Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/10

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From Mr. Steele 268
To Mr. Steele 269
From Mr. Lewis 271
From the rev. Mr. Sharpe 272
From Mr. Lewis 273
To miss Vanhomrigh 274
To archbishop King 275
From Mr. Lewis 277
From Mr. Prior ib.
From Mr. Lewis 279
From Dr. Smalridge 281
To archdeacon Walls 282
From lord chancellor Phipps 283
To archdeacon Walls 284
To the same 286
To archbishop King 288
From lord chancellor Phipps 291
From Dr. Davenant 292
From the duchess of Ormond 294
To lord treasurer Oxford ib.
From judge Nutley 297
From Mr. Pope 300
To bishop Sterne 304
From lord primate Lindsay 306
To archbishop King 308
From lord primate Lindsay 312
From lord chancellor Phipps 314
From the earl of Anglesey 316
From the earl of Peterborow 317
From lord treasurer Oxford 320
A letter from an informer 321
Humorous lines by lord Oxford, etc. 322
More lines by lord Oxford 324
From the duchess of Ormond ib.
To the earl of Peterborow 325
From Chiverton Charlton, esq. 330
From Mr. Gay 333
To miss Vanhomrigh 335
From Mr. Barber 336
From Dr. Arbuthnot 337
From T. Harley, esq 339
From Mr. Thomas 341
From Dr. Arbuthnot 342