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C. S. S. Charles Scott Sherrington, M.A., D.Sc., M.D., F.R.S., LL.D.
Professor of Physiology in the University of Liverpool. Author of The Integrative Action of the Nervous System.
Spinal Cord: Physiology.
C. W. W. Sir Charles William Wilson, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., F.R.S. (1856-1907).
Major-General, Royal Engineers. Secretary to the North American Boundary Commission, 1858-1862. British Commissioner on the Servian Boundary Commission. Director-General of the Ordnance Survey, 1886-1894. Director-General of Military Education, 1895-1898. Author of From Korti to Khartoum; Life of Lord Clive; &c.
Sivas (in part).
D. F. T. Donald Francis Tovey.
Author of Essays in Musical Analysis; comprising The Classical Concerto, The Goldberg Variations, and analyses of many other Classical works.
Sonata Forms; Spohr, Ludwig.
D. G. H. David George Hogarth, M.A.
Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Fellow of the British Academy. Excavated at Paphos, 1888; Naucratis, 1899 and 1903; Ephesus, 1904-1905; Assiut, 1906~1907. Director, British School at Athens, 1897-1900. Director, Cretan Exploration Fund, 1899.
Side; Sis; Sivas (in part); Smyrna (in part); Soli (Asia Minor).
D. H. David Hannay.
Formerly British Vice-Consul at Barcelona. Author of Short History of the Royal Navy; Life of Emilio Castelar; &c.
Sluys, Battle of; Spain: History (in part); Spanish Succession, War of: Naval and Military Operations; Spinola, Ambrose.
D. M. W. Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, K.C.I.E., K.C.V.O.
Extra Groom of the Bedchamber to H.M. King George V. Director of the Foreign Department of The Times, 1891-1899. Member of Institut de Droit International and Officier de l’Instruction Publique of France. Joint-editor of the New Volumes (10th ed.) of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Author of Russia; Egypt and the Egyptian Question; The Web of Empire; &c.
Shuvalov, Count.
E. A. Edward Arber, D.Litt., F.S.A.
See the biographical article: Arber, Edward.
Smith, John (1579-1631).
E. A. F. Edward Augustus Freeman, LL.D., D.C.L.
See the biographical article: Freeman, E. A.
Sicily: History (in part).
E. C. B. Rt. Rev. Edward Cuthbert Butler, O.S.B., M.A., D.Litt.
Abbot of Downside Abbey, Bath. Author of “The Lausiac History of Palladius” in Cambridge Texts and Studies.
Silvestrines; Simeon Stylites, St.
E. G. Edmund Gosse, LL.D.
See the biographical article: Gosse, Edmund.
Song (Literary); Stanley, Thomas; Stevenson, Robert Louis; Style.
E. H. M. Ellis Hovell Minns, M.A.
University Lecturer in Palaeography, Cambridge. Lecturer and Assistant Librarian at Pembroke College, Cambridge. Formerly Fellow of Pembroke College.
Slavs; Slovaks; Slovenes; Sorbs.
Ed. M. Eduard Meyer, Ph.D., D.Litt., LL.D.
Professor of Ancient History in the University of Berlin. Author of Geschichte des Alterthums; Geschichte des alten Aegyptens; Die Israeliten und ihre Nachbarstämme.
E. Ma. Edward Manson.
Barrister-at-Law. Joint-editor of the Journal of Comparative Legislation. Author of Law of Trading Companies; Practical Guide to Company Law; &c.
Stocks and Shares.
E. M. S. Eleanor Mildred Sidgwick (Mrs Henry Sidgwick), D.Litt., LL.D.
Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge, 1892-1910. Hon. Secretary to the Society for Psychical Research. Author of Papers in the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research.
E. M. T. Sir Edward Maunde Thompson, G.C.B., I.S.O., D.C.L., Litt.D., LL.D.
Director and Principal Librarian. British Museum, 1898-1909. Sandars Reader in Bibliography, Cambridge University, 1895-1896. Hon. Fellow of University College, Oxford. Author of Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography. Editor of the Chronicon Angliae. Joint-editor of publications of the Palaeographical Society the New Palaeographical Society, and of the Facsimile of the Laurentian Sophocles.
E. O. Edmund Owen, F.R.C.S., LL.D., D.Sc.
Consulting Surgeon to St Mary’s Hospital, London, and to the Children’s Hospital, Great Ormond Street, London. Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. Author of A Manual of Anatomy for Senior Students.
Skull: Cranial Surgery; Spinal Cord (Surgery); Stomach.
E. Pr. Edgar Prestage.
Special Lecturer in Portuguese Literature in the University of Manchester. Commendador, Portuguese Order of S. Thiago. Corresponding Member of Lisbon Royal Academy of Sciences and Lisbon Geographical Society; &c.
Silva, Antonio J. da; Sousa, Luiz de.
E. W. H. Ernest William Hobson, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.R.A.S.
Fellow and Tutor in Mathematics, Christ’s College, Cambridge. Stokes Lecturer in Mathematics in the University.
Spherical Harmonics.
F. A. B. Francis Arthur Bather, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.R.G.S.
Assistant Keeper of Geology British Museum. Rolleston Prizeman Oxford, 1892. Author of “Echinoderma” in A Treatise on Zoology; Triassic Echinoderms of Bakony; &c.