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Darwin: "Origin of Species," 7s. 6d.; "Naturalist on the Beagle," 5s. (S. H.)

Daudet: Novels—16 vols., 3s. 6d. per vol.

Dawson: "A Chain of Life," 6s. 6d.; "Fossil Men," 7s. 6d.

Defoe: Works, 7 vols.—3s. 6d. each (Bohn); "Robinson Crusoe,” Globe ed., 3s. 6d.; Illus., 5s.

Dekker: Dramas—4 vols., 18s. (S. H.)

Demosthenes: "De Coronâ"—Gk. (Teubner), 2s. Gr. with Eng. notes, &c., by Simpson, 5s. Eng., by Kennedy (Bohn), 3s. 6d.

De Quincey: Works—16 vols., 4s. 6d. each, sold separately.

Descartes: "Discours sur la Méthode"—Paris, 1876, 2s. 6d.

Deschanel: "Nat. Philosophy"—(translation), 18s.

Dickens:—"Charles Dickens" Edit., 21 vols., 76s. (4s. and 3s. 6d. each), A new "Cabinet Edition" is now publishing, 1s. 6d. per vol.

Diderot: Œuvres complétes—20 vols. 8vo, £6 6s.; Œuvres Choisies, 2 vols., 1874, 5s.

Dodd: History of Scottish Covenanters—3s. (S. H.)

Donne—by Grosart—2 vols., 10s. (S. H.)

DramatistsCharles Lamb's "Specimens of the English Dramatic Poets" (Bohn) 3s. 6d. Dicks's British Dramatists, 12 vols., 1s. each.

Drayton: Poems—J.R. Smith. 3 vols., 15s.

Dryden: Poetical Works—Aldine Edition, 5 vols., 1s. 6d. each; Globe Edition, 3s. 6d.

Dumas: "Monte Cristo"—Fr., 6 vols., 6s. Eng., 1 vol., 2s. (Routledge).

Duncker, Von: "History of Antiquity" (translation)—6 vols., £4 (S. H.); full price, £6 6s.

Early English Metrical Romances—By Ellis and [[Maximilian Wolfgang Duncker Author:James Orchard Halliwell-Phillips|Halliwell]], 5s. (Bohn),

Edda, the (including some of the other early old Norse romantic genealogical poems)—by Anderson, Chicago—10s. 6d.

Edwards, Jonathan: "On the Freedom of the Will"—2s. 6d. (S. H.)

"Eliot, George": "Adam Bede"—3s. 6d.; "Mill on the Floss," 3s. 6d.; "Romola," 3s. 6d.; "Scenes of Clerical Life," 3s.; "Silas Marner," 2s. 6d.; "Middlemarch," 7s. 6d. "Romola" may also be had for 2s. 6d. (Smith and Elder),

Emerson: Works. Edited by John Morley, M.P. 6 vols., 5s. each (Macmillan); Bohn's Edition, 3 vols., 3s. 6d. each.

English BalladsEllis and Ritson, 3 vols., 18s. (S. H.)

Epictetus—Latin, 25. (Teubner); Eng. (Bohn), 5s.

Erasmus—Latin: "Colloquia" and "Encomium Moriæ," 2 vols. (Tauchnitz), 2s. 6d. "Familiar Colloquies," by Bayley, 2 vols., 8vo, 7s.

Etherege: Works—6s. (S. H.)

Euripides: "Alcestis," "Medea," "Hecuba"—Gr. (Teubner), 6d. each. "Alcestis," with Eng. Notes Verrall, 1s. 6d. "Medea," with Eng. Notes by Verrall, 7s. 6d. and (smaller ed.) 3s. 6d. "Hecuba," with Eng. Notes by Paley, 1s. 6d. There is a "transcript" of the "Alcestis" in Browning's "Balaustion," 5s. Works—Eng. (Bohn), 2 vols., 10s.

Evelyn: Diary—(Bohn), 4 vols, 3s. 6d. each. Warne, 2s.

Ewald: "History of Israel"—7 vols. £4.

Fawcett: "Political Economy"—12s.

Fergusson: "History of Architecture"—4 vols., £6 16s. 6d.

