Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 11.djvu/14

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LXXXIV. On the Geological Structure of Banks Peninsula, being an Address by Prof. Julius von Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S., President of the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury 495–512
LXXXV. Notes on a Salt Spring near Hokianga. By J. A. Pond 512–514
LXXXVI. Notes of a Traditional Change in the Coast-line at Manukau Heads. By S. Percy Smith 514–516

Remarks by the President, T. Kirk, F.L.S. 520
On the Production of Platino-iodides of the Alkaloids. By W. Skey 523
On some of the Causes which operate in Shingle-bearing Rivers in the Determination of their Courses and in the Formation of Plains. By J. P. Maxwell, A.I.C.E. (abstract) 524–525
Some Notes on the D'Urville Island Copper Mine. By S. H. Cox, F.C.S., F.G.S., Assistant Geologist (abstract) 525–527
On the Existence of Hydro-carbons in Fats and Oils. By W. Skey 527
Some Remarks on Dr. Curl's "Notes on Grasses and Fodder Plants, suitable for Introduction to New Zealand." By Henry Blundell (abstract) 528–529
An Account of Improvements on Miramar Peninsula. By J. C. Crawford, F.G.S. (abstract) 530
On a Gas-lamp for equalising Temperature. By J. Kebbell 532
Note on a curious Duplication of Tusks in the common Wild Pig (Sus scrofa). By A. Hamilton 535
On the Fossil Flora of New Zealand. By Dr. Hector, Director of the Geological Survey (abstract) 536–537
On the Fossil Brachiopoda of New Zealand. By Dr. Hector (abstract) 537–539
Abstract Report of Council 539
Election of Officers for 1879 539
Anniversary Address of the President, T. Kirk, F.L.S., being on the Relationship between the Floras of New Zealand and Australia 539–546
On the Histeridæ of New Zealand. By Captain T. Broun 547
The New Zealand Anthribidæ. By Captain T. Broun 547
The British Arctic Expedition of 1875–76. By F. G. Ewington 547
Education as a Science: Part I. By C. A. Robertson 547
The Cossonidæ of New Zealand. By Captain T. Broun 547
Education as a Science: Part II. By C. A. Robertson 547
Æolus Vinctus. By J. Adams, B.A. 547–548
The New Zealand Anobiidæ. By Captain T. Broun 548
The Establishment of a School of Design 549
The Dascillidæ of New Zealand. By Captain T. Broun 549
High Schools for Girls. By J. Adams, B.A. 549
On the Telephoridæ of New Zealand. By Captain T. Broun 549
Notes on the Rising Generation. By D. C. Wilson (abstract) 549–550
Annual Report 550–552
Election of Officers for 1879 552
Remarks on Mr. Mackenzie Cameron's Theory respecting the Kahui Tipua. By J. W. Stack 553
Election of Officers for 1879 554
Abstract of Annual Report 554–555