Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 4.djvu/11

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Anniversary Address of the President, H.E. Sir George F. Bowen, G.C.M.G. 1–15
Third Annual Report by the Governors 17–18
Accounts of the New Zealand Institute, 1870–1 19
Art. I. Ethnographical Considerations on the Whence of the Maori. By J. T. Thomson, F.R.G.S. 23–51
II. Notes upon the Historical Value of the "Traditions of the New Zealanders," as collected by Sir George Grey, K.C.B., late Governor-in-Chief of New Zealand. By W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S. 51–62
III. Notes on the Chatham Islands, extracted from Letters from Mr. H. H. Travers. By W. T. L. Travers 63–66
IV. Moas and Moa Hunters. Address to the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury. By Julius Haast, Ph.D., F. R.S. 66–90
Additional Notes 90–94
Third Paper on Moas and Moa Hunters 94–107
V. Some Observations on the Annual Address of the President of the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury. By Rev. J. W. Stack 107–110
VI. On Recent Moa Remains in New Zealand. By James Hector, M.D., F.R.S. 110–120
VII. Notes on Moa Remains. By W. D. Murison 120–124
VIII. On the Occurrence of Footprints of a Large Bird, found at Turanga-nui, Poverty Bay. By Archdeacon W. L. Williams 124–127
IX. On the Occurrence of Footprints of the Moa at Poverty Bay. By His Honour T. B. Gillies 127–128
X. On the Geographical and other Features of some Little-known Portions of the Province of Wellington. By H. C. Field 128–135
XI. A Description of the Foundation of the Lighthouse in the Ponui Passage. By J. Stewart, Assoc. Inst. C.E. 135–138
XII. Work for Field Naturalists. By P. Thomson 138–141
XIII. Description of a Simple Contrivance for Economising the Current of Large Rivers. By J. T. Thomson, F.R.G.S. 141–145
XIV. On Some Experiments showing the Relative Value of N.S. Wales and New Zealand Coals as Gas-producing Materials. By J. Rees George 146–150
XV. On Experiments made to determine the Value of Different Coals for Steam Purposes. By J. Rees George 151–152