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Biographie Universelle—52 vols., £7 (S.H.).

Bion. (See Theocritus.)

Blake, W.: Poetical Works—Rossetti, 5s. "Canterbury Classics," 1s.

Boccaccio: "Decameron"—Italian, 5s.; English, by Wright, 5s.; (Bohn), 12s. Condensed in Rouledge's Universal Library, 1s.

Bodin: "Republic"—French, 1586; Latin, 1641, 9s.

Boethius—Latin, Jena, 2s.; English, King Alfred's Version (Bohn), 5s.

Bolingbroke: Works—8 vols., 1809, £2 25. (S.H.). On History—5s. (Ward, Lock, and Co.)

Border Ballads: Danish, Scotch, and English. By Maidment, 2 vols., 21s.

Borrow, George: "Lavengro"—5s. "Romany Rye," 5s. (Murray).

Bossuet: Œuvres, Versailles, 1821—23 vols., 1£ 1s. Œuvres Choisis, 7 vols., 2s. 6d. each, sold separately. "Funeral Orations"—Fr., 5s.; Eng., 1801, 5s. (S. H.).

Boswell: "Johnson "—by Napier, 5 vols., 8vo, 60s.; 6 vols., £1 1s.; 3s. 6d. (Routledge).

Botany: "General Elements of British "—by Oliver, 4s. 6d.; Balfour, 5s.; Sach's "Text-book," £1 11s. 6d.

Boteler: "West Coast of Africa—2 vols., 18s. (S.H.).

Bouddha et sa Religion—by St. Hilaire, 3s. 6d.

Bourrienne: "Life of Napoleon"—3 vols., 5s. (S. H.).

Brontë, Charlotte and Sisters: Life and Works ("Jane Eyre," &c.)—7 vols., 5s. and 2s. 6d. per vol.

Browne, Sir Thomas: Works—3 vols., Bohn, 10s. 6d.

Browning, Mrs.: "Poems"—5 vols., 30s. Selections, 2 vols., 3s. 6d. each, sold separately.

Browning, R.: "Poetical Works"—6 vols., 5s. each. Selections, 2 vols., 3s. 6d. each, sold separately.

Bruce: "Abyssinia"—7 vols., £1 12s. (S. H.)

Bryant, W.C.: Poems—7s. 6d. and 3s. 6d. (Kegan Paul).

Bryce: History of the Holy Roman Empire—7s. 6d.

Buckle: Miscellanies—New edition, 2 vols., £1 1s.

Bunsen, Baron: Life of—2 vols., 16s. (S. H.) New edition, 7s. 6d.

Bunyan: "Pilgrim's Progress"—By Southey, 10s. 6d.; by Venables, 5s. (Warne), 2s.

Burckhardt: "Travels"—5 vols., 4to, 210s. (S. H.)

Burke: Select Works (Payne)—Clarendon Press, 3 vols., 14s. 6d.

Burnet: "History of his own Time." Imp. 8vo, 6s. 6d. (pub. at 25s.) "History of the Reformation of the Church of England"—7 vols. (Clarendon Press), £4 4s.

Burns, R.: Poetical Works—Globe Edition, 3s. 6d.

Butler, Bp.: "Sermons on Human Nature "—Longmans, 2s. 6d. "Analogy"—Ward and Lock, 1s. 6d.

Butler, S.: "Hudibras"—Aldine Edition, 2 vols., 3s. " Remains," 2 vols., 4s. 6d.

Byron: Poetical Works—Rossetti, 3s. 6d. Works (containing the Letters), by Moore, 17 vols., £1 10s. (S. H.) Poems separately, 2s. 6d. each vol.

Cæsar: Commentaries—Lat. (Teubner), 2s.; Eng. (Bohn), 5s. (See Froude.)

Calvin: Works, 52 vols., £3 17s. (S. H.) The "Institutes," translated by Beveridge, 8vo, 2 vols., 14s.

Camoens—Eng., "Lusiad"—by Aubertin, 2 vols., 12s.; 3s. 6d. (Bohn).

Campbell, T. : Poems—3s. 6d.

Carlyle: Works—People's edition, 37 vols., 2s. each (sold separately).

