Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 33.djvu/886

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Aitkin, Sir William. Animal Alkaloids 132
Allen, Nathan. Physical Development 707
"American Geologist," The 274
Art, The, of Investing 275
Ballard, H. H. Three Kingdoms 421
Ballon, M. M. Under the Southern Cross 134
Bancroft, H. H. History of Mexico, Vol. VI 136
Barnard, F. P. Strongbow's Conquest of Ireland; 566
Baskerville, Prof. W. M. Outline of Anglo-Saxon Grammar 135
Battershall, Jesse P. Food Adulteration and its Detection 274
Beecher, H. W. Patriotic Addresses 136
Bell, A. M. World-English 712
Bellamy, Edward. Looking backward 711
Blackbird, Andrew J. History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians 275
Blair, A. A. The Chemical Analysis of Iron 850
Bloxam, C. L. Chemistry 132
Bolton, H. C. The Counting-out Rhymes of Children 272
Bonham, J. M. Industrial Liberty 849
Bradley, Elizabeth N. L'Iodisme 276
Brooks, E. S. The Story of New York 422
Bruce, A. T. Embryology of Insects and Arachnoids 564
Bugbee, A. G. Exercises in English Syntax 135
California inter Pocula 853
Camp, O. C. Labor, Capital, and Money 133
Clark, J. B., and Giddings, F. H. The Modern Distributive Processes 567
Clayton, H. H. Loomis's Contributions to Meteorology 420
"Climatologist," The 564
Clodd, Edward. The Story of Creation 562
Complete Volapük Dictionary 855
"Congress" 133
Cook, G. H. Report of the State Geologist of New Jersey, 1887 563
Cossa, Luigi. Taxation: its Principles and Methods 566
Cust, Lady. The Invalid's Own Book 277
Davis, J. R. A Text-Book of Biology 851
Dawson, N. H. R. Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1885-'86 273
Day, David T. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1886 135
Denslow, Van Buren. Principles of Economic Philosophy, etc. 706
Donaldson, Thomas. George Catlin Indian Gallery (Smithsonian Report) 705
Draper, A. S. Report of New York State Superintendent of Public Instruction 566
Dreyspring, Prof. Adolph. First German Reader 419
Dryer, Charles R. Science in Secondary Schools 712
Dulles, C. W. Accidents and Emergencies 422
Emerson, J. M. Stimulants 277
Emmons, Samuel F. Geology and Mining Industry of Leadville 134
Fairchild, G. M., Jr. Canadian Leaves 137
Fish Commission, United States, Bulletin, 1886 134
Florist, The California 853
Forbes, George. Lectures on Electricity 420
Foster, Michael. The Journal of Physiology 564