Index:A Brief History of Modern Philosophy.djvu

Title A Brief History of Modern Philosophy
Author Harald Høffding
Year 1912
Source djvu
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in November 2011

Note: The page numberings for the TOC are not all correct, in particular sections 5-8, at least, are off by one to two pages in either direction
Pages (key to Page Status)

A Brief History of Modern Philosophy


1 2 3

I. The Philosophy of the Renaissance

II. The Great Systems.

III. English Empirical Philosophy.

IV. Philosophy of the Enlightenment in France and Germany.

V. Immanuel Kant and the Critical Philosophy

VI. The Philosophy of Romanticism

VII. Positivism

VIII. New Theories of the Problem of Being upon a Realistic Basis.

IX. New Theories of the Problem of Knowledge and of Value

Chronology of the chief works in philosophy


p. 1
p. 4
  1. Pomponazzi, Machiavelli, Montaigne p. 4
  2. Vives, Melanchthon, Althusius, Grotius p. 8
  3. Bodin, Cherbury, Bohme p. 9
  4. Ramus, Sanchez, Bacon p. 15
p. 21
1. Nicholas of Cusa p. 22
2. Telesius p. 24
3. Copernicus p. 26
4. Bruno p. 28
p. 35
1. Leonardo p. 36
2. Kepler p. 37
3. Galileo p. 39
p. 43
1. Descartes p. 46
2. Hobbes p. 58
3. Spinoza p. 67
4. Leibnitz p. 79
p. 90
1. Locke p. 91
2. Newton p. 96
3. Berkeley p. 98
4. Shaftesbury p. 102
5. Hume p. 106
6. Smith p. 113
p. 117
1. Voltaire and the Encyclopedists 118
2. Rousseau 123
1. The German Enlightenment 132
2. Lessing 135
p. 139
1. The Development of the Kantian Theory of Knowledge 140
a. First Period. 1755-1769 140
b. Second Period. 1769-1761 140
2. Critique of Pure Reason 144
a. Subjective Deduction 144
b. Objective Deduction 146
3. Phenomena and Thing-in-itself 148
4. Criticism of Speculative Philosophy . . . . , .150
1. The Historical Development of the Kantian Ethics . 154
2. The Specifically Kantian Ethics 155
3. The Religious Problem 156
4. Speculative Ideas on the Basis of Biology and Esthetics 159
1. Hamann, Herder, Jacobi 163
2. Reinhold, Maimon, Schiller 165
p. 170
1. Fichte 171
2. Schelling 177
3. Hegel 182
1. Schleiermacher 189
2. Schopenhauer 194
3. Kierkegaard 201
1. Fries 205
2. Herbart 207
3. Beneke 211
1. The Dissolution of the Hegelian School 213
2. Feuerbach 214
p. 218
(The Authority, the Psychological and the Social Schools.) 219
1. Charles Darwin 247
2. Herbert Spencer 250
1. Dühring 261
2. Ardigo 264
p. 267
Introduction. (Modern Materialism) 268
A. Modern Idealism in Germany 271
1. Lotze 271
2. Hartmann . 275
3. Fechner 278
4. Wundt 280
1. Bradley 284
2. Fouillee 287
p. 288
1. German Neokantianism 290
2. French Criticism and the Philosophy of Discontinuity 292
3. The Economico-biological Theory of Knowledge . . 296
1. Maxwell, Mach 298
2. Avenarius 299
3. William James 301
1. Guyau 304
2. Nietzsche 306
3. Eucken 310
4. William James 312

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