Fielding: "Tom Jones"—Bohn, 2 vols., 7s. "Joseph Andrews"—1 vol., 3s. 6d.

Firdusi: "Shahnameh"—By Champion, 10s. (S. H.)

Fontaine, La: "Fables"—ed, par Jannet, French, 2 vols., 4s. 6d. Eng., Bohn, 3s. 6d.

Forbes: "The Alps"—Royal 8vo, £2 15s. (S. H.)

Ford and Massinger—In one vol., Routledge, 10s. 6d.

Forster, John: "Statesmen of the Commonwealth"—5 vols., 13s. (S. H.)

Foster, John: Essays—4 yols., Bohn, 3s. 6d. each.

Francois de Sales, St,: Œuvres—French, 10 vols., £2 5s. "Traité de l'Amour de Dieu," 2s. 6d. Eng. "Devout Life," 1s. 6d. "Manual of Practical Piety," 3s. 6d.

Freeman: "Norman Conquest"—6 vols., £5 9s. 6d. Short History of do., 2s. 6d.

Froissart: "Chroniques"—par S. Lucey, 5 vols., 36s.; Eng. by Johnes, 2 vols., 16s. (S. H.)

Froude: "Cæsar"—16s. "History of England"—12 vols. post 8vo, 3s. 6d. each.

Fuller: "Works"—8 vols, £4 (S. H.) "Good Thoughts in Bad Times, &c.," 6s, (Pickering), 5, H. "Holy and Profane State," 6s. (Pickering), 5. H.

Gardiner, S. R.: "History of England"—10 vols. post 8vo, £3.

Gaskell, Mrs.: Works—7 vols., 3s. 6d. and 2s. 6d. each.

Gibbon: "Autobiography"—3s. 6d. (Murray). "Decline and Fall"—7 vols. (Bohn), 24s. 6d. "Chandos" edition, 3 vols., 10s. 6d.

Goethe: "Werke"—German, 36 vols., large 8vo, 90s.; 12 vols. 8vo, 35s. Separate works from 1s. upwards. In Eng.: Works edited by F. H. Hedge, 10 vols., crown 8vo, Boston, U.S., 1883, 60s. (The best English edition of Goethe's principal works.) Do. 12 vols. (Bohn), 3s. 6d. each. "Faust"—1 vol., by Taylor, 2s. By Auster (Routledge), 3d. "Wilhelm Meister" (Tauchnitz), 2 vols., 4s. Carlyle, 3 vols., 6s, Eckerman's "Conversations" (Bohn), 3s. 6d.

Goldsmith; "Vicar of Wakefield"—2s. 6d.; and Miscellaneous Works, Globe edition, 3s. 6d. Poems, 1s. 6d. (Aldine edition).

Gray—Aldine Ed,, 1s. 6d.

Green: "Short History of England"—8s. 6d. " History of the English People"—4 vols., £3 4s.

Grimm: "Teutonic Mythology"—3 vols., £2 5s. "Folk and Fairy Tales"—Bohn, 2 vols., 7s.; Routledge (abridged), 5s. Illustrated by Walter Crane (Macmillan), 5s. With Preface by Ruskin (Chatto), 6s. 6d.

Grote: "Greece"—12 vols, post 8vo, full price, £3 12s. (S. H. £1 17s.)

Guizot: "Civilization"—French, 4 vols., 20s.; English (Bohn), 3 vols., 10s. Gd.

Gustavus Adolphus: "Life of"—by Chapman, 5s. (S. H.)

Hall, Basil: "Voyages and Travels"—1 vol., 6s, (S. H.)

Hall, Bishop: "Meditations"—4s. 6d. (S. H.)

Hallam: "Introduction to the Literature of Europe"—4 vols., 16s. 1 vol. (Ward and Lock), 7s. 6d.; "Constitutional History," 3 vols., 12s., and 1 vol. (Murray), 7s. 6d.; "Europe during the Middle Ages," 3 vols, 12s., and Students' Ed., 7s. 6d. Also 3s. 6d. (Ward, Lock, and Co.).

Hawthorne: Works—2s. each. (Paterson),