Portal:Louis Julius Lindauer

Louis Julius Lindauer

Louis Julius Lindauer (1838-1915) aka Lewis Lindauer, was a criminal during the The Gangs of New York era. He was arrested for robbery and for the numbers game. (b. August 1838; Pennsylvania, USA - d. January 19, 1915; 604 West 115th Street, Manhattan, New York City, New York County, New York, USA)

Works about Louis Julius Lindauer

"Sophia and Oscar had three boys and later on one girl. The boys were Charles, Louis and John and the girl, Eloise, was named by her brother, Charles."
The Circuit Court of the United States for the Second Circuit ruling absolving him at trial on a legal technicality.
1870 arrest, conviction, and imprisonment, for selling lottery tickets, but seeking release on a legal technicality. "In the case in which it was sought to obtain the release of Louis Lindauer"
"Lewis Lindauer, the brother of defendant, testified that he (Lewis) paid the rent of the lottery office, and that the defendant merely received wages for his services."
The death of his father.
The examination into the case of Charles and Lewis Lindauer, on a charge of implication in the above robbery, which has been in progress before Justice Sandford for the past two days, terminated last evening. The Justice considered the evidence sufficiently conclusive to hold the parties for the action of the Grand Jury, and therefore committed them in full, in default of bail. Much Interest has been manifested in this case, both by our own citizens and a large number of the friends of the accused from New York. The New Yorkers appeared quite chap-fallen at the decision of the Justice to hold them, and we understand that efforts are to in made by the friends to procure the necessary bail."
"Yesterday afternoon Charles and Lewis Lindauer, recently arrested in New-York on a charge of being implicated in the robbery of $9,000 worth of jewelry from the safe of Baldwin Co., at Newark, on the night of the 9th of December, were taken before Justice Sandford for examination"
"Lewis Lindauer, the brother of Charles, being examined; said that the first time he was in this city before his arrest was on the 5th of December, and that he was not in the jewelry establishment of Messrs. Baldwin & Co., a few mornings previous to the robbery."

See also
