Portal:Charles Frederick Lindauer

Charles Frederick Lindauer

Charles Frederick Lindauer (1836-1921) was described in 1894 as a "small fry" in organized crime in New York City. He ran the numbers game in a small territory in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. He described himself in advertisements as a lottery broker. In 1881 he inserted himself into the management of the Theatre Comique in Jersey City, New Jersey. It was a legitimate theater and was converted to a burlesque format with a "leg show" where alcohol was served without a liquor license. The newspaper in 1881 described his role as: "a partner or something". He operated a house of prostitution in West Hoboken, New Jersey in 1881. He was also a cigar dealer and tobacconist in Manhattan and Hoboken, New Jersey, at Lindauer and Company which he used as a cover for his illegal lottery operation. He also owned a liquor store. (b. April 1836; Pennsylvania, USA - d. March 3, 1921, 3:00 pm; 209 Locust Avenue, Rye, Westchester County, New York, USA)

Charles Frederick Lindauer

Works about Charles Frederick Lindauer

"Sophia and Oscar had three boys and later on one girl. The boys were Charles, Louis and John and the girl, Eloise, was named by her brother, Charles."
His obituary downplaying his role in organized crime. Lindauer was "head of a flourishing business in New York."
Lindauer named during testimony as a "small fry" in the numbers game racket: "there is Jake Shipsey; he is another big man; Cornelius P. Parker, and Billy Meyers, and Ed. Hogan, and Charlie Lindauer, Dick Gammon … Lindauer has a new place; he is a small fry backer."
Lindauer & Co. used as a front for collecting money from the numbers game.
Article struggling to describe his role in the forced takeover of the Theatre Comique in Jersey City, New Jersey, the article describes him as "a partner or something".
Admission that the family operates a house of prostitution in West Hoboken, New Jersey. "The defense then called to the stand Jacob Lindauer, who testified: At the time of my arrest at 141 Mott street; I worked for my brother Fred, at West Hoboken. 'What sort of a place was it?' asked Mr. McGrath. 'Well, some call it a hotel, and some call it a house of prostitution. I call it a house of prostitution.'"
The arrest of his brother John Jacob Lindauer for burglary. "Frederick Lindauer, the brother of Jacob, went to the house with us, but did not go in."
The "… arrest of C. F. Lindauer" for illegal lottery ticket sales.
"Charles Lindauer, who has been confined in the Essex County Jail for nearly two years, sentenced for passing counterfeit money, was on Tuesday the 1st, pardoned by the President on account of his turning State's evidence. Lindauer was bequeathed $15,000 last month by a deceased uncle." Note: He had no uncle that died in 1872 or 1873, this appears to be an example of money laundering.
"A few days since Charles Lindauer, who was committed to the Essex county jail, New Jersey, for two years, for passing counterfeit money, was taken to the Fishing Banks on an excursion trip, one of the wardens of the institution being his escort. The Newark (N.J.) Advertiser says that it is not usual to treat prisoners to pleasure excursions, but in this instance an assistant warden thought it would "do the convict good," and therefore ventured to make the experiment. Essex, N.J., is a nice place to go to jail."
"Charles Lindauer was brought before Justice Dodge, at the Jefferson Market Police Court, yesterday. The complaint set forth that on the evening of the 29th alt. the accused went into the house of complainant and took therefrom a quantity or clothing and a meerschaum pipe, in all valued at $116. The prisoner was detected in the act of leaving the premises with the property by a man named Samuel J. Jackson, by whom he was followed until he attempted to escape by running away and dropping the stolen articles. Lindauer says he is a horse dealer by profession, and is not guilty of the charge."
The death of his father: "On Wednesday morning, September 5, Oscar A.M. Lindauer, aged 51 years and 2 months. The relatives and friends of his sons, Charles, Louis, and John Lindauer, also the members of Eastern Star Lodge, No. 227, F. and A. M., are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from 42 Grand Street, this (Friday) afternoon, at two o'clock. The remains to be interred in Cypress Hill Cemetery."
The examination into the case of Charles and Lewis Lindauer, on a charge of implication in the above robbery, which has been in progress before Justice Sandford for the past two days, terminated last evening. The Justice considered the evidence sufficiently conclusive to hold the parties for the action of the Grand Jury, and therefore committed them in full, in default of bail. Much Interest has been manifested in this case, both by our own citizens and a large number of the friends of the accused from New York. The New Yorkers appeared quite chap-fallen at the decision of the Justice to hold them, and we understand that efforts are to in made by the friends to procure the necessary bail."
"Yesterday afternoon Charles and Lewis Lindauer, recently arrested in New-York on a charge of being implicated in the robbery of $9,000 worth of jewelry from the safe of Baldwin Co., at Newark, on the night of the 9th of December, were taken before Justice Sandford for examination"
"The examination of Charles Lindauer, one of the persons suspected of participating in the Baldwin robbery …"

See also
