United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/Lists and Tables/25th Congress

3849951United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5, Lists and Tables — Acts of the Twenty-fifth Congress of the United StatesUnited States Congress

Acts of the Twenty-Fifth Congress of the United States.

STATUTE Ⅰ.—1837.



Postponement of the Fourth Instalment of Deposite with the States. An act to postpone the fourth instalment of deposite with the States.Oct. 2, 1837.
Treasury Notes. An act to authorize the issuing of Treasury Notes.Oct. 12, 1837.
Fees of District Attorneys. An act to regulate the fees of District Attorneys in certain cases.Oct. 12, 1837.
Laws of the United States continued in force. An act to continue in force certain laws to the close of the next session of Congress.Oct. 12, 1837.
Payment for Horses lost or destroyed in the Military Service. An act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the payment of horses lost or destroyed in the military service of the United States,” approved January 18th, 1837.Oct. 14, 1837.
Madison Papers. An act for the relief of D. P. Madison.Oct. 14, 1837.
Hostilities with the Seminole Indians. An act making an additional appropriation for the suppression of Indian hostilities, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven.Oct. 16, 1837.
Postponement of the Payment of Duty Bonds. An act authorizing a further postponement of payment upon duty bonds.Oct. 16, 1837.
Claims on the Deposite Banks. An act for adjusting the remaining claims upon the late deposite banks.Oct. 16, 1837.
Appropriations for the Government in 1837. An act making further appropriations for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven. (Obsolete.)Oct. 16, 1837.


No. 1. Express Mail. A resolution directing the postage on letters sent by the Express Mail to be paid in advance. (Obsolete.)Oct. 12, 1837.

STATUTE ⅠⅠ.—1837, 1838.



