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THE following list, in which we have included all the principal books recommended in the foregoing pages, has been revised throughout for the present edition. The prices given are those of the best and cheapest editions, our rule being to mention the cheapest that are at the same time fairly complete and correct. Such considerations as large paper and good binding have not been taken into account. Where, however, a slightly dearer edition is greatly superior to a cheaper, we have generally mentioned the dearer. In many cases where the complete works of the author mentioned are beyond the means of the general public we have added some selection or abridgment. In many cases where the books mentioned are out of print, a second-hand price has been given: these prices represent, however, not so much the lowest sum for which a lucky purchaser may hope to pick up the books as the highest price which he should reasonably be charged. In most other cases the full published prices are given, but it is now usual for booksellers to allow a discount of 2d. (or, in London and a few other large towns, of 3d.) in the shilling off new books. In the case of the classics, we have generally, with the exception of Teubner's Leipzig series, given particulars of English editions; classical scholars would hardly require such hints as could be given in our space. With regard to the Classics, the best information is to be found in J. B. Mayor's "Guide to the Choice of Classical Books" (Bell, 4s. 6d.).

S.H. placed after the price of a book signifies "second-hand."

Addison: "Spectator"—Ed. by Prof. Morley, 3s. 6d.

Aeschylus—Gr., with Eng. notes, by Paley, 18s. Verse tr. by Miss Swanwick, 5s. Prose tr. by Paley, 7s. 6d.; by Buckley, 5s. (Bohn). The "Agamemnon" only—Greek and English, by Conington, 7s. 6d.; verse tr. and notes by Kennedy, 6s.; verse tr. by Browning, 5s.; and an excellent paraphrase by Fitzgerald (Quaritch). The "House of Atreus" Trilogy—verse tr. by Morshead, 7s. 6d.

Aesop's Fables—Gr. (Tauchnitz), 1s. Eng., 2s. 6d.

African Explorations: e.g., Johnston's "Africa"—18s. 6d. (See also Boteler, Barthe, Cameron, Livingstone, Stanley.)

Andersen, Hans: "Fairy Tales"—5s. Also "Chandos Classics," 2s.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle—(Bohn), 5s.

Anselm: "Cur Deus Homo "—2s.

Ansted: "Geology"—12s.

Anthology, the Greek—Gr., 3 vols., Leipzig, 20s.; 2 vols., Teubner, 3s. 6d. Eng., Bohn, 5s.

Apostolic Fathers: Wake's Collection—2s. 6d. (S. H.).

Aquinas, St. Thomas—Eng., "Homilies," 4s. 6d. (S. H.). "Sacrament of the Altar," 3s. (S. H.), "Catena Aurea," 6 vols., 42s.

Arabian Nights—Trans. by Lane, 3 vols., 21s. (Chatto and Windus). Routledge's edition, 3s. 6d.

Arctic Voyages—See Travellers' Library, 2s. (S. H.).

Ariosto: "Orlando Furioso"—Ital., 3 vols. (Lefevre), 7s. 6d. Eng. (Bohn), 2 vols., 10s.

Aristophanes: "Knights," Clouds," "Birds," and "Frogs"—Teubner's Greek Text, 1s. each. Gr. with Eng. notes by W. C. Green, 3s. 6d. each. Eng. by J. H. Frere, in his "Works," 2 vols., 24s. "Birds"—Tr. and notes by Kennedy, 6s. "Frogs"—Gr. with Eng. notes by Paley, 4s. 6d.

Aristotle: Ethics—Gr., 2s. 6d. (Teubner). With Eng. notes by Grant. 2 vols., 32s. Trans. (Bohn), 5s. Poetics—Gr., 10d. (Teubner). With Eng. notes, by Moore, 1s. 6d. Eng. by Wharton, 2s. Politics—Gr. with Eng. notes by Congreve, 18s. Engl. by Jowett, 2 vols., 28s.; by Welldon, 10s. 6d. Rhetoric—Eng. by Welldon, 10s. 6d.

Arnold, Dr.: "History of Rome"—3 vols., new, 36s.; 5 vols., S. H., 24s. 6d. (pub. 60s.)

Arnold, Edwin: "Light of Asia"—7s. 6d. and 35s. 6d.

Arnold, Matthew: "Poems"—3 vols., 22s. 6d.

Auerbach: "Village Stories," &c.—2s. a volume in German or in English.

Augier: "Théâtre"—6 vols., 18s.

Augustine, St.: Confessions—6s. and 1s. "De Civitate Dei"—5s. (S. H.) "The City of God"—ed. by Dods, 2 vols., 21s.

Aurelius, Marcus: "Meditations"—Gr., Tauchnitz, 1s.; Eng., by Long, 3s. 6d. (Bohn). Renan's "Marc Auréle," 6s. 6d.

Austen, Miss: "Emma," "Pride and Prejudice," or "Mansfield Park"—6s. each (Bentley); 2s. each (Chapman and Hall).

Bacon: "Essays"—by Whately¸ 10s. 6d.; by Chambers, 1s. 4d.; Routledge's Universal Library, 1s.; "Golden Treasury" edition, 4s. 6d. "Novum Organum," Latin, with English Notes, by Fowler, 14s.; Eng., by Kitchin, 3s. 6d. "New Atlantis," Ward and Lock, 1s.

Ballads of North of England and Scotland—Scott, 7s.; Motherwell, and other Selections, 12s. 6d.; Aytoun, 6s. 6d. (All S. H.) Percy's "Reliques," 2 vols. (Bohn) 7s.; (Warne), 2s.

Balzac: Œuvres—55 vols., 1s. 3d. each. "La Recherche de l'Absolu," "Eugénie Grandet," "Peau de Chagrin," "Le Père Goriot"—1s. 3d. each. Eng. (S. H.): "Daddy Goriot," 2s.; "Cæsar Birotteau," 4s. 6d.; Cat and Battledore," 3 vols., 6s.

Bancroft: "America"—Last and best edition, £3 3s.

Barthe: "Central Africa "—5 vols., 45s. (S. H.).

Bates: "Travels," Amazon "—3rd ed., 7s. 6d. (S. H.).

Baxter: "Saints' Rest"—1s. 6d. (Religious Tract Soc.)

Beaumarchais: Œuvres complètes—1873—8s. Théâtre, 2s. 6d.

Beaumont and Fletcher—2 vols., 21s.

Benvenuto Cellini: Autobiography of—Eng. (Bohn), 3s. 6d.

Bernard, St.: Opera (Latin)—18s. (S. H.). Life by Morison, 5s.

Beowulf—Eng., by T. Arnold, 12s.; by Lumsden, 5s

Berkeley, Bp. G.: Works—by Fraser, 4 vols., £2 18s. Selections, 7s. 6d. Life and Letters, 16s.

Bible—Pub. by H. Frowde, from 9d. to £2.

Biogr. Britannica—The best is undoubtedly Leslie Stephen's "Dictionary of National Biography," now in course of publication. 12s. 6d. per vol.