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Stephenson, 5s.; XXI. and XXII, by Capes, 6s.; XXIII. and XXIV., by Macaulay, 5s.

Locke: "Conduct of the Understanding"—5s. By Fowler, 2s. 6d. Works, 2 vols., 3s. 6d. each. Life and Letters, 3s. 6d. (Bohn).

Lockhart: "Life of Scott"—10 vols., 30s. Abridgment, 6s. "Chandos" Classics, 2s.

Longfellow: Poems—5s. (Bell). Prose Works, 5s. (See also Dante.)

Loyola, Life of, by Isaac Taylor—6s. 6d.

Lubbock: Works—8 vols., from 3s. to 18s. each.

Lübke: "History of Art"—2 vols., £2 2s. "History of Sculpture," 2 vols., £2 2s.

Lucretius—Latin (Teubner), 2s.; text by Munro, 2s. 6d. Lat., with Eng. notes, &c., by Munro, £1 2s.; English, by Munro, 6s. (Munro's well-known ed. is, however, out of print, but a new one is preparing, 5s., Bohn).

Luther: Principal Works—7 vols., £1 1s. Life of, by Michelet, 3s. 6d. Life, by Koestlin (Germ.), 12s. 6d.; Eng., 16s. (Longmans); 2s. (Cassell's).

Lyell: "Principles of Geology"—2 vols, £1 5s.; "Elements of Geology," 9s.

Lytton, Bulwer: "Rienzi," "Last of the Barons," "Last Days of Pompeii," "Harold," "The Caxtons"—3s. 6d. each.

Mabinogion, The—Welsh and English, by Lady Guest, 3 vols., £3; translated by Lady Guest, 2 vol., 15s.

MacCulloch: "Illustrations of the Attributes of God from Physical Nature"—3 vols., 9s. (S. H.)

McCarthy, J.: "History of Our Own Times"—4 vols., crown 8vo, 24s. Abridged, 6s.

Macaulay: "Essays," 6s.; "History of England," 2 vols., post 8vo, 12s.; 8 vols., post 8vo, £2 8s.

Machiavelli: "The Prince"—Italian, 3s. 6d.; English (Bohn), 3s. 6d.

Macleod, Dr. Norman: Life of—2 vols., 12s. 6d. (S. H.)

Mahabharata and Ramayana—in Wheeler's "History of India"—Vol. I., Mahabharata (scarce), £2 10s.; Vol. II., Ramayana, £1.

Mahommed: "Koran"—Eng., by Rodwell, 6s.

Mahon, Lord: England—7 vols., post 8vo, £2 5s.

Malory: "Morte d'Arthur"—Globe edition, 3s. 6d.; 3 vols, (J. R. Smith), 15s.; "Camelot Classics," 1s.

Mandeville, Sir John: Travels—7s. (S. H.)

Manual of Scientific Inquiry—(J. Murray) 3s. 6d.

Marivaux: "La Vie de Marianne"—2 vols., 5s.

Marlitt: Werke—10 or 12 vols., from 3s. each; Eng., "The Princess of the Moor," 2 vols. (Tauchnitz), 2s. each.

Marlowe—Routledge, 6s.

Marryat, Captain: Novels—1s. each.

Marston (J. R. Smith)—3 vols., 15s. (S. H.)

Massinger. (See Ford.)

Maurice, F. D.: "Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy"—2 vols., £1 3s. (S. H.)

Max Müller: "Science of Language"—2 vols., 16s.

Meinhold: "Die Bernsteinhexe"—German, 6s.; English (Amberwitch), 3s.

Melville, George: "The Lena Delta"—12s. 6d.

Melville, Whyte: "The Gladiators"—2s. 6d.

Menander—Ed. Meineke, 4s. (S.H.)

Menzel: "History of the Germans"—3 vols., 10s. 6d. (Bohn),

Merivale: "History of Rome"—8 vols., crown 8vo, £2 8s. "A Short History of Rome," 7s. 6d.

