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  1. Hamlet, 80, 85, 91, 117.
  2. Hammond, James, 122 n., 151.
  3. Hanmer, Sir Thomas, 75.
  4. Hawkesworth, Life of Swift, 29.
  5. Hawkins, Sir John, 43, 53, 54, 63–5, 68, 78, 168.
  6. Hearne, Thos., 45, 114.
  7. Hector, Edmund, 79.
  8. Henry V., 86.
  9. Henry VIII., 90.
  10. Herbert, George, 103, 104.
  11. Hervey, Hon. Henry, 135–6.
  12. Heywood, Thomas, projected Lives of the Poets, 101–2.
  13. Hill, Dr. Birkbeck, 5, 59, 80.
  14. Hobbes, 107.
  15. Hooker, Richard, 103, 104.
  16. Hoole, John, 49.
  17. Horneck, The Misses, 62.
  18. Humour, Johnson’s, 68–70.
  19. Hunting, Johnson on, 67.
  20. Idler, The, 33, 40, 93.
  21. Indolence, Johnson on, 15.
  22. Inspiration, Johnson’s view of poetic, 158.
  23. Irene, Johnson’s, 140.
  24. Irish bulls, 65.
  25. Jacob, Giles, 117–18.
  26. Jenyns, Soame, 23–6.
  27. Jonson, Ben, 84, 109, 123.
  28. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, Boswell’s, 48, 53.
  29. Journey to the Western Islands, Johnson’s, 33, 61; quoted, 18.
  30. Kearsley, 41.
  31. Keats, 157.
  32. Kettell, Dr. Ralph, 110–11.
  33. Lamb, Charles, 66, 93.
  34. Langbaine, Gerard, 105, 118.
  35. Language of Shakespeare, Johnson and Coleridge on, 83–4.
  36. Leland, J., 100.
  37. Levett, Dr. Robert, Johnson’s elegy on, 152–3.
  38. Lichfield, 32, 39.
  39. Lives of Johnson, 40–4.
  40. Lives of the Poets, Johnson’s, 18, 26–31, 33. 119, 121 n., 126–7, 128–76.
  41. London, Johnson’s early life in, 30–1, 34, 135.
  42. Love, Johnson on, 67–8.
  43. Lycidas, 28–9, 151–3.
  44. Lyttelton, Lord, 140–1.
  45. Macaulay, 52, 53, 81, 164, 174.
  46. Macbeth, 75, 86, 90, 93.
  47. Malone, Edmund, 71–2, 82, 129, 143.
  48. Merton College, 114–15.
  49. Midsummer Night’s Dream, 22, 90.
  50. Milbourne, Rev. Mr., 157.
  51. Milton, 28–9, 105, 134–5, 140, 143–4, 154, 155, 158.
  52. Minor Poems of Milton, 143.
  53. Montagu, Mrs., 141, 169.
  54. Monthly Review, 120–5 n.
  55. More, Hannah, 44, 72.
  56. More, Sir Thomas, 94.
  57. Mourning Bride, Congreve’s, 87–8.
  58. Murphy, Arthur, Essay on Johnson, 43–4, 68.
  59. Mythology, Johnson on, 148–50.