Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 11.djvu/15

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The Science of the Weather. By D. Petrie, M.A. 556
The Fauna of New Zealand. By Prof. Hutton 556
A Plea for the Study of Politics. By the Hon. R. Stout, M.H.R. 557
Description of two new Crabs. By Prof. Hutton 557
Notes on the New Zealand Shells in the "Voyage au Pôle Sud." By Prof. Hutton 557
Domestic Æsthetics, and the Higher Education of Women. By the Rev. A. R. Fitchett 558
On Magnetic Dip. By A. H. Ross (abstract) 558–559
The Mechanism of Voice and Speech. By Prof. Scott 560
On the Scientific Form of Harbours. By W. G. Jenkins 560
Annual Report of the Council 560
Election of Officers for 1879 561
Address by the President, W. N. Blair, C.E. 561–566
A Memorandum of my First Journey to the Ruahine Mountain Range, and of the Flora of that Region: Part I. By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 567
Election of Officers for 1878–9 567
Abstract of Annual Report 567
On the Moa (Dinornis, sp.) By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 568
On the beneficial Raising of Trees suited for Timber and Firewood. By F. W. C. Sturm 568–570
Memoranda of a Journey in which he succeeded in crossing the Ruahine Mountain Range, with Notes on the local Botany and Topography of that District: Part II. By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 570
On certain New Zealand and Australian Barks useful for Tanning Purposes. By J. A. Smith 570–571
New Specimens in Natural History, described. By W. Colenso 572
Notice of a Tadpole found in a drain in Hokitika. By F. E. Clarke 573
On the Discovery of Moa Bones near Marsden. By W. D. Campbell 574
Election of Officers for 1879 574
Abstract of Annual Report 574
Tenth Annual Report of the Board of Governors 577–578
Museum 578–581
Meteorology 582
Time-ball Observatory 582
Laboratory 582
Accounts of the New Zealand Institute, 1877–8 582

Meteorological Statistics of New Zealand for 1878 xxi–xxiii
Earthquakes reported in New Zealand during 1878 xxiii
Comparative Abstract for 1878, and previous years xxiv
Notes on the Weather during 1878 xxv–xxvi