Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 11.djvu/13

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LV. On Additions to the Carcinological Fauna of New Zealand. By T. W. Kirk, Assistant in the Colonial Museum 392–397
LVI. On some New Zealand Aphroditæ, with Descriptions of supposed new Species. By T. W. Kirk 397–400
LVII. Notes on some New Zealand Crustaceans. By T. W. Kirk 401–402
LVIII. Further Observations upon certain Grasses and Fodder Plants. By S. M. Curl, M.D. 403–411
LIX. On Pituri, a new Vegetable Product that deserves further Investigation. By S. M. Curl, M.D. 411–415
LX. Notes on Cleistogamic Flowers of the Genus Viola. By George M. Thomson 415–417
LXI. On the Means of Fertilization among some New Zealand Orchids. By G. M. Thomson 418–426
LXII. Description of a new Species of Coprosma. By D. Petrie, M.A. 426–427
LXIII. Description of a new Species of Celmisia. By J. Buchanan 427–428
LXIV. Notice of a new Species of Pomaderris (P. tainui). By Dr. Hector 428–429
LXV. A Description of two New Zealand Ferns, believed to be new to Science. By W. Colenso 429–431
LXVI. On the Occurrence of the Australian Genus Poranthera in New Zealand. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 432–433
LXVII. Notice of the Occurrence of Juncus tenuis, Willd., in New Zealand. By T. F. Cheeseman 433–434
LXVIII. Notice of the Occurrence of the Genus Kyllinga in New Zealand. By T. F. Cheeseman 434–435
LXIX. List of Plants collected in the District of Okarita, Westland. By A. Hamilton 435–438
LXX. Notes on Mr. Hamilton's Collection of Okarita Plants. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 439–444
LXXI. Notes on the Botany of Waiheke, Rangitoto, and other Islands in the Hauraki Gulf. By T. Kirk 444–454
LXXII. On the Export of Fungus from New Zealand. By T. Kirk 454–456
LXXIII. Description of a new Species of Lycopodium. By T. Kirk 456–457
LXXIV. Description of a new Species of Hymenophyllum. By T. Kirk 457–458
LXXV. Notes and Suggestions on the Utilization of certain neglected New Zealand Timbers. By T. Kirk 453–463
LXXVI. Descriptions of New Plants. By T. Kirk 463–466
LXXVII. Notice of the Discovery of Calceolaria repens, Hook. f., and other Plants in the Wellington District. By Harry Borrer Kirk. Communicated by Mr. T. Kirk, F.L.S. 466–467
LXXVIII. Preliminary Note on the Presence of one or more Hydrocarbons of the Benzol Series in the American Petroleum, also in our Petroleums. By William Skey, Analyst to the Geological Survey Department 469–470
LXXIX. On a Property possessed by Essential Oils of whitening the Precipitate produced by mixing a Solution of Mercuro-iodide with one of Mercuric-chloride. By William Skey 470–471
LXXX. Preliminary Note on the Production of one or more Alkaloids from Fixed Oils by the Aniline Process. By William Skey 471–473
LXXXI. On the Cause of the Movements of Camphor when placed upon the Surface of Water. By William Skey 473–485
LXXXII. On Osomose, as the Cause of the persistent Suspension of Clay in Water. By William Skey 485–490
LXXXIII. On the Nature and Cause of Tomlinson's Cohesion Figures. By William Skey 490–493