Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/30

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Relief of the Officers, Seamen, &c., of the Grampus. An act for the relief of the widows and orphans of the officers, seamen and marines of the United States’ schooner Grampus, and for other purposes.June 15, 1844.
Repeal of the Act directing the Survey of the Northern Line of the Reservation of the Half-breeds of the Sac and Fox Tribes of Indians. An act to repeal an act entitled “An act directing the survey of the northern line of the reservation for the half-breeds of the Sac and Fox tribes of Indians, by the treaty of August, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four,” approved March third, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three.June 15, 1844.
School Lands in Florida, Iowa and Wisconsin. An act to authorize the selection of certain school lands in the territories of Florida, Iowa and Wisconsin.June 15, 1844.
Grant to the County of Dubuque of Lots in the Town of Dubuque. An act granting to the county of Dubuque certain lots of ground in the town of Dubuque.June 15, 1844.
Title to Lots confirmed to the City of Fernandina. An act to confirm to the city of Fernandina, in Florida, certain lots reserved for public use by the Spanish Government.June 15, 1844.
Appropriations for Navy Pensions. An act making appropriations for the payment of navy pensions for the year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and forty-five.June 15, 1844.
Submarine Telescope. An act to test the utility of the submarine telescope.June 15, 1844.
Harbor of Southport, Wisconsin. An act making appropriations to aid in completing the harbor at Racine, on the western shore of Lake Michigan.June 15, 1844.
Harbor of Racine on the Western Shore of Lake Michigan. An act making appropriations to aid in completing the harbor at Racine, on the western shore of Lake Michigan.June 15, 1844.
Appropriations for the Post-Office Department. An act making appropriations for the service of the Post-Office Department, for the fiscal year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and forty-five. (Obsolete.)June 15, 1844.
The Act to transfer the Names of Pensioners in Kentucky to Cincinnati, Ohio, to be executed by the Secretary of War. An act transferring the execution of a certain act from the Secretary of the Treasury to the Secretary of War.June 15, 1844.
Appropriations for Deficiencies arising from Expenses improperly incurred beyond Amounts appropriated for the Year ending June 30, 1844. An act making appropriations for certain objects of expenditure therein named in the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and forty-four.June 15, 1844.
Post-roads in Florida. An act to establish certain post-roads in the territory of Florida.June 15, 1844.
Appropriation for Improvements in Iowa. An act making appropriation for certain improvements in the territory of Iowa.June 15, 1844.
Appropriations for Improvements in Florida. An act making appropriation for certain improvements in the territory of Florida.June 15, 1844.
Marine Hospital at Key West, Florida. An act to provide for the erection of a marine hospital at Key West, in the territory of Florida.June 15, 1844.
The Legislatures of the Territories authroized to regulate the Apportionment of Representation. An act to authorize the Legislatures of the several territories to regulate the apportionment of representation, and for other purposes.June 15, 1844.
Patents for Lands in the St. Augustine Land District, Florida. An act to authorize the issuing of patents for certain lands in the St. Augustine land district, in Florida, the sales of which were not regularly reported.June 15, 1844.
Amendment to the Act for the Armed Occupation of Florida. An act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the armed occupation and settlement of the unsettled part of the peninsular of Florida.”June 15, 1844.
Appropriation for the Support of Insane Persons in the District of Columbia, &c. An act making appropriation for the support of insane persons in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes.June 15, 1844.
Appropriation for Payment for Horses lost by the Missouri Volunteers in the Florida War. An act making an appropriation for the payment of horses lost by the Missouri volunteers in the Florida war.June 15, 1844.
Confirmation of certain Entries in the St. Augustine Land District. An act to confirm certain entries of land in the St. Augustine land district, in the territory of Florida, made under the pre-emption law of June 22d, 1838.June 15, 1844.