alcott, Amos Bronson
- Alcott, William Alexander
- Aldama, Ignacio
- Aldana, Ramon
- Alden, Ebenezer
- Alden, Henry Mills
- Alden, Ichabod
- Alden, Isabella
- Alden, James
- Alden, Joseph
- Alden, Roger
- Alden, Timothy (clergyman)
- Alden, Timothy (inventor)
- Aldrich, James
- Aldrich, Nelson Wilmarth
- Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
- Aldrich, Ira
- Alegre, Francisco J.
- Alemany, Joseph Sadoc
- Alença, José Martiniano d'
- Alencastre Noroña y Silva, Fernando
- Alexander, Abraham
- Alexander, Archer
- Alexander, Archibald
- Alexander, Barton Stone
- Alexander, Caleb
- Alexander, Edmund Brooke
- Alexander, Francis
- Alexander, George
- Alexander, James
- Alexander, John Henry
- Alexander, Nathaniel
- Alexander, Stephen
- Alexander, Thomas
- Alexander, Sir William
- Alexander, William
- Alger, Cyrus
- Alger, Horatio
- Allen, Isaac
- Allen, Ethan
- Allen, Richard L.
- Allen, William (statesman)
- Allibone, Samuel Austin
- Amerigo Vespucci
- Ames, Adelbert
- Ames, Oakes
- André, John
- Andree, Karl Theodor
- Andrew, John Albion
- Andrews, Annie M.
- Andrews, Loren
- Andrews, Lorrin
- Andrews, Samuel James
- Andrews, Sherlock James
- Andros, Edmund
- Anschütz, Karl
- Anselme, Jacques ... d'
- Ansorge, Charles
- Anspach, Frederick Rinehart
- Antes, Henry
- Anthon, John
- Anthony, Andrew Varick Stout
- Anthony, Henry Bowen
- Anthony, John Gould
- Anthony, Susan Brownell
- Anthony, Susanna
- Anthony, William Arnold
- Antonelli, Juan
- Appleton, Daniel
- Appleton, James
- Appleton, Jesse
- Appleton, John
- Appleton, John Howard
- Appleton, John James
- Appleton, Nathaniel
- Appleton, Samuel
- Appleton, Thomas Gold
- Appleton, William
- Arboleda, Julio
- Arbuckle, Matthew
- Arbuthnot, Marriot
- Arce, Francisco
- Arce, Manuel
- Arenales, José
- Arents, Albert
- Arey, Harriet Ellen
- Argall, Samuel
- Argenson D', Pierre de Voyer
- Argüello, Luis Antonio
- Arias, Francisco Gabino
- Arias de Benavides, Pedro
- Arnold, Benedict (governor)
- Arnold, Benedict (soldier)
- Arthur, Chester Alan
- Asbury, Francis
- Ashley, James Monroe
- Astor, John Jacob
- Atahualpa
- Atta-Culla-Culla
- Attucks, Crispus
- Atwater, Caleb
- Auchmuty, Robert
- Audenried, Joseph Crain
- Audubon, John James
- Avezzana, Giuseppe
- Avilés, Pedro Menéndez de
- Axayacatl
- Axicoat
- Axopil
- Ayala, Juan Bautista de
- Ayer, James Cook
- Ayllón, Lucas Vázquez de
- Backus, Franklin Thomas
- Badger, Oscar C.
- Bagot, Charles
- Baker, James H.
- Bancroft, George
- Bancroft, Hubert Howe
- Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse
- Bandini, Juan
- Bangs, Francis Cannon
- Banks, Nathaniel Prentice
- Banneker, Benjamin
- Baranoff, Alexander Andrevitch
- Barca, Francisco
- Bárcena, Alfonso de
- Bárcena, Mariano de la
- Barcia, Andrés González de
- Barlow, Joel
- Bartholdi, Frederic Auguste
- Bartley, Mordecai
- Bartolache, José Ignacio
- Barton, Clara
- Barton, David
- Barton, Thomas
- Barton, William
- Bartram, John
- Batchelder, John Putnam
- Batchelder, Samuel
- Baum, Friedrich
- Bayard, James Asheton
- Bayard, James Asheton (Jr.)
