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Heber: "India"—3 vols., 15s. (5. H.)

Hegel: "Philosophy of History"—German, 7s.; (Bohn), 5s.

Heimskringla ("The Tales of the Norse Kings") of Snorro Sturleson, trans, by Laing—5 vols., £3 10s. (scarce).

Heine: Werke—10s.; Eng., "Songs," tr. by Wallis, 5s.; "Poems," by Bowring, 6s.; "Pictures of Travel," by Leland, 6s.

Helps: "Friends in Council"—two series, 2 yols., 15s. "Companions of my Solitude," Essays, &c., and Organization in Daily Life," in one vol., 7s. 6d. (S. H.) ("Organization in Daily Life" was published anonymously in 1862—Parker, 5s.)

Herbert, George: Poems, Aldine Edition 5s.; "Canterbury Classics," 1s.

Herbert, Lord, of Cherbury: Autobiography—5s. (S. H.)

Herodotus—Greek, ed. Bähr, 4 vols., 1856, £2 5s. Teubner, 2 vols, 3s. 6d. English, by Rawlinson, 4 vols., 36s. (S. H.); Bohn, 5s.

Herrick: Poems—Walford, 6s. (S. H.): Golden Treasury Edition, 4s. 6d.; "Hesperides," Routledge's Universal Library, 3d.

Hesiod—Gr., 5s; Gr, with Eng. Notes by Paley, 12s.; Eng., Bohn, 5s.

Hillern, Von—German, 11 vols, 45s.; Eng., "The Vulture Maiden," 1 yol., "The Hour will Come," 2 vols.; (Tauchnitz), 2s. per vol,

Hobbes: "Leviathan"—12s.; Routledge's Universal Library, 1s.

Homer—Gr., ed, Bothe, 12 yols., 27s. Gr. with Eng. notes by Paley, 2 vols., 26s.; Iliad, Eng. translation (verse) by Lord Derby, 2 vols., 8vo, £1 4s.; 2 vols, 12mo, 10s.; by Chapman, in Routledge's Universal Library, 1s.; (prose), by Lang, Leaf, and E. Myers, 10s. 6d.; Odyssey, Gr., with Eng, notes by Merry, 2 vols., 18s.; Eng, translation (prose) by Butcher and Lang, 10s. 6d.; (verse) by Chapman, ed. by Shepherd, 6s. (A verse translation by W. Morris is about to be published.)

Hooker: "Ecclesiastical Polity"—6s.; Keble's Edition, 15 vols., 1872, 20s. Also, 2 vols. 8vo, 11s.

Hooper: "Waterloo"—5s. (S H.)

Horace—Latin, ed. Orelli, 6s.; Teubner, 1s. 4d.; Lat. with Eng. Notes; "Odes," by Wickham, 12s., and (smaller edition) 5s. 6d.; "Satires," by Palmer, 6s.; "Epistles," by Wilkins, 6s. Engl. (prose) Globe edition, 3s. 6d., "Odes" and "Satires and Epistles," by Conington, 2 vols, 14s.

Huc: "Travels in Tartary, China, and Thibet"—2 vols., 6's. (S. H.)

Hugo, Victor: "Notre Dame de Paris"—2 vols., 7s., 12mo. "Les Trayailleurs de la Mer," 2 vols., 12mo, 7s. "Odes et Ballades," 1 vol, "Légende des Siécles," 4 vols., 3s. each, "Les Misérables," 5 vols. 12mo. 15s.; Eng., "Les Misérables" (abridged), 5s.; “Ninety-three," 6s.; "Toilers of the Sea," 2s.; "Poems, Ballads, &c. (Bohn), 3s. 6d.

Humboldt: "Cosmos, 5 vols., 19s.; "Travels," 3 vols., 10s. 6d. (Bohn).

Hume: "History of England," 18 vols., 4s. each; 8 vols., Cadell's Ed., 8s. to 10s. (S. H.); Essays, 3s. Gd. (Ward, Lock, and Co.)

Hunt, Leigh: Poetical Works (Routledge), 3s. 6d.

