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baptists immerse there, 144; Hans Hut at, 160; Jacob Widemann, 163; death of Hut at, 169

Augustinianism, Luther's, 193, 196

Auspitz, Anabaptist colony, 250

Austerlitz, Anabaptist colony, 249, 251

Austria, difficulty with Waldshut, 74-79; captures Waldshut, 122-123; determined to kill Hübmaier, 238


Ban, among Anabaptists, 212; reckless use of, 255

Baptism, act of, among Anabaptists, 142-145; practice of Hübmaier, 112, 142

Baptism of infants, deemed unscriptural, 10, 16, 102; Swiss reformers uncertain about, 99, 104; questioned by Münzer, 107; attacked by Hübmaier, 99, 114-122; defended by Zwingli, 113, 118, 135

Baptism of believers, 10, 102; Hübmaier's doctrine of, 202 sq.; remission of sins in, 205. See Hübmaier, writings of

Basel, Hübmaier's visit to, 54; approves policy of Schaffhausen, 84

Beck, Dr. Josef, and his book, 8

Blaurock, George, Swiss Anabaptist, 143

Bogomils, 10

Brunnstein, John of, 151

Bullinger, Henry, Swiss reformer and historian, on the Anabaptists, 105, 107; opinion of Hübmaier, 245

Burgher class, rise of, 5

Burian, lord of Konitz, 152


Calvin, doctrines of grace, 186

Campbell, Alexander, doctrine of remission of sins, 205

Capito, Swiss reformer, letters to Zwingli, 22; Zwingli's letters to, 125; burns Hätzer's book, 184

Chiliasm among Anabaptists, 2; at Nikolsburg, 160, 161, 165; Hübmaier opposes, 164; William Miller's, 165

Christianity, essential nature of, 14

Church (a single congregation), nature of, 10; Petrobrusian idea of, 11; Waldensian, ib.; Anabaptist, 15; ideas of Zürich radicals, 101, 103; Hübmaier's doctrine of, 206-208

Church, separation from State, 15, 21; character of a State, 20

Columban, 47

Community of goods, among Anabaptists, 3; Hübmaier's idea of, 164; See Socialism

Constance, Hübmaier accused to bishop of, 80; his visit to the city, 142

Controversy, Hübmaier's love of, 32; between Hübmaier and Zwingli, 119 sq.; between Hübmaier and Œcolampadius, 120-122

Cornelius, of Bonn, and his book, 7