- Bazaine, François Achille
- Beach, Abraham
- Beach, Moses Yale
- Beal, Foster Ellenborough Lascelles
- Beal, George Lafayette
- Beal, William James
- Beall, Reazin
- Beaseley, Nathaniel
- Beatty, Charles
- Beatty, Erkuries
- Beatty, John (physician)
- Beatty, John (soldier)
- Beatty, Samuel
- Beaurepaire-Rohan, Henry de
- Beaver, James Addams
- Bébian, Roch Ambroise Auguste
- Becerra, Diego
- Becerra, Francisco
- Bechler, John Christian
- Beck, Charles
- Beck, George
- Beck, James Burnie
- Beck, Paul
- Beck, Theodoric Romeyn
- Becker, George Ferdinand
- Becker, Thomas Albert
- Beckford, William
- Beecher, Lyman
- Behaim, Martin
- Behrens, James
- Beissel, Johann Conrad
- Bell, Alexander Graham
- Bell, Alexander Melville
- Belmont, August
- Benton, Thomas Hart
- Berard, Claudius
- Bergh, Henry
- Bergin, Darby
- Bergmann, Carl
- Berliner, Emile
- Bessels, Emil
- Bessey, Charles Edwin
- Bicknell, Thomas Williams
- Biddle, Nicholas (financier)
- Bierstadt, Albert
- Bigelow, Erastus Brigham
- Bigelow, Timothy
- Bingham, John Armor
- Black Hawk
- Blackwell, Antoinette Louisa Brown
- Blackwell, Elizabeth
- Blaine, James Gillespie
- Blair, Austin
- Blair, Francis Preston
- Blair, Henry William
- Blake, Eli Whitney
- Blake, Lillie Devereux
- Blake, Thomas Holdsworth
- Blake, William Hume
- Blake, William Phipps
- Blake, William Rufus
- Blanchard, Thomas
- Blavatsky, Helene Petrovna
- Bledsoe, Albert Taylor
- Bledsoe, Jesse
- Bleecker, Ann Eliza
- Bleecker, Anthony
- Bleecker, Harmanus
- Blenker, Louis
- Blennerhassett, Harman
- Bliss, Daniel (missionary)
- Bliss, Daniel (jurist)
- Blitz, Antonio
- Bloede, Marie
- Blondin, Emile Gravelet
- Blunt, Edmund March
- Boardman, George Dana
- Boernstein, Henry
- Bohlen, Henry
- Boise, James Robinson
- Bollman, Eric
- Bolton, Henry Carrington
- Bolton, Sarah Knowles
- Bolton, Sarah Tittle
- Bomberger, John Henry Augustus
- Bonaparte, Charles Lucien Jules Laurent
- Bonaparte, Jerome
- Bonaparte, Joseph
- Bonard, Louis
- Bonpland, Aimé
- Bonvouloir, M. de
- Booth, Junius Brutus
- Booth, Mary H. C.
- Booth, Mary Louise
- Boott, Elizabeth
- Borden, Gail
- Botta, Vincenzo
- Boughton, George Henry
- Boutwell, George Sewall
- Bowen, Francis
- Bowen, George Thomas
- Bowers, Elizabeth Crocker
- Bowie, James
- Bowles, Samuel
- Brace, Julia
- Bradford, Robert
- Brandreth, Benjamin
- Brandt, Carl Ludwig
- Brant, Joseph
- Brentano, Lorenzo
- Brevoort, Henry
- Brewer, Gardner
- Brewster, William (pilgrim)
- Brewster, William (ornithologist)
- Bricher, Alfred Thompson
- Bridgman, Laura Dewey
- Bright, Jonathan Broun
- . . .
- Brindis, Claudio J.
- Brinkerhoff, Jacob
- . . .
- Brion, Luis
- Brisbane, Abbott Hall
- Brisbane, William H.
- Brisbin, James Sanks
- Brissot de Warville, Jean Pierre
- Bristed, John
- Bristol, Augusta Cooper
- Bristol, John Bunyan
- Bristow, Benjamin Helm
- Bristow, George, Frederick
- Brittan, Nathan
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord
- Broaddus, Andrew
- . . .
- Brooks, Eleazer
- Brough, John
- Brougham, John
- Brown, Chad
- Brown, Charles Brockden
- Brown, David (hermit)
- Brown, David (preacher)
- Brown, Ethan Allen
- Brown, James
- Brown, John (abolitionist)
- Bruce, Archibald
- Bruce, Blanche Kelso
- Bruce, Sir Frederick William Adolphus
- Brühl, Gustavus
- Bryant, William Cullen
- Buchanan, James
- Buckminster, Joseph
- Buckminster, William
- Buckminster, William J.