Public Vessels to cruise on the Coast in Winter. An act to authorize the President of the United States to cause the public vessels to cruise upon the coast in the winter season and to relieve distressed navigators.Dec. 22, 1837.
Official acts of John Pope, Governor of Arkansas. An act to ratify and confirm certain official acts of John Pope, late Governor of Arkansas.Jan. 16, 1838.
Annuities to Osages. An act to provide for the payment of the annuities which will become due and payable to the Great and Little Osages in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)Jan. 16, 1838.
Hostilities with the Seminole Indians. An act making a partial appropriation for the suppression of Indian hostilities, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight. (Obsolete.)Jan. 30, 1838.
Protection of the Northern Frontier. An act making an appropriation for the protection of the northern frontier of the United States. (Obsolete.)Jan. 30, 1838.
Circuit Court in Alabama. An act to establish the Circuit Court at Huntsville, in the State of Alabama, and for other purposes.Feb. 22, 1838.
Claims to Reservations under the Treaty with the Choctaw Indians. An act to amend an act entitled “An act fo rthe appointment of Commissioners to adjust the claims to reservations of land under the fourteenth article of the treaty of eighteen hundred and thirty, with the Choctaw Indians.” (Expired.)Feb. 22, 1838.
Bank of the United States. An act to prevent the abatement of suits and actions now pending, in which the late Bank of the United States may be a party.March 2, 1838.
District Courts in Virginia. An act to change the time of holding the terms of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Virginia, and of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Virginia, directed by law to be held in the city of Richmond.March 2, 1838.
Punishment of Military Expeditions against the conterminous Territory of foreign governments at peace with the United States. An act supplementary to an act entitled “An act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States, and to repeal the acts therein mentioned,” approved twentieth of April, eighteen hundred and eighteen.March 10, 1838.
Pensions. An act making appropriations for the payment of the revolutionary and other pensioners of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight. (Obsolete.)March 10, 1838.
Circuit Courts in Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio. An act to change the times of holding the Circuit and District Courts of the United States in the Seventh Circuit.March 10, 1838.
Assent to an Act of the Legislature of Maryland. An act to continue in force an act therein mentioned, relating to the Port of Baltimore.March 19, 1838.
District Courts of Western Virginia. An act to restore circuit jurisdiction to the District Courts of the Western District of Virginia.March 28, 1838.
Appropriations for the support of Government for 1838. An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight. (Obsolete.)April 6, 1838.
Appropriations for the support of the Army. An act making appropriations for the support of the army for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight. (Obsolete.)April 6, 1838.
Unclaimed Pensions. An act directing the transfer of money remaining unclaimed by certain pensioners, and authorizing the payment of the same at the Treasury of the United States.April 6, 1838.
District of Columbia. Quieting Possessions and securing Estates to Purchasers. An act to amend the act for quieting possessions, enrolling conveyances, and securing the estates of purchasers within the District of Columbia, passed the thirty-first day of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-two.April 20, 1838.
Removal of the Raft in Red River. An act making an appropriation for the removal of the great raft of Red River. (Obsolete.)April 20, 1838.
Treasury Notes. An act to authorize the issuing of Treasury Notes to meet the current expenses of the Government.May 21, 1838.
Cumberland Road. An act making appropriations for the continuation of the Cumberland Road in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, and for other purposes.May 25, 1838.
Additional Judge of the Orphans’ Court. Washington County Orphans’ Court. An act suppelmentary to the act entitled “An act concerning the District of Columbia.”May 25, 1838.
Union Bank of Georgetown. An act to extend the charter of the Union Bank of Georgetown, in the District of Columbia.May 25, 1838.
Banks in the District of Columbia. An act to continue the corporate existence of the Banks in the District of Columbia. (Expired.)May 31, 1838.
Appropriations for the Navy in 1838. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight. (Obsolete.)May 31, 1838.
Duties. An act to repeal certain provisoes of “An act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports,” approved the fourteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-two.May 31, 1838.
Territory of Iowa. An act to divide the Territory of Wisconsin, and to establish the Territorial Government of Iowa.June 12, 1838.
