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  1. Abraham, R., 14
  2. Accident, Chap. VIII. passim
  3. Adams, J. C., 30
  4. Æschylus, 27
  5. Ajax, 68
  6. Alexander, 49, 50, 59, 62, 107
  7. Alexander, Czar, 56
  8. Alexandra Feodorovna, 80
  9. Alternatives in history, 13, 82
  10. Anarchisis Cloots, 115
  11. Anti-Semitism, 55
  12. Antonines, 113, 114
  13. Antony, Mark, 123
  14. Aquinas, 2
  15. Aristides, 49
  16. Aristotle, 29, 107
  17. Arnold, Benedict, 94
  18. Assumptions of determinism, 51 ff.
  19. Ataturk, 41
  20. Augustine, 40, 61, 101
  21. Aurelius, Marcus, 113
  22. Babbitt, Irving, 135
  23. Bach, J. S., 28, 33
  24. Bacon, F., 107
  25. Baldwin, S., 11
  26. Balzac, H. de, 27, 33
  27. Basle Congress, 20
  28. Bauer, Otto, 155
  29. Beccaria, 127
  30. Beethoven, 28, 31
  31. Belisarius, 115
  32. Belloc, H., 86, 89
  33. Bentley, A., 166, 170
  34. Berkeley, G., 29
  35. Berkman, Alexander, 155
  36. Berlioz, 28
  37. Bernstein, Martin, 28
  38. Berthier, 73
  39. Bismarck, 38, 93, 154
  40. Blum, Léon, 117
  41. Bolshevik Party, doctrines of, Chap. X. passim
  42. Booth, 79
  43. Bossuet, 61
  44. Breasted, J., 91
  45. Bruening, 117
  46. Buckle, H. T., 48, 52
  47. Buddha, 32
  48. Bukharin, 58
  49. Burckhardt, Jacob, 78
  50. Buturlin, 64, 68, 69
  51. Cæsar, 12, 49, 50, 59, 60, 61, 107, 123, 170
  52. Caligula, 114
  53. Calvin, 17, 32
  54. Cantor, 31
  55. Carlyle, T., 18, 36, 46, 48, 75, 76
  56. Catherine II., 123 ff.
  57. Cattell, J. McKeen, 107
  58. Cézanne, 28
  59. Chamberlain, H. S., 55
  60. Chamberlain, Neville, 119
  61. Chamberlain, W. H., 146
  62. Chance in history, Chap. VIII. passim
  63. Charles I., 44, 45, 80
  64. Charles IX., 66
  65. Chernov, 105, 139
  66. Chesterton, G. K., 86
  67. Christ, 32
  68. Christianity, 109 ff.
  69. Churchill, W., 86, 91 ff.
  70. Class interests and heroes, 116 ff.
  71. Clemenceau, 95
  72. Cleopatra, 123 ff.
  73. Clerk-Maxwell, 31
  74. Cochrane, C. N., 110
  75. Cohen, M. R., 84, 100
  76. Columbus, C., 77, 78
  77. Committee of Public Safety, 114
  78. Commodus, 113, 114
  79. Communist International, Chap. X. passim
  80. co-operation with Fascists, 133
  81. purpose, 130
  82. zigzag line, 132 ff.
  83. Confucius, 32
  84. Constantine, 109 ff.
  85. Contingency, Chap. VIII. passim
  86. Coolidge, C., 114
  87. Copernicus, 31
  88. Corregio, 28
  89. Correlations between monarchs and conditions, Chap. III. passim
  90. Council of Nicea, 116
  91. Cournot, 69, 100
  92. Crébillon, 67
  93. Cromwell, O., 12, 59, 60, 61, 119, 154
  94. Cunning of reason, 48 ff.
  95. Daladier, 120
  96. Dante, 27
  97. Danton, 115
  98. Darwin, 18, 30
  99. David, 28
  100. Debussy, 28
  101. Demetrius, 39
  102. Democracy
  103. heroes in, 159
  104. criticism of, 164
  105. theory of, 157
  106. Denikin, 146, 153
  107. Descartes, 29
  108. Determinism, social, Chaps. IV., V.
  109. Dewey, John, 76, 162, 170
  110. Dickens, 27
  111. Diderot, 67
  112. Diehl, C., 125
  113. Diocletian, 103
  114. Disraeli, 43
  115. Dollfuss, 134
  116. Domitian, 113
  117. Dostoevski, 27
  118. Drouet’s cart, 88
  119. Edison, 34
  120. Edward VIII., 16, 77
  121. Einstein, 26, 31