United States Statutes at Large, Volume 1
United States Congress
Public Acts of the Second Congress

The Second United States Congress, consisting of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives, met at Congress Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from March 4, 1791 to March 3, 1793, during the third and fourth years of George Washington's Presidency.

Public Acts of Congress
(and session)
1st · 2nd · 3rd · 4th · 5th · 6th · 7th · 8th · 9th · 10th · 11th · 12th · 13th · 14th · 15th · 16th · 17th · 18th · 19th · 20th · 21st · 22nd · 23rd · 24th · 25th · 26th · 27th · 28th · 29th · 30th · 31st · 32nd · 33rd · 34th · 35th · 36th · 37th · 38th · 39th · 40th · 41st · 42nd · 43rd · 44th · 45th · 46th · 47th · 48th · 49th · 50th · 51st · 52nd · 53rd · 54th · 55th · 56th · 57th · 58th · 59th · 60th · 61st · 62nd · 63rd · 64th · 65th · 66th · 67th · 68th · 69th · 70th · 71st · 72nd · 73rd · 74th · 75th (1st 2nd 3rd) · 76th (1st 2nd 3rd) · 77th (1st 2nd) · 78th (1st 2nd) · 79th (1st 2nd) · 80th (1st 2nd) · 81st (1st 2nd) · 82nd (1st 2nd) · 83rd (1st 2nd) · 84th (1st 2nd) · 85th (1st 2nd) · 86th (1st 2nd) · 87th (1st 2nd) · 88th (1st 2nd) · 89th (1st 2nd) · 90th (1st 2nd) · 91st (1st 2nd) · 92nd (1st 2nd) · 93rd (1st 2nd) · 94th (1st 2nd) · 95th (1st 2nd) · 96th (1st 2nd) · 97th (1st 2nd) · 98th (1st 2nd) · 99th (1st 2nd) · 100th (1st 2nd) · 101st (1st 2nd) · 102nd (1st 2nd) · 103rd (1st 2nd) · 104th (1st 2nd) · 105th (1st 2nd) · 106th (1st 2nd) · 107th (1st 2nd) · 108th (1st 2nd) · 109th (1st 2nd) · 110th (1st 2nd) · 111th (1st 2nd) · 112th (1st 2nd) · 113th (1st 2nd) · 114th (1st 2nd) · 115th (1st 2nd) · 116th (1st 2nd) · 117th (1st 2nd) · 118th (1st 2nd) · 119th (1st 2nd) ·
608939United States Statutes at Large, Volume 1 — Public Acts of the Second CongressUnited States Congress

1st Session


Public Laws



of the


Passed at the first session, which was begun and held at the City of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the twenty-fourth day of October, 1791, and ended on the ninth day of May, 1792.
George Washington, President, John Adams, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate, Richard Henry Lee, President of the Senate pro tempore, Jonathan Trumbull, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
  Chapter Title Date
1 Chapter I. An Act granting farther Time for making Return of the Enumeration of the Inhabitants in the District of South Carolina. Nov. 8, 1791
2 Chapter II. See Private Acts of the Second Congress in Volume 6. Dec. 16, 1791
3 Chapter III. An Act making Appropriations for the Support of Government for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. Dec. 23, 1791
4 Chapter IV. An Act for carrying into effect a Contract between the United States and the State of Pennsylvania. Jan. 3, 1792
5 Chapter V. An Act to extend the time limited for settling the Accounts of the United States with the individual States. Jan. 23, 1792
6 Chapter VI. An Act concerning certain Fisheries of the United States, and for the regulation and government of the Fishermen employed therein. Feb. 16, 1792
7 Chapter VII. An Act to establish the Post-Office and Post Roads within the United States. Feb. 20, 1792
8 Chapter VIII. An Act relative to the Election of a President and Vice President of the United States, and declaring the Officer who shall act as President in case of Vacancies in the offices both of President and Vice President. March 1, 1792
9 Chapter IX. An Act for making farther and more effectual Provision for the Protection of the Frontiers of the United States. March 5, 1792
10 Chapter X. An Act declaring the consent of Congress to a certain Act of the State of Maryland, and to continue for a longer time, an Act declaring the assent of Congress to certain Acts of the States of Maryland, Georgia, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. March 19, 1792
11 Chapter XI. An Act to provide for the settlement of the Claims of Widows and Orphans barred by the limitations heretofore established, and to regulate the Claims to Invalid Pensions. March 23, 1792
12 Chapter XII. An Act providing for the settlement of the Claims of Persons under particular circumstances barred by the limitations heretofore established. March 27, 1792
13 Chapter XIII. See Private Acts of the Second Congress in Volume 6. March 27, 1792
14 Chapter XIV. An Act supplemental to the act for making farther and more effectual provision for the protection of the frontiers of the United States. March 28, 1792
15 Chapter XV. An Act for finishing the Lighthouse on Baldhead at the mouth of Cape Fear river in the State of North Carolina. April 2, 1792
16 Chapter XVI. An Act establishing a Mint, and regulating the Coins of the United States. April 2, 1792
17 Chapter XVII. An Act supplementary to the act for the establishment and support of lighthouses, beacons, buoys, and public piers. April 12, 1792
18 Chapter XVIII. An Act to erect a Lighthouse on Montok Point in the state of New York. April 12, 1792
19 Chapter XIX. See Private Acts of the Second Congress in Volume 6. April 12, 1792
20 Chapter XX. An Act for fixing the compensations of the Doorkeepers of the Senate and House of Representatives and Congress. April 12, 1792
21 Chapter XXI. An Act for altering the times of holding the Circuit Courts, in certain districts of the United States, and for other purposes. April 13, 1792
22 Chapter XXII. See Private Acts of the Second Congress in Volume 6. April 13, 1792
23 Chapter XXIII. An Act for apportioning Representatives among the several States, according to the first enumeration. April 14, 1792
24 Chapter XXIV. An Act concerning Consuls and Vice-Consuls. April 14, 1792
25 Chapter XXV. An Act authorizing the grant and conveyance of certain Lands to the Ohio Company of Associates. April 21, 1792
26 Chapter XXVI. An Act to indemnify the Estate of the late Major General Nathaniel Green, for a certain bond entered into by him during the late war. April 27, 1792
27 Chapter XXVII. An Act for raising a farther sum of money for the protection of the frontiers, and for other purposes therein mentioned. May 2, 1792
28 Chapter XXVIII. An Act to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions. May 2, 1792
29 Chapter XXIX. An Act for the relief of persons imprisoned for Debt. May 5, 1792
30 Chapter XXX. An Act authorizing the grant and conveyance of certain Lands to John Cleves Symmes, and his Associates. May 5, 1792
31 Chapter XXXI. An Act to alter the time for the next Annual Meeting of Congress. May 5, 1792
32 Chapter XXXII. An Act concerning the Duties on Spirits distilled within the United States. May 8, 1792
33 Chapter XXXIII. An Act more effectually to provide for the National Defence by establishing an Uniform Militia throughout the United States. May 8, 1792
34 Chapter XXXIV. An Act relative to the compensations to certain officers employed in the collection of the duties of impost and tonnage. May 8, 1792
35 Chapter XXXV. An Act to continue in force the act intituled “An act to provide for mitigating or remitting the Penalties and Forfeitures accruing under the Revenue Laws in certain Cases,” and to make further Provisions for the payment of Pensions to Invalids. May 8, 1792
36 Chapter XXXVI. An Act for regulating Processes in the Courts of the United States, and providing Compensations for the Officers of the said Courts, and for Jurors and Witnesses. May 8, 1792
37 Chapter XXXVII. An Act making alterations in the Treasury and War Departments. May 8, 1792
38 Chapter XXXVIII. An Act supplementary to the act making provision for the Debt of the United States. May 8, 1792
39 Chapter XXXIX. An Act to provide for a Copper Coinage. May 8, 1792
40 Chapter XL. An Act for making compensations to the Commissioners of Loans for extraordinary expenses. May 8, 1792
41 Chapter XLI. An Act making certain appropriations therein specified. May 8, 1792
42 Chapter XLII. An Act respecting the government of the territories of the United States northwest and south of the river Ohio. May 8, 1792
43 Chapter XLIII. See Private Acts of the Second Congress in Volume 6. May 8, 1792
44 Chapter XLIV. See Private Acts of the Second Congress in Volume 6. May 8, 1792

Public Resolution

Resolution Date
Resolution. May 8, 1792

2nd Session


Public Laws



of the


Passed at the second session, which was begun and held at the City of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the fifth day of November, 1792, and ended on the second day of March, 1793.
George Washington, President, John Adams, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate, John Langdon, President of the Senate pro tempore, on the second of March 1793, Jonathan Trumbull, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
  Chapter Title Date
1 Chapter I. An Act concerning the registering and recording of ships or vessels. Dec. 31, 1792
2 Chapter II. An Act to amend an act intituled “An act establishing a Mint, and regulating the coins of the United States,” so far as respects the coinage of copper. Jan. 14, 1793
3 Chapter III. An Act to provide for the allowance of interest on the sum ordered to be paid by the resolve of Congress, of the twenty-eighth of September, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, as an indemnity to the Persons therein named. Jan. 14, 1793
4 Chapter IV. An Act to continue in force for a limited time, and to amend the act intituled “An act providing the means of intercourse between the United States and foreign nations.” Feb. 9, 1793
5 Chapter V. An Act regulating foreign Coins, and for other purposes. Feb. 9, 1793
6 Chapter VI. An Act relative to claims against the United States, not barred by any act of limitation, and which have not been already adjusted. Feb. 12, 1793
7 Chapter VII. An Act respecting fugitives from justice, and persons escaping from the service of their masters. Feb. 12, 1793
8 Chapter VIII. An Act for enrolling and licensing ships or vessels to be employed in the coasting trade and fisheries, and for regulating the same. Feb. 18, 1793
9 Chapter IX. An Act providing compensation to the President and Vice President of the United States. Feb. 18, 1793
10 Chapter X. An Act to repeal part of a resolution of Congress of the twenty-ninth of August, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, respecting the inhabitants of Post Saint Vincents. Feb. 21, 1793
11 Chapter XI. An Act to promote the progress of useful Arts; and to repeal the act heretofore made for that purpose. Feb. 21, 1793
12 Chapter XII. See Private Acts of the Second Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 22, 1793
13 Chapter XIII. See Private Acts of the Second Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 22, 1793
14 Chapter XIV. See Private Acts of the Second Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 27, 1793
15 Chapter XV. An Act for repealing the several impost laws of the United States, so far as they may be deemed to impose a duty on useful beasts imported for breed. Feb. 27, 1793
16 Chapter XVI. An Act in addition to, and alteration of the Act, entitled “An Act to extend the time limited for settling the Accounts of the United States with the individual States.” Feb. 27, 1793
17 Chapter XVII. An Act to regulate the Claims to Invalid Pensions. Feb. 28, 1793
18 Chapter XVIII. An Act making appropriations for the support of Government for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three. Feb. 28, 1793
19 Chapter XIX. An Act to regulate Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes. March 1, 1793
20 Chapter XX. An Act to ascertain the fees in Admiralty proceedings in the District Courts of the United States, and for other purposes. March 1, 1793
21 Chapter XXI. An Act making an appropriation to defray the expense of a treaty with the Indians northwest of the Ohio. March 2, 1793
22 Chapter XXII. An Act in addition to the Act, entitled “An Act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States.” March 2, 1793
23 Chapter XXIII. An Act to alter the times and places of holding the Circuit Courts, in the Eastern District, and in North Carolina, and for other purposes. March 2, 1793
24 Chapter XXIV. An Act supplementary to the act, entitled, “An act to provide more effectually for the collection of the Duties imposed by law on Goods, Wares and Merchandise, imported into the United States, and on the Tonnage of Ships or Vessels.” March 2, 1793
25 Chapter XXV. An Act providing for the payment of the First Instalment due on a Loan made of the Bank of the United States. March 2, 1793
26 Chapter XXVI. An Act for extending the time for receiving on loan that part of the Domestic Debt of the United States, which may not be subscribed, prior to the first day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three. March 2, 1793
27 Chapter XXVII. An Act supplementary to the act for the establishment and support of lighthouses, beacons, buoys, and public piers. March 2, 1793
28 Chapter XXVIII. See Private Acts of the Second Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1793
29 Chapter XXIX. See Private Acts of the Second Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1793
30 Chapter XXX. An Act making certain Appropriations therein mentioned. March 2, 1793
31 Chapter XXXI. An Act making addition to the Compensation of certain Public Officers. March 2, 1793
32 Chapter XXXII. See Private Acts of the Second Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1793

Public Resolutions

