Index:Economic Development in Denmark Before and During the World War.djvu

Title Economic Development in Denmark Before and During the World War
Author Harald Westergaard
Year 1922
Publisher Clarendon Press
Location Oxford
Source djvu
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in May 2010


Note by the Director v
Introduction 1
Early German Influence in Denmark 2
Early Condition of the Danish Peasants 3
Condition of the Peasants in the Eighteenth Century 4
The Guild System of the Eighteenth Century 7
Social Developments of the Nineteenth Century 9
The Rise of the Lower Classes 11
The Free Constitution of 1849 16
Social and Economic Developments in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century 19
Beginnings of the Danish Labour Movement 22
Development of the Labour Movement 23
Employers' Associations 26
The Commission of 1875 28
Beginnings of Social Insurance 30
The Commission of 1885 and the Development of Social Insurance 31
Development of Accident Insurance 38
Development of Old-Age Pensions 42
Invalid Insurance 46
Care of Widows and Orphans 48
Care of Consumptives 49
Care of Unemployed 50
Labour Exchange 55
Factory Legislation in the Last Fifty Years 56
Further Development of Social Legislation 62
General Results of Social Legislation 64
Development of Agriculture 66
Development of the Co-operative Dairies 69
Further Development of the Co-operative Movement 72 Condition of the Agricultural Labourer 76
Change of Conditions caused by the War 80
Legislative Measures rendered necessary by the War 82
Recent Social Legislation 88
Economic Changes caused by the War 91
Recent Fiscal Measures 94
Effect of Recent Fiscal Measures 97
Summary and Conclusion 99