Appropriations for suppressing Indian Hostilities. An act making appropriations for preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and for arrearages for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven. (Obsolete.)June 12, 1838.
Commissions on Duty Bonds. An act to secure the payment of certain commissions on duty bonds to collectors of customs.June 12, 1838.
Surveyor of the Public Lands in the Territory of Wisconsin. An act to create the office of Surveyor of Public Lands in the Wisconsin Territory.June 12, 1838.
Land Offices in the Wisconsin Territory. An act to establish two additional land offices in that part of Wisconsin Territory west of the river Mississippi.June 12, 1838.
Boundary Line of Michigan and Wisconsin. An act to ascertain and designate the boundary line between the State of Michigan and the Territory of Wisconsin.June 12, 1838.
Wisconsin Territory. An act concerning a seminary of learning in the Territory of Wisconsin.June 12, 1838.
Land granted to Wisconsin for a Canal. An act to grant a quantity of land to the Territory of Wisconsin for the purpose of aiding in opening a canal to connect the waters of Lake Michigan with those of Rock River.June 18, 1838.
District Courts of Mississippi. An act to reorganize the District Courts of the United States in the State of Mississippi.June 18, 1838.
Boundary of Iowa. An act to authorize the President of the United States to cause the southern boundary line of the Territory of Iowa to be ascertained and marked.June 18, 1838.
Public Buildings in Wisconsin. An act making an appropriation for completing the public buildings in Wisconsin.June 18, 1838.
District Courts of Tennessee. An act to require the Judge of the District Courts of East and West Tennessee to hold a Court at Jackson, in said State.June 18, 1838.
Pre-emption Rights. An act to grant pre-emption rights to the settlers on the public lands.June 22, 1838.
Boilers of Steam-engines. An act authorizing the appointment of persons to test the usefulness of inventions to improve and render safe the boilers of steam-engines against explosions.June 28, 1838.
Orphans’ Court of Alexandria. An act relating to the Orphans’ Court of Alexandria County, in the District of Columbia.June 28, 1838.
Confirmation of an Act of the Legislature of Florida. An act to confirm the act of the Legislative Council of Florida, incorporating the “Florida Peninsula Railroad and Steamboat Company,” and granting the right of way to said Company through the public lands, and for other purposes.June 28, 1838.
Pensions. An act to provide for paying certain pensions at Tuscaloosa, in the State of Alabama.June 28, 1838.
Charter of the Bank of Alexandria. An act to extend the charter of the Bank of Alexandria, in the city of Alexandria.July 5, 1838.
Land granted for a Seat of Justice in Alabama. An act to grant Cherokee County, Alabama, the tract of land on which the seat of justice of said County has been located.July 5, 1838.
Deposite Act. An act to modify the last clause of the fifth section of the deposite act of the twenty-third of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-six.July 5, 1838.
Pensions. An act to amend “An act authorizing the Secretary of War to establish a pension agency in the town of Decatur, in the State of Alabama, and to provide for the payment of certain pensioners in the said town of Decatur.”July 5, 1838.
Vessels prevented entering the Ports of Mexico by the Blockade. An act to authorize vessels bound for the ports of Mexico, and prevented from completing the voyages in consequence of the existing blockade of those ports, to enter and store their cargoes in the ports of the United States.July 5, 1838.
Patents for Lands in the Creek Reservation. An act to authorize the issuing of patents to the last bona fide transferee of reservation under the treaty between the United States and the Creek tribe of Indians, which was concluded on the twenty-fourth of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two.July 5, 1838.
Army of the United States. An act to increase the present military establishment of the United States, and for other purposes.July 5, 1838.
Test of Inventions for the Improvement of Steam-Boilers. An act supplementary to the act entitled “An act authorizing the appointment of persons to test the usefulness of inventions to improve and render safe the boilers of steam-engines against explosions,” approved twenty-eighth day of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.July 7, 1838.
Appropriations for Roads in Florida. An act making appropriations for certain roads in the Territory of Florida. (Obsolete.)July 7, 1838.
Sale of Lands near the Wabash and Erie Canal. An act to authorize the sale of certain public lands of the United States near the Wabash and Erie Canal, in the State of Ohio.July 7, 1838.
Virginia Military Land Warrants. An act to extend the time for locating Virginia military land warrants and returning surveys thereon to the General Land Office.July 7, 1838.
Erection of a Court-House in Alexandria. An act for the erection of a Court-House in Alexandria, in the District of Columbia.July 7, 1838.
Government of Florida. An act to re-organize the Legislative Council of Florida, and for other purposes.July 7, 1838.
Military Academy at West Point. An act to provide for the support of the Military Academy of the United States for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)July 7, 1838.
Claims of New York for the Services of Militia. An act to provide for the settlement of the claim of the State of New York for the services of her militia.July 7, 1838.
Improvement of Harbors and Rivers. An act to provide for certain harbors, and for the removal of obstructions in and at the mouths of certain rivers, and for other purposes, during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight. (Obsolete.)July 7, 1838.
Post-Roads. An act to establish certain post-roads and to discontinue others.July 7, 1838.
Appropriations for Fortifications. An act making appropriations for certain fortifications of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight. (Obsolete.)July 7, 1838.
Duties on Goods destroyed by Fire in New York remitted. An act to remit the duties upon certain good destroyed by fire at the late conflagration in the City of New York. (Obsolete.)July 7, 1838.
Collection District in Mississippi. An act to establish a new collection district in the State of Mississippi.July 7, 1838.
Land Offices in Louisiana. An act to establish additional land offices in the States of Louisiana and Arkansas.July 7, 1838.
Payment for Horses, &c., destroyed in the Military Service. An act to continue in force the act for the payment of horses and other property lost in the military service. (Expired.)July 7, 1838.
Coal on board of Steamboats, &c. An act exempting from duty the coal which may be on board of steamboats or vessels propelled by steam on their arrival at any port in the United States.July 7, 1838.
A Compilation of the Laws of Florida. An act making appropriation for the compilation of the laws of Florida. (Obsolete.)July 7, 1838.
Light-Houses, &c. An act making appropriations for building light-houses, light-boats, beacon-lights, buoys, and making surveys, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight. (Obsolete.)July 7, 1838.
Judicial District in Florida. An act to establish a new judicial district in the Territory of Florida.July 7, 1838.
Circuit and District Courts for the Northern District of New York. An act to increase and regulate the terms of the Circuit Court and District Courts for the Northern District of the State of New York.July 7, 1838.
Road from the Foot of the Rapids of the Miami of the Lakes. An act ceding to the State of Ohio the interest of the United States in a certain road within that State.July 7, 1838.
Sale of the Bonds of the Bank of the United States. An act to authorize the sale of certain bonds belonging to the United States.July 7, 1838.
Prohibition of the Circulation of Bills of Corporations created by Acts of Congress which have expired. An act to prevent the issuing and circulation of the bills, notes, and other securities of corporations created by acts of Congress which have expired.July 7, 1838.
Appropriations for the Indian Department. An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling the treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight. (Obsolete.)July 7, 1838.
Acts and Resolutions of Congress. An act to repeal, in part, the act entitled “An act to provide for the safe keeping of the acts, records, and seal of the United States, and for other purposes.”July 7, 1838.
Cultivation of Tropical Plants. An act to encourage the introduction and promote the cultivation of tropical plants in the United States.July 7, 1838.
Pensions. An act granting half-pay and pensions to certain widows.July 7, 1838.
Roads in Wisconsin. An act making appropriation for certain roads in the Territory of Wisconsin.July 7, 1838.
Security of Passengers on board of Vessels propelled by steam. An act to provide for the better security of the lives of passengers on board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam.July 7, 1838.
A Criminal Court in the District of Columbia established. An act to establish a criminal court in the District of Columbia.July 7, 1838.
Circuit Court in Tennessee and in Maryland. An act to change the time of holding the United States Circuit Court in the District of East Tennessee and the District of Maryland.July 7, 1838.
Military Establishment of the United States. An act supplementary to an act entitled “An act to increase the present military establishment of the United States, and for other purposes,” approved July fifth, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.July 7, 1838.
Prohibition of Circulation of small Notes in the District of Columbia. An act to restrain the circulation of small notes as a currency in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes.July 7, 1838.
Madison Papers. An act authorizing the printing of the Madison papers.July 7, 1838.




