Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 19.djvu/371

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Sharp (abp. of St. Andrews). By whom murdered, x. 334.
Sharpe (rev. Mr. John). A letter from him to Dr. Swift, requesting his good offices in behalf of brigadier Hunter, governour of New York, xi. 272.
Sharper (The). A play written by Dr. Clancy, xiii. 375.
Sheppard (sir Fleetwood). Some account of him, xviii. 106.
Sheridan (Dr). Verses to and from him, i. 385. 423. vii. 148. 154. 156-158. 205-214. 224. 228-231. 265. 325-331. viii. 141. 194. 197. Favoured by lord Carteret, for his great learning, i. 362, ix. 232. By taking an unlucky text, renders himself suspected of disaffection, i. 364. ix. 234. Swift's letter to lord Carteret in his favour, xiii. 142. Troubled with an asthma, 402. A trick played him by Dr. Helsham, by getting one of his boys to repeat a prologue, ridiculing another taught the boy by Sheridan, vii. 209. His banter on female orthography, xvi. 252. Commencement of his acquaintance with Swift, i. 35. His death, 375. His character, i. 367, ix. 232.
Sheridan (Thomas). Account of his education, xix. 239. Character of his life of Swift, xix. 217.
Shilton School (in Oxfordshire). Remarkable circumstance attending it, xvi. 336.
Shower (a poem under that title), vii. 58. Written by Dr. Swift, xiv. 225. 255. Met with general applause in England, but not relished in Ireland, 292.

Shrewsbury (Charles Talbot, duke of ). Succeeded the marquis of Kent as lord chamberlain, iii. 115. His character, ibid. xi. 217. xviii. 219. Employed in France on very important business, iv. 236. Which he executed with great speed and success, 239. Undertook to reconcile the ministers, xi. 369. Made lord lieutenant of Ireland, xv. 288. The whigs apprehensive of not being countenanced by him, xi. 292. Hated the earl of Oxford, and acted in Ireland a part directly opposite to the court, iv. 340. Made lord treasurer, xi. 385. Character of his duchess, xi. 210. She gives Swift the name of Presto, xv. 102.
Shute Mr. (secretary to lord Wharton). His character, xi. 46.
Sican (Dr. jun). His ingenious remarks on France, xiii. 230. Murdered on his travels, xviii. 319.
Sicily. The very high opinion entertained by the dean of that island, xi. 328.
Sid Hamet (the Magician). The Virtues of his Rod, vii. 62. Much admired, xiv. 232. A shrewd remark on it, 292.
Sidney (sir Philip). In his Defence of Poesie, argued as if he really believed himself, v. 240. His remark on the Irish poets, 246.
Silenus. The moral of his story, v. 464.
Silver. Simile on the Want of in Ireland, vii. 313. The great plenty of it in England began in the reign of queen Elizabeth, v. 276. Coins in Ireland, ix. 60.
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