Page:The dainty sweet book, from the International cooking library (1903).djvu/15

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it possible for any one who will follow these recipes to be an expert cook. The great masters who have prepared these recipes have spent their lives studying and experimenting and are giving in these recipes their best ideas and suggestions. These are dishes of the millionaires and the most particular epicureans.

We feel that this set of books is presented to the public at just the opportune time. All people are beginning to realize that there is really no more important art than cooking and this should be so; for what should be considered more important than what we eat? The best health insurance is having the right kind of foods, properly prepared. A man is at his best only when he is in robust health and nothing will undermine a person's constitution so quickly as poor food. The best dishes and the sure and absolute recipes for making them are contained in this wonderful set of books. All the copy is from authorities just as positive and just as sure in this line as the noted Blackstone was on legal lines. We picked the best chefs in the world; we would accept copy from no others.

A careful study of the recipes and careful application of the directions for same is all that is necessary to produce the results that have made these men famous.

In the presentation of this book, we wish only that space would allow us to mention and pay courtesy to the many men who have assisted us in the various departments, copy preparation, translation, and editing, also the courtesies rendered by the managers of the world-renowned hotels whose chefs have been our contributors.