No. 1. Walls of the late Post-Office to be removed. Joint resolution authorizing the Commissioner of the Public Buildings to cause the removal of the walls of the late Post-Office Building.March 19, 1838.
No. 2. A Fort near the Western Boundary of Arkansas. A resolution to authorize the Secretary of War to purchase a site for a fort at or near the western boundary of Arkansas.April 4, 1838.
No. 4. Public Revenue. A resolution relating to the public revenue and due to the Government.May 31, 1838.
No. 5. An act of the Legislature of Wisconsin chartering a Bank disapproved. Resolution to disapprove and disaffirm an act of the Legislative Council of the Wisconsin Territory chartering a bank.June 12, 1838.
No. 6. Authorities of Savannah to re-open certain Streets. Joint resolution in favour of the authorities of the City of Savannah, in the State of Georgia.June 18, 1838.
No. 7. Pensions. A resolution for the benefit of the widows of certain revolutionary officers and soldiers.July 7, 1838.

STATUTE III.—1838, 1839.

Appropriations for the support of Government. An act making appropriations, in part, for the support of Government for the years eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and eighteen hundred and thirty-nine. (Obsolete.)Dec. 22, 1838.
Appropriation to carry into effect the Treaty with Texas, &c. An act to provide for carrying into effect the convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Texas for marking the boundary between them.Jan. 11, 1839.
District Courts in Tennessee. An act to amend an act entitled “An act to require the Judge of East and West Tennessee to hold a Court at Jackson in said State,” approved June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.Jan. 18, 1839.
Transportation of the Mail on Railroads. An act further to regulate the transportation of the mail upon railroads.Jan. 25, 1839.
District Courts in Alabama. An act to re-organize the District Courts of the United States in the State of Alabama.Feb. 6, 1839.
Seminole Indians. An act to provide for the location and temporary support of the Seminole Indians removed from Florida. (Obsolete.)Feb. 13, 1839.
Pensions. An act making appropriations for the payment of the revolutionary and other pensioners of the United States, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine. (Obsolete.)Feb. 13, 1839.
Compromises with certain Banks. An act to repeal the proviso to the second section of an act approved the third of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, which authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to compromise the claims of the United States against certain banks.Feb. 16, 1839.
District Courts in Mississsippi. An act to amend “An act to organize the District Courts of the United States in the State of Mississippi,” approved June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.Feb. 16, 1839.
Penitentiary in the District of Columbia. An act making an appropriation for the support of the Penitentiary in the District of Columbia. (Obsolete.)Feb. 16, 1839.
Prohibition of Challenges in the District of Columbia. An act to prohibit the giving or accepting, within the District of Columbia, of a challenge to fight a duel, and for the punishment thereof.Feb. 20, 1839.
A Criminal Court in the District of Columbia established. An act to amend an act entitled “An act to establish a Criminal Court in the District of Columbia.”Feb. 20, 1839.
Suits by the Bank of Columbia, in Georgetown, not to abate. An act to prevent the abatement of suits and actions now pending, in which the Bank of Columbia, in Georgatown, may be a party.Feb. 28, 1839.
Imprisonment for Debt. An act to abolish imprisonment for debt in certain cases.Feb. 28, 1839.
Jurisdiction and Proceedings in the Courts of the United States. An act in amendment of the acts respecting the judicial system of the United States.Feb. 28, 1839.
Treasury Notes. An act to revise and extend “An act to authorize the issuing of Treasury Notes to meet the current expenses of Government,” approved the twenty-first of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.March 2, 1839.
Public Buildings in Florida. An act to provide for the erection of public buildings in the Territory of Florida.March 3, 1839.
Appropriations for the Indian Department. An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1839.
Improvements in Wisconsin. An act to authorize the construction of certain improvements in the Territory of Wisconsin, and for other purposes.March 3, 1839.
Virginia Military Land Warrants. An act to repeal the second section of “An act to extend the time for locating Virginia military land warrants and returning surveys thereon to the General Land Office,” approved July seventh, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.March 3, 1839.
Relief of Umbrella Makers. An act for the relief of umbrella makers. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1839.
Purchase of Land for the Navy-Yard at Charlestown, Massachusetts. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to purchase a tract of land belonging to the heirs of John Harris, deceased, being within the limits of the navy yar din Charlestown, Massachusetts. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1839.
A Pier at the Extremity of Winnebago Lake. An act making appropriations for building a pier at the northern extremity of Winnebago lake, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1839.
Lands for Public Buildings in Iowa. An act making a donation of land to the Territory of Iowa for the purpose of erecting public buildings thereon.March 3, 1839.
Improvement of Rivers and Repair of Roads in Florida. An act for the improvement and survey of certain rivers, and the repair of certain roads in Florida. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1839.
Compensation of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Iowa. An act granting to the Judges of the Supreme Court of Iowa the same compensation as by law is given to the Judges of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin.March 3, 1839.
Census. An act to provide for taking the sixth census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States.March 3, 1839.
Courts in Missouri, Tennessee, Alabama, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arkansas and New York. An act to amend the act of the third of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, entitled “An act supplementary to the act entitled ‘An act to amend the judicial system of the United States,’ and for other purposes.”March 3, 1839.
Appropriations for the support of Government. An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expneses of Government, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1839.
Relief of the Brotherton Indians. An act for the relief of the Brotherton Indians, in the Territory of Wisconsin.March 3, 1839.
Protection of the Northern and North-Western Frontier. An act making an appropriation for the protection of the northern and north-western frontier of the United States. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1839.
Adjutant General included in the Act regulating Brevet Pay, &c. An act to amend an act entitled “An act regulating the pay and emoluments of brevet officers,” passed April 16, 1818.March 3, 1839.
Road in Iowa. An act to authorize the construction of a road from Dubuque, in the Territory of Iowa, to the northern boundary of the State of Missouri, and for other purposes.March 3, 1839.
Fire-proof Building in the General Post Office. An act providing for the erection of a fire-proof building for the use of the General Post-Office Department.March 3, 1839.
Patent for useful Inventions. An act in addition to “An act to promote the progress of the useful arts.”March 3, 1839.
Defence of the United States in case of Invasion. An act giving to the President of the United States additional powers for the defence of the United States, in certain cases, against invasion, and for other purposes. (Expired.)March 3, 1839.
Wisconsin and Iowa Territories. An act to alter and amend the organic law of the Territories of Wisconsin and Iowa.March 3, 1839.
Boundary of Iowa. An act to define and establish the eastern boundary line of the Territory of Iowa.March 3, 1839.
Iowa. An act to authorize the election or appointment of certain officers in the Territory of Iowa, and for other purposes.March 3, 1839.
Hostilities with the Seminole Indians. An act making appropriations for preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1839.
Appropriations for the support of the Army. An act making appropriations for the support of the army for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1839.
Appropriations for the support of the Navy. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1839.
Jail in the City of Washington. An act to provide for the erection of a new jail in the City of Washington, District of Columbia.March 3, 1839.
Potomac Bridge. An act to extend the jurisdiction of the corporation of the City of Washington over the Potomac bridge.March 3, 1839.


No. 1. Claims of the Workmen upon the Public Buildings. Resolution authorizing an examination and payment of the claims of the workmen upon the public buildings.Jan. 18, 1839.
No. 2. Purchase of an Island at the Confluence of the St. Peters and Mississippi Rivers. A resolution for the purchase of the island at the confluence of the St. Peters and Mississippi rivers.Feb. 13, 1839.
No. 3. Land Titles in the District of Columbia. A resolution directing the manner in which certain laws of the District of Columbia shall be executed.Feb. 16, 1839.
No. 4. Certificates of Deposite. A resolution authorizing certain certificates of deposite to be cancelled and re-issued.Feb. 28, 1839.
No. 5. Purchase of the Pea-Patch, in the Delaware. A resolution to authorize the purchase of an island in the river Delaware, called the Pea-Patch, and for other purposes.March 3, 1839.