Volume 27
May 1906
edit- Number 1
- (p.2): Rudyard Kipling - Robin Goodfellow—His Friends
- (p.14): Carl Schurz - Reminiscences of a Long Life, continued
- (p.25): Richard Washburn Child - A Lesson in Labor
- (p.35): A. E. Housman - When I Was One-and-Twenty
- (p.36): Burton J. Hendrick - The Story of Life Insurance, Chapter I, The Surplus: The Basis of Corruption
- (p.50): Florence Wilkinson - Sea Blood
- (p.51): Margaret McFarland and Arthur E. McFarlane - A Subscription to the Heathen
- (p.63): Stewart Edward White - Arizona Nights Part V. Cyclone Bill's Yarn
- (p.70): George Edward Woodberry - Great Masters of Literature: Milton
- (p.82): John McAuley Palmer - Martyrdom à la Mode
- (p.86): Mrs. Wilson Woodrow - The Return of the Gypsy
- (p.97): Witter Bynner - So Kind You Are
- (p.98): Clara Morris - An Actress—On Guard
- (p.104): Joseph C. Lincoln - Idella and the White Plague
June 1906
edit- Number 2
- (p.114): Stewart Edward White - Buried Treasure
- (p.131): Ray Stannard Baker - The Way of a Railroad with a Town
- (p.146): Rosalie M. Jonas - Timed to an African Chant
- (p.147): Rudyard Kipling - Robin Goodfellow—His Friends, continued
- (p.157): Burton J. Hendrick - The Story of Life-Insurance, Chapter II, The Pioneer
- (p.170): Marjorie L. C. Pickthall - The Sea Witch
- (p.171): Charles Fleming Embree - Uncle Sammie
- (p.178): Samuel Hopkins Adams - Yellow Fever: A Problem Solved
- (p.193): Robert McDonald - The Strange Adventure of Lulu
- (p.205): Carl Schurz - Reminiscences of a Long Life, continued
- (p.214): George Allan England - Lost—An Echo
- (p.218): Frank H. Spearman - The Sewing-Machine Story
July 1906
edit- Number 3
- (facing p.225): Illustration for Robin Goodfellow—His Friends
- (p.225): Julian Street - My Enemy—The Motor
- (p.237): Burton J. Hendrick - The Story of Life-Insurance, Chapter III, The "Founder" of the Equitable.
- (p.252): Arthur Guiterman - The Home Wind
- (p.253): Abby Meguire Roach - The Generous Mr. Dean
- (p.260): John McCauley Palmer - The Morals of Mammon
- (p.266): Stella F. Wynne - The Still of Ballywan
- (p.275): Henry Anderson Lafler - My Sixty Sleepless Hours
- (p.282): Rudyard Kipling - Robin Goodfellow—His Friends, continued
- (p.291): Ray Stannard Baker - New Music for an Old World
- (p.302): Carl Schurz - Reminiscences of a Long Life, continued
- (p.318): From the New York Evening Post - The Career of Carl Schurz
- (p.326): James Hopper - Caybigan
- (p.336): Charles Buxton Going - At the Top of the Road
August 1906
edit- Number 4
- (facing p.337): Illustration for The Story of Montana
- (p.337): Myra Kelly - A Soul above Buttons
- (p.346): C. P. Connolly - The Story of Montana
- (p.362): Carl Schurz - Impressions of Rachel
- (p.368): Jack London - The Unexpected
- (p.383): Abby Meguire Roach - Mrs. Archer's Feelings
- (p.391): O. Henry - The Trimmed Lamp
- (p.400): Burton J. Hendrick - The Story of Life-Insurance, Chapter IV, The Great Tontine Gamble
- (p.413): Rudyard Kipling - Robin Goodfellow—His Friends, continued
- (p.421): Viola Roseboro' - Archie's Baby
- (p.429): Mrs. Wilson Woodrow - The Lady Peddler and the Diplomats
- (p.438): C. W. Saleeby - Cancer—Can It Be Cured?
- (p.445): Montague Glass - Casabianca
- (p.448): Florence Wilkinson - The After-Glow on the Height
September 1906
edit- Number 5
- (p.450): N. C. Wyeth - The Prospector, an illustration
- (p.451): C. P. Connolly - The Story of Montana, continued
- (p.466): Perceval Gibbon - The Trader of Last Notch
- (p.474): Eugene Wood - Niagara
- (p.491): James Hopper - Some Benevolent Assimilation
- (p.502): Rudyard Kipling - Robin Goodfellow—His Friends, continued
- (p.510): Samuel Hopkins Adams - B. Jones, Butcher
- (p.521): C. N. Williamson and A. M. Williamson - A Royal Romance
- (p.532): Viola Roseboro' - Young Corey's Chance
- (p.539): Burton J. Hendrick - The Story of Life-Insurance, Chapter V, The Thirty Years' War
- (p.551): John T. McIntyre - The Three Wise Men
- (p.560): Florence Wilkinson - The Mountain God
October 1906
edit- Number 6
- (p.562): Lincoln Steffens - Ben B. Lindsey: The Just Judge
- (p.582): James Lincoln - One of the Eighty Thousand
- (p.588): Rudyard Kipling - Robin Goodfellow—His Friends, continued
- (p.596): James Hopper - The Confluence
- (p.610): George Kibbe Turner - Galveston: A Business Corporation
- (p.621): Harvey J. O'Higgins - Tammany's Tithes
- (p.628): A. E. Housman - Saluto!
- (p.629): C. P. Connolly - The Story of Montana, continued
- (p.640): Perceval Gibbon - The Second-Class Passenger
- (p.648): William Aspenwall Bradley - A Rain Mood
- (p.649): Herminie Templeton - Killbohgan and Killboggan
- (p.659): Burton J. Hendrick - The Story of Life-Insurance. Chapter VI, The Raid on the Surplus
- (p.672): Editor - The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz