United States Statutes at Large/Volume 2/11th Congress

The Eleventh United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, consisting of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from March 4, 1809 to March 4, 1811, during the first two years of James Madison's presidency. The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the Second Census of the United States in 1800. Both chambers had a Democratic-Republican majority.

Public Acts of Congress
(and session)
1st · 2nd · 3rd · 4th · 5th · 6th · 7th · 8th · 9th · 10th · 11th · 12th · 13th · 14th · 15th · 16th · 17th · 18th · 19th · 20th · 21st · 22nd · 23rd · 24th · 25th · 26th · 27th · 28th · 29th · 30th · 31st · 32nd · 33rd · 34th · 35th · 36th · 37th · 38th · 39th · 40th · 41st · 42nd · 43rd · 44th · 45th · 46th · 47th · 48th · 49th · 50th · 51st · 52nd · 53rd · 54th · 55th · 56th · 57th · 58th · 59th · 60th · 61st · 62nd · 63rd · 64th · 65th · 66th · 67th · 68th · 69th · 70th · 71st · 72nd · 73rd · 74th · 75th (1st 2nd 3rd) · 76th (1st 2nd 3rd) · 77th (1st 2nd) · 78th (1st 2nd) · 79th (1st 2nd) · 80th (1st 2nd) · 81st (1st 2nd) · 82nd (1st 2nd) · 83rd (1st 2nd) · 84th (1st 2nd) · 85th (1st 2nd) · 86th (1st 2nd) · 87th (1st 2nd) · 88th (1st 2nd) · 89th (1st 2nd) · 90th (1st 2nd) · 91st (1st 2nd) · 92nd (1st 2nd) · 93rd (1st 2nd) · 94th (1st 2nd) · 95th (1st 2nd) · 96th (1st 2nd) · 97th (1st 2nd) · 98th (1st 2nd) · 99th (1st 2nd) · 100th (1st 2nd) · 101st (1st 2nd) · 102nd (1st 2nd) · 103rd (1st 2nd) · 104th (1st 2nd) · 105th (1st 2nd) · 106th (1st 2nd) · 107th (1st 2nd) · 108th (1st 2nd) · 109th (1st 2nd) · 110th (1st 2nd) · 111st (1st 2nd) · 112nd (1st 2nd) · 113rd (1st 2nd) · 114th (1st 2nd) · 115th (1st 2nd) · 116th (1st 2nd) · 117th (1st 2nd) · 118th (1st 2nd) · 119th (1st 2nd) ·
1685929United States Statutes at Large, Volume 2 — Public Acts of the Eleventh CongressUnited States Congress

1st Session


Public Laws



of the


Passed at the first session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the twenty-second day of May,, 1809, and ended on the twenty-eighth day of June, 1809.

James Madison, President; George Clinton, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate; Andrew Gregg, President of the Senate pro tempore, on the 28th of June; J. B. Varnum, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

  Chapter Title Date
1 Chapter I. An Act respecting the ships or vessels owned by citizens or subjects of foreign nations with which commercial intercourse is permitted. May 30, 1809
2 Chapter II. An Act making further appropriations to complete the fortifications commenced for the security of the ports and harbors of the United States, and to erect such fortifications as may be necessary for the protection of the northern and western frontiers of the United States. June 14, 1809
3 Chapter III. An Act authorizing the appointment of an agent for the land-office at Kaskaskia, and allowing compensation to the commissioners and clerk. June 15, 1809
4 Chapter IV. An Act supplementary to an act, entituled “An act making appropriations for carrying into effect a treaty between the United States and the Chickasaw tribe of Indians; and to establish a land-office in the Mississippi Territory.” June 15, 1809
5 Chapter V. An Act to continue in force “An act declaring the assent of Congress to a certain act of the state of South Carolina, passed the twenty-first of December, one thousand eight hundred and four.” June 15, 1809
6 Chapter VI. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. June 20, 1809
7 Chapter VII. An Act to fix the time for the next meeting of Congress. June 24, 1809
8 Chapter VIII. An Act for the remission of certain penalties and forfeitures, and for other purposes. June 28, 1809
9 Chapter IX. An Act to continue in force certain parts of the act entituled “An act to interdict the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France, and their dependencies, and for other purposes.” June 28, 1809
10 Chapter X. An Act supplementary to the act, entituled “An act making further provision for the support of public credit, and for the redemption of the public debt.” June 28, 1809
11 Chapter XI. An Act making an appropriation to finish and furnish the Senate chamber, and for other purposes. June 28, 1809
12 Chapter XII. An Act to suspend for a limited time the recruiting service. June 28, 1809
13 Chapter XIII. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. June 28, 1809
14 Chapter XIV. An Act freeing from postage all letters and packets from Thomas Jefferson. June 28, 1809
15 Chapter XV. An Act making appropriations for defraying the expense of stationery, printing, and all other contingent expenses of the Senate and House of Representatives, during the present session of Congress. June 28, 1809
16 Chapter XVI. An Act authorizing the accounting officers of the Treasury Department to give credit to certain collectors of the customs for allowances paid by them to the owners and crews of fishing vessels. June 28, 1809
17 Chapter XVII. An Act concerning the Naval Establishment. June 28, 1809

2nd Session


Public Laws



of the


Passed at the second session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of November, 1809, and ended on the first day of May, 1810.

James Madison, President; George Clinton, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate; Andrew Gregg, President of the Senate pro tempore, from the 9th to the 19th of December, 1809; John Gaillard, President of the Senate pro tempore, on the 2d of March, and from the 20th of April to the 1st of May, 1810; J. B. Varnum, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

  Chapter Title Date
1 Chapter I. An Act to authorize the transportation of certain Documents free of postage. Dec. 9, 1809
2 Chapter II. An Act supplemental to an act entituled “An act extending the “right of suffrage in the Indiana territory, and for other purposes. Dec. 15, 1809
3 Chapter III. An Act extending the time for issuing and locating military land warrants. Dec. 19, 1809
4 Chapter IV. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. Dec. 28, 1809
5 Chapter V. An Act to revive and continue in force for a further time, the first section of the act entituled “An act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States, against the Barbary powers.” Jan. 12, 1810
6 Chapter VI. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 5, 1810
7 Chapter VII. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 5, 1810
8 Chapter VIII. An Act in addition to the “Act to regulate the laying out and making a road from Cumberland, in the state of Maryland, to the state of Ohio.” Feb. 14, 1810
9 Chapter IX. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 14, 1810
10 Chapter X. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 20, 1810
11 Chapter XI. An Act to prescribe the mode in which application shall be made for the purchase of land at the several land-offices; and for the relief of Joab Garret. Feb. 24, 1810
12 Chapter XII. An Act further to provide for the refugees from the British provinces of Canada and Nova Scotia, and for other purposes. Feb. 24, 1810
13 Chapter XIII. An Act making appropriations for the support of Government during the year one thousand eight hundred and ten. Feb. 26, 1810
14 Chapter XIV. An Act making appropriations for the support of the Navy of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and ten. March 2, 1810
15 Chapter XV. An Act making appropriations for the support of the Military establishment of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and ten. March 2, 1810
16 Chapter XVI. An Act for the appointment of an additional judge, and extending the right of suffrage to the citizens of Madison county, in the Mississippi territory. March 2, 1810
17 Chapter XVII. An Act providing for the third census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States. March 26, 1810
18 Chapter XVIII. An Act for altering the time for holding the District Court in Ohio. March 26, 1810
19 Chapter XIX. An Act to prevent the issuing of sea letters except to certain vessels. March 26, 1810
20 Chapter XX. An Act making an appropriation for the purpose of trying the practical use of the Torpedo or Submarine Explosion. March 30, 1810
21 Chapter XXI. An Act to make public a Road in Washington County, in the District of Columbia. March 30, 1810
22 Chapter XXII. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. April 11, 1810
23 Chapter XXIII. An Act to alter and amend an act, entituled “An act providing for the third census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States,” passed the twenty-sixth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ten. April 12, 1810
24 Chapter XXIV. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1810
25 Chapter XXV. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. April 20, 1810
26 Chapter XXVI. An Act to incorporate a company for making certain turnpike roads in the District of Columbia. April 20, 1810
27 Chapter XXVII. An Act to amend an act, entituled “An act for the establishment of a Turnpike Company in the County of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia.” April 25, 1810
28 Chapter XXVIII. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. April 25, 1810
29 Chapter XXIX. An Act to allow the benefit of drawback on merchandise transported by land conveyance from Newport to Boston, and from Boston to Newport, in like manner as if the same were transported coastwise. April 25, 1810
30 Chapter XXX. An Act to establish Post Roads. April 28, 1810
31 Chapter XXXI. An Act to extend the time for locating Virginia military land warrants, and for returning the surveys thereon to the Secretary of the Department of War. March 16, 1810
32 Chapter XXXII. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. April 27, 1810
33 Chapter XXXIII. An Act providing for the printing and distributing of such Laws of the United States, as respect the Public Lands. April 27, 1810
34 Chapter XXXIV. An Act providing for the better accommodation of the General Post-office and Patent Office, and for other purposes. April 28, 1810
35 Chapter XXXV. An Act providing for the sale of certain lands in the Indiana territory, and for other purposes. April 30, 1810
36 Chapter XXXVI. An Act to extend the time for making payment for the Public Lands of the United States in certain cases. April 30, 1810
37 Chapter XXXVII. An Act regulating the Post-office Establishment. April 30, 1810
38 Chapter XXXVIII. An Act further to alter and amend “An act providing for the third census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States.” May 1, 1810
39 Chapter XXXIX. An Act concerning the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France, and their dependencies, and for other purposes. May 1, 1810
40 Chapter XL. An Act confirming the decisions of the Commissioners in favor of the claimants of land in the district of Kaskaskia. May 1, 1810
41 Chapter XLI. An Act making further appropriations for completing the Capitol, and for other purposes. May 1, 1810
42 Chapter XLII. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. May 1, 1810
43 Chapter XLIII. An Act making appropriations for carrying into effect certain Indian treaties. May 1, 1810
44 Chapter XLIV. An Act fixing the compensation of public Ministers, and of Consuls residing on the coast of Barbary, and for other purposes. May 1, 1810
45 Chapter XLV. An Act authorizing a loan of money, for a sum not exceeding the amount of the principal of the public debt, reimbursable during the year one thousand eight hundred and ten. May 1, 1810
46 Chapter XLVI. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. May 1, 1810
47 Chapter XLVII. An Act to erect a Lighthouse at the entrance of Scituate harbor, a stone column on a spit of sand at the entrance into Boston harbor, and a beacon on Beach Point near Plymouth harbor in the state of Massachusetts; a light at the entrance of Bayou St. John into Lake Ponchartrain, and two lights on Lake Erie, and for beacons and buoys near the entrance of Beverly harbor. May 1, 1810
48 Chapter XLVIII. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. May 1, 1810
49 Chapter XLIX. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. May 1, 1810
50 Chapter L. An Act in addition to an act, entituled “An act concerning the Library for the use of both Houses of Congress.” May 1, 1810

Public Resolutions

Resolution Date
Resolution 1. Jan. 12, 1810
Resolution 2. n.d.

3rd Session


Public Laws



of the


Passed at the third session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, third day of December, 1810, and ended on the third day of March, 1811.

James Madison, President; George Clinton, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate; John Pope, President of the Senate pro tempore, from the 26th of February, 1811; J. B. Varnum, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

  Chapter Title Date
1 Chapter I. An Act to authorize the transportation of certain Documents free of postage. Dec. 17, 1810
2 Chapter II. An Act making an additional appropriation to supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the relief and protection of distressed American Seamen, during the year one thousand eight hundred and ten. Jan. 7, 1811
3 Chapter III. An Act to continue in force for a further time the first section of the act, entituled “An act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States against the Barbary powers.” Jan. 7, 1811
4 Chapter IV. An Act to fix the compensation of the additional assistant Postmaster-General. Jan. 17, 1811
5 Chapter V. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 19, 1811
6 Chapter VI. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. Jan. 21, 1811
7 Chapter VII. An Act to authorize the Secretary at War to ascertain and settle by the appointment of Commissioners, the exterior line of the Public Land at West Point, with the adjoining proprietor. Jan. 22, 1811
8 Chapter VIII. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 6, 1811
9 Chapter IX. An Act making appropriations for the support of the Military establishment of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and eleven. Feb. 6, 1811
10 Chapter X. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 7, 1811
11 Chapter XI. An Act making appropriations for the support of the Navy of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and eleven. Feb. 7, 1811
12 Chapter XII. An Act making compensation to John Eugene Leitensdorfer for services rendered the United States in the war with Tripoli. Feb. 13, 1811
13 Chapter XIII. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 13, 1811
14 Chapter XIV. An Act providing for the final adjustment of claims to lands, and for the sale of the public lands in the territories of Orleans and Louisiana. Feb. 15, 1811
15 Chapter XV. An Act concerning the Bank of Alexandria. Feb. 15, 1811
16 Chapter XVI. An Act to incorporate the Bank of Washington. Feb. 15, 1811
17 Chapter XVII. An Act to incorporate the subscribers to the Farmers’ Bank of Alexandria. Feb. 16, 1811
18 Chapter XVIII. An Act to incorporate the Bank of Potomac. Feb. 16, 1811
19 Chapter XIX. An Act to incorporate the Union Bank of Georgetown. Feb. 18, 1811
20 Chapter XX. An Act making a further distribution of such laws of the United States, as respect the Public Lands. Feb. 18, 1811
21 Chapter XXI. An Act to enable the people of the Territory of Orleans to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union, on an equal footing with the original states, and for other purposes. Feb. 20, 1811
22 Chapter XXII. An Act making appropriations for the support of Government for the year one thousand eight hundred and eleven. Feb. 20, 1811
23 Chapter XXIII. An Act to enable the Georgetown Potomac Bridge Company to levy money for the object of its incorporation. Feb. 22, 1811
24 Chapter XXIV. An Act providing for the sale of a tract of land lying in the state of Tennessee, and a tract in the Indiana territory. Feb. 25, 1811
25 Chapter XXV. An Act providing for the removal of the land-office established at Nashville, in the state of Tennessee, and Canton in the state of Ohio; and to authorize the register and receiver of public monies to superintend the public sales of land in the district east of Pearl river. Feb. 25, 1811
26 Chapter XXVI. An Act establishing Navy Hospitals. Feb. 26, 1811
27 Chapter XXVII. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. Feb. 26, 1811
28 Chapter XXVIII. An Act in addition to the act entituled “An act supplementary to the act concerning Consuls and Vice Consuls,” and for the further protection of American seamen. Feb. 28, 1811
29 Chapter XXIX. An Act supplementary to the act, entituled “An act concerning the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France and their dependencies, and for other purposes.” March 2, 1811
30 Chapter XXX. An Act for establishing trading houses with the Indian tribes. March 2, 1811
31 Chapter XXXI. An Act to establish the Districts of Mumphreymagog, of Oswegatchie, and of the White Mountains. March 2, 1811
32 Chapter XXXII. An Act authorizing a loan of money, for a sum not exceeding five millions of dollars. March 2, 1811
33 Chapter XXXIII. An Act to annex a part of the state of New Jersey to the collection district of New York; to remove the office of Collector of Niagara to Lewistown; to make Cape St. Vincent, in the district of Sacket’s Harbor, a port of delivery; and out of the districts of Miami and Mississippi to make two new districts, to be called the Districts of Sandusky and Teche; and for other purposes. March 2, 1811
34 Chapter XXXIV. An Act to extend the time for completing the third census, enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States. March 2, 1811
35 Chapter XXXV. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. March 2, 1811
36 Chapter XXXVI. An Act declaring the consent of Congress to an act of the state of Georgia, passed the twelfth of December, one thousand eight hundred and four, “establishing the fees of the harbor master and health officer of the ports of Savannah and St. Mary’s.” March 2, 1811
37 Chapter XXXVII. An Act to erect a lighthouse on Boon island in the state of Massachusetts, to place buoys off Cape Fear river, and to erect a beacon at New Inset, in the state of North Carolina, and to place buoys at the entrance of the harbor of Edgartown, and to erect a column of stone on Cape Elizabeth, and to complete the beacons and buoys at the entrance of Beverly harbor, in the state of Massachusetts. March 2, 1811
38 Chapter XXXVIII. An Act to extend the right of suffrage in the Indiana territory, and for other purposes. March 3, 1811
39 Chapter XXXIX. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1811
40 Chapter XL. An Act to increase the salaries of the Judges of the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia. March 3, 1811
41 Chapter XLI. An Act making appropriations for carrying into effect a treaty between the United States and the Great and Little Osage nations of Indians, concluded at Fort Clarke, on the tenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and eight, and for other purposes. March 3, 1811
42 Chapter XLII. See Private Acts of the Eleventh Congress in Volume 6. March 3, 1811
43 Chapter XLIII. An Act making further appropriations to complete the fortifications commenced for the security of the ports and harbors of the United States. March 3, 1811
44 Chapter XLIV. An Act for allowing a reasonable compensation to the persons who have taken an account of the several manufacturing establishments and manufactures within the United States. March 3, 1811
45 Chapter XLV. An Act in addition to the act to regulate the laying out and making a road from Cumberland, in the state of Maryland, to the state of Ohio. March 3, 1811
46 Chapter XLVI. An Act providing for the final adjustment of claims to lands, and for the sale of the public lands in the territories of Orleans and Louisiana, and to repeal the act passed for the same purpose, and approved February sixteenth, one thousand eight hundred and eleven. March 3, 1811
47 Chapter XLVII. An Act concerning an act to enable the President of the United States, under certain contingencies, to take possession of the country lying east of the river Perdido, and south of the state of Georgia and the Mississippi territory, and for other purposes, and the declaration accompanying the same. March 3, 1811

Public Resolution

Resolution Date
Resolution relative to the occupation of the Floridas by the United States of America. Jan. 15, 1811