- Bulkeley, Peter
- Bunce, Oliver Bell
- Burger, Louis
- Burgess, Edward
- Burke, Edmund (statesman)
- Burleigh, William Henry
- Burley, Bennett G.
- Burlingame, Anson
- Burmeister, Karl Hermann Konrad
- Burns, Anthony
- Burr, Aaron
- Burton, William Evans
- Bush, George
- Butler, Ezra
- Buttrick, John
- Byron, John
- Caldwell, Charles Henry Bromedge
- Calhoun, John Caldwell
- Cammerhoff, John Frederick
- Campbell, John (publisher)
- Candidus, William
- Cañedo, Juan de Dios
- Canek (cacique)
- Canek (prince)
- Canonicus
- Carlberg, Gotthold
- Carlisle, John Griffin
- Carmiencke, John Hermann
- Carnegie, Andrew
- Carson, Christopher
- Carter, James Coolidge
- Carter, Robert
- Cartter, David Kellogg
- Cartwright, Samuel Adolphus
- Cary, Albigence Waldo
- Cary, Alice
- Cary, Annie Louise
- Cary, Archibald
- Cary, John
- Cary, Lott
- Casas, Bartolomé de las
- Catenhusen, Ernst
- Catesby, Mark
- Cesnola, Luigi Palma di
- Chadwick, George Whitfield
- Chadwick, John White
- Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence
- Champlin, John Denison
- Chandler, Charles Frederick
- Chaney, Lucian West, Jr.
- Chanfrau, Frank S.
- Chang and Eng
- Channing, William Ellery
- Charnisé, Aulnay de, Charles de Menou
- Chase, Salmon Portland
- Chateaubriand, François Auguste
- Chatfield, Julia
- Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of
- Chavannes, Jean Baptiste
- Chavero, Alfredo
- Chel-Ab-Ku-Kil
- Cheney, Charles
- Cheney, Charles Edward
- Cheney, Harriet V.
- Cheney, Theseus Apoleon
- Chew, Samuel
- Chi-Ah-Kin
- Chialiquichiama
- Chickering, Jesse
- Chickering, Jonas
- Chignavitcelut, Oxiquieb
- Chiguaihue
- Chilám Balám
- Chilcott, George Miles
- Child, David Lee
- Chilomacon, Charles
- Chilson, Gardner
- Choate, Joseph Hodges
- Choisi, Claude Gabriel de
- Cinque
- Cist, Charles
- Clark, William Smith
- Clay, Henry
- Clemens, Jeremiah
- Clemens, Samuel Langhorne
- Clement, Clara Erskine
- Clement, Knut Jungbohn
- Cleveland, Aaron
- Cleveland, Grover
- Clevenger, Shobal Vail
- Clifford, John Henry
- Coffin, Levi
- Coggeshall, William Turner
- Cogswell, Joseph Green
- Colburn, Jeremiah
- Colburn, Warren
- Colburn, Zerah
- Columbus, Christopher
- Colver, Nathaniel
- Colville, Alexander
- Colvin, Verplanck
- Colvocoresses, George Musalas
- Commager, Henry S.
- Conkling, Alfred
- Conrad, Charles Magill
- Conrad, Frowin
- Conrad, Joseph
- Conrad, Joseph Speed
- Conrad, Robert Taylor
- Conrad, Timothy Abbott
- Conrad, William
- Converse, Charles Crozat
- Conway, Moncure Daniel
- Conway, William A.
- Cook, George Hammell
- Cook, James
- Cooke, Eleutheros
- Cooley, Thomas McIntyre
- Cooper, James Fenimore
- Cooper, Thomas
- Cooper, Thomas Apthorpe
- Copley, John Singleton
- Coppée, Henry
- Copway, George
- Cornell, Ezra
- Corning, Erastus
- Cornplanter
- Cornwallis, Charles, Earl
- Corona, Ramón
- Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de
- Corson, Edward T.
- Corson, Hiram
- Corson, Juliet
- Cortereal, Gaspar
- Cortés, Hernán
- Corwin, Thomas
- Corwine, Amos Breckinridge
- Cosa, Juan de la
- Cosby, William
- Cowdery, Jonathan
- Cowell, Benjamin
- Cowell, Joseph
- Cowen, Benjamin S.
- Cox, Jacob Dolson
- Cox, James (artist)
- Coxe, Tench
- Crandall, Prudence