Hutchinson: Memoirs—(Bohn), 3s. 6d.

Icelandic Sagas: "Njal's Saga." (See Saga.) "Grettir's Saga," by Magnusson and Morris, 7s. 6d. See also "Heimskringla."

Inchbald, Mrs,: "Simple Story"—2s. (S. H.)

Irving, Washington: Works—Bohn, 15 vols., 3s. 6d. each.

Janin, Jules—20 vols., 3s. 6d. each.

Jeffrey: Contributions to Edinburgh Review—10s. (S. H.)

Johnson: "Lives of the Poets"—3 vols, 8vo., 9s. (S. H.) The chief Lives, edited by Matthew Arnold 4s. 6d. (See also Boswell.)

Jonson, Ben—Routledge, 10s. 6d.

Josephus—Greek, ed. Bekker, 6 vols., 11s. Eng., by Traill, 2 vols., 15s. (S. H.). (Nimmo), 5s.

Juvenal—Latin, ed. Siebold (Germ. notes), 5s. 6d. Teubner, 8d. Latin, with Eng, notes, by Mayor, 2 vols., 18s.; by Lewis (with literal translation), 6s. Eng. translation in verse by Dryden, 5s.; by Strong and Leeper, 3s. 6d.

Kalevala: in German, by Kastren and Schiefner—10s.

Kane: "Arctic Explorations"—2 vols. 19s. 1 vol., 5s. (Nelson).

Kant: "Kritik der reinen Vernunft"—2s.; Eng., 5s.

Keats: Poems—Chandos, 2s.; Rossetti, 5s.; Golden Treasury Edition, 4s. 6d. Aldine Edition, 5s, "Canterbury Poets," 1s.

Keble: "Christian Year," 2s. 6d. "Canterbury Poets," 1s.

Kempis, Thomas à: "Imitation"—2s. 6d.

Kinglake: "Eöthen"—small edition, 6s. "History of the Crimean War"—7 vols. post 8vo, £2 2s.

Kingsley: "Westward Ho!" "Hypatia," "Alton Locke," "Hereward the Wake"—6s. each.

Krishna: "The Hitopadesa" and "Dialogues"—Sanskrit—31s. 6d.; English, by Johnson, 10s. 6d.

Kugler: "Italian, Flemish, and Spanish Painters"—2 vols. 16s. (S. H.) (Full price, £1 10s.)

La Bruyere: "Les Caractères"—French, 2s. 6d. English, 3s.

La Rochefoucauld—2 vols., 8vo, Paris, 1868, 15s. "Maximes," 2s. 6d.

Laing: "Travels in Norway"—4s. (S. H.)

Lamartine, A.: "Œuvres Complètes"—6 vols., 8vo, £1 16s. Biographies and Contes, 17 vols. 1s. or 1s. 4d. each.

Lamb, Charles: "Essays"—by Ainger, 5s.

Lander: "The Niger"—3 vols., 5s. (S. H.)

Landor: Works—2 vols., royal 8vo, £1 1s.; Golden Treasury Selection, 4s. 6d.

Laveleye, E, de: Œuvres—French, 9 vols., at 3s. 6d. each. Eng,, "Political Economy," 6s. "Primitive Property," 12s.

Lecky: "History of the Eighteenth Century"—4 vols., £3 12s.

Leconte de Lisle: "Poésies"—4 vols. 6s. and 7s. 6d. each.

Leibnitz: "Œuvres complètes"—7 vols. 8vo. £2 10s.

Leopardi: "Opere"—Ital., 3 vols., 18s.

Lessing: "Laoköon"—4s. Eng. by Beesly, 3s. 6d.

Lewes: "History of Philosophy"—2 vols., £1 12s.

Livingstone: "South Africa"—6s.

Livy: Latin (Teubner), 8s,; English (Bohn), 4 vols. 20s.; Books XXI.–XXV., by Church and Brodribb, 7s. 6d.; Book I., Lat., with Eng. notes by J. R. Seeley, 6s.: Books II. and III. with Eng. notes by