Meyrick: "The Necessity of Dogma"—6s. 6d.

Michelet: "History of France"—Fr., 19 vols., £3 6s. 6d.; Eng., Vols. I., II. only done, 6s. 6d.

Middleton—by Bullen, 8 vols. (just published), £1 per vol; by Dyce, 5 vols., £7 7s. (S. H.)

Mill: On Liberty—1s. 4d.; Logic, 5s.; Political Economy, 5s.; Autobiography, 7s. 6d.

Miller, Hugh: "Old Red Sandstone," "The Testimony of the Rocks," and "Sketchbook of Popular Geology," 5s. each.

Milman: "History of Latin Christianity"—9 vols,, post 8vo, £4 10s.

Milton: Poetical Works, ed. Masson—3 vols., 15s.; Aldine ed., 3 vols., 4s. 6d.; Globe ed., 3s. 6d. Prose Works (Bohn), 5 vols., 17s. 6d.

Molière—Fr. (Lefevre), 4 vols., 12s. Eng. (Bohn), 3 vols., 3s. 6d. each,

Mommsen: "History of Rome"—English, 5 vols., post 8vo, £1 15s.

Montaigne: Essays—ed. by Hazlitt, 18s. (S. H.). Abridged, 2s. 6d. (Low).

Montesquieu: "Considérations sur la Grandeur et la Décadence des Romains," 2s. 6d.; "Esprit des Lois," Œuvres complètes, 7 vols., 8vo, 52s. Gd.; Œuvres choisis, 2 vols., 5s.

Moore: Poetical Works—1 vol., 7s. 6d.; 10 vols., £1 1s.; "Irish Melodies," 2s. 6d.; "Life of Byron," 6s. (S. H.)

More, Sir T.: "Utopia"—Arber, 2s.

Motley: "Dutch Republic"—3 vols., post 8vo, 7s. 6d., 1 vol., 7s. 6d. (The 3 vol. ed. was pub. at £1 5s., but has been sold off by the publisher, and is now being retailed at 6s. 6d. and 7s.); American ed., 3 vols., 8vo, 30s.

Mozley: On "Miracles"—7s.

Muir, Sir W.: "Life of Mohammed"—1 vol., 10s.

Musset, Alfred de—10 vols, 3s. 6d. each.

Napier: "Peninsular War"—post 8vo, 6 vols., £1 5s.; 3 vols. (Routledge), 10s. 6d.

Newman: "Parochial Sermons"—8 vols., £1 10s.; "The Grammar of Assent," 6s. 6d. "Lectures on Catholicism in England," 6s. Complete works (Burns), 22 vols., £6 (S. H.)

Niebelungenlied—6s. 6d. in English by Lettsom (S.H.) By Birch, 7s.; German, Simrock's version, 4s. 6d.

Niebuhr: Works—9 vols., Eng., £4 (S. H.)

Norie: "Navigation"—5s. (S. H.)

Omar Khayyam: "Rubáiyát"—Fitzgerald, 12s. (Quaritch); Whinfield, 5s. (Trübner).

Orme: "History of Hindostan"—4 vols, 4to, 18s. (S. H.)

Ouseley: "Persia"—3 vols. 4to, £1 4s. (S. H.)

Ovid: "Opera"—3 vols. (Teubner), 3s. 6d. Eng, (Bohn), 3 vols., 15s. Selections, Latin, with English Notes, &c., by Ramsay, 5s. 6d,

Palgrave: "Arabia"—6s.

Park, Mungo: "Upper Niger"—2 vols. 8s. (S. H.) Travels, &c., Chambers, 1s. 6d.; 1 vol., 7s. 6d.

Pascal: "Pensées—Paris, 12mo, 2s. 6d.; "Lettres Provinciales," 2s. 6d. In "Foreign Classics for English Readers" Series, 2s. 6d.

Pater, W. H.: "Marius the Epicurean"—2 vols., 1886, 12s.

Paul, St.—Conybeare and Howson, 2 vols,, 21s.