Catullus—Lat., (Teubner) 8d. Lat. by Robinson Ellis, Select Works, ditto, 3s. 6d. Select Works, Lat. with Eng. Notes, by Simpson, 5s. Eng. translations. by Theodore Martin, 7s. 6d., and R. Ellis (in the metres of the originals), 5s.

Cervantes: "Don Quixote"—Eng. by Duffield, 3 vols., 12s. (S. H.); by Ormsby, 4 vols., £2 2s.; 2 vols., 7s. (Bohn); 2 vols., 2s. (Routledge's Universal Library).

Chambers, Robert: "The Stuart Rising of 1745"—7s. 6d. (Chambers).

Chamfort, Maximo: "Œuvres"—3s. 6d.

Charlemagne, Life of—Fr., Eginhard (Guizot Coll.), 10s.; Eng., by Card, 7s. 6d.

Chaucer: Aldine Edition, 6 vols., 1s. 6d. each. "Canterbury Tales"—3s. 6d. (Routledge); with Notes, &c. (Clarendon Press), 1s. each part.

Charnock: "Existence and Attributes of God," 4s.(S. H.)

Cicero: "Dialogues" ("De Officiis," "De Amicitiâ," "De Senectute")—Lat. (Teubner), 1s. each. Lat., with Eng. Notes: "De Offciis," by Holden, 9s.; "De Amicitiâ" and "De Senectute," by Reid, 3s. 6d. each. Eng. (Bohn), 1 vol., 5s.—"Orations" ("Pro Archiâ," "Pro Murena," "Pro Cluentio"), Lat., 4 vols. (Teubner), 6s.; Lat., with Eng. Notes: "Pro Archiâ," by Reid, 2s.; "Pro Murena," by Heitland, 3s.; "Pro Cluentio," by Ramsat, 3s. 6d. Eng. (Bohn), 4 vols., £1.—"Letters," Lat. with Eng. Notes by Watson, 18s.; Eng., by Jeans, 10s. 6d.

Clarendon: "Rebellion"—7 vols., 1849, 50s.

Classics: "Ancient Classics for English Readers"—by Collins, 28 vols., 2s. 6d. each.

Coleridge: Works—(Bohn), 5 vols., 17s. 6d.; Poems and Dramas (Macmillan), 4 vols., 31s. 6d.

Collins: Poems—1s. 6d. (Aldine Edition).

De Commines: Memoirs—2 vols. (Bohn), 7s.

Common Prayer, Book of—Published by H. Frowde, from 9d. to £2 4s.

Comte: "Catechism of Positive Philosophy"—By Congreve—3s. 6d. (S. H.)

Confucius: "Analects"—Chinese and Eng., by Legge, 42s.

Congreve, Wycherly, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar, in 1 vol. (Routledge), 10s. 6d.

Cook: "Voyages"—(Routledge) 2s.; Cassell, 5s.

Cooper, Fennimore: Novels. 1s. each.

Corneille: Œuvres complètes—Paris, 1872. 7 vols., 12mo, 7s.

Cousin, Victor: Œuvres—Paris, 1850. 6 vols., 12mo, 18s. Trans. "Lectures on the True," &c. 7s. 6'd.

Cowper: Poetical Works—Aldine Edition, 3 vols. 1s. 6d. each; Globe Edition, 3s. 6d. Translation of Homer—2 vols., 3s. 6d. each.

Crabbe: Poems—7s. (Murray); 1s. (Chambers).

Craik: "History of English Literature"—2 vols., 25s.

Crashaw (J. R. Smith)—5s. (S.H.)

Craven, Mrs.: "Le Récit d'une Seur "—2 vols., 7s.

Creasy: "Decisive Battles"—1 vol., 6s.

Cuvier: "Animal Kingdom"—1 vol., 7s. (S. H.).

Dante: "Divina Commedia"—Ital. ed., Fraticelli, 5s.; Eng., by Longfellow, 5s. Also in Routledge's Universal Library, 1s. By Carey, 2s. (Warne). "The Inferno": tr. by J. A. Carlyle (in prose), 55. The "Vita Nuova." in D. G. Rossetti's "Dante and his Circle," 12s.