User:Charles Matthews/DNB 18001-19157
- Mann, Robert James - MacCabe, William Bernard - Mahon, Charles James Patrick - Major, Richard Henry - Majendie, Henry William - Maguire, Thomas (1831-1889) - Masham, Damaris - Leslie, Charles Robert - Leslie, David - Leslie, George (d.1558)
- Leslie, George (d.1637) - Leslie, John (1527-1596) - Leslie, John (1679-1722) - Leslie, John (1698?-1767) - Leslie, John (1766-1832) - Leslie, Norman - Leslie, Thomas Edward Cliffe - Leslie, Walter - Leslie, William (d.1654?) - Leslie, William (1657-1727)
- Lesly, George - Lesse, Nicholas - Lester, Frederick Parkinson - Lestock, Richard - L'Estrange, Hamon (1674-1769) - Le Strange, Henry L'Estrange Styleman - Le Strange, John - L'Estrange, John - L'Estrange, Nicholas - L'Estrange, Roger
- Le Strange, Thomas - Letchworth, Thomas - Lethbridge, Joseph Watts - Lethbridge, Walter Stephens - Letherland, Joseph - Lethieullier, Smart- Kettle, Alice - Maitland, John (1616-1682) - Lewis, Titus - King, Edward (1612-1637)
- Lever, Darcy - Lever, Ralph - Lever, Thomas - Leveridge, Richard - Leverton, Thomas - Levi, David - Levi, Leone - Levinge, Richard (d.1724) - Levinge, Richard George Augustus - Levinz, Creswell
- Levinz, Robert - Levinz, William - Levizac, Jean Pons Victor Lecoutz de - Levy, Amy - Levy, Joseph Moses - Lewes, Charles Lee - Lewes, George Henry - Lewgar, John - Lewicke, Edward - Lewin, Thomas
- Lewin, William (d.1598) - Lewin, William (d.1795) - Lewins, Edward John - Lewis, Andrew - Lewis, Charles (1753-1795) - Lewis, Charles (1786-1836) - Lewis, Charles George - Lewis, Charles James - Lewis, David (1520?-1584) - Lewis, David (1683?-1760)
- Madan, Martin - Martin, Samuel (1817-1878) - Martin, Samuel (1801-1883) - Martin, Sarah - Losinga, Herbert de - Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831) - Macdonald, Alexander (d.1647) - Lewis, Edward - Lewis, Erasmus - Lewis, Evan
- Lewis, Thomas (1689-1749?) - Lewis, Thomas Frankland - Lewis, Thomas Taylor - Lewis, William (1592-1667) - Lewis, William (1714-1781) - Lewis, William (d.1855?) - Lewis, William Garrett - Lewis, William Thomas - Lewson, Jane - Lexinton, John de
- Lexinton, Robert de - Lexinton, Stephen de - Ley, Hugh - Ley, James (1550-1629) - Ley, James (1618-1665) - McNab, William Ramsay - Magee, William Connor - Macdonell, James (1841-1879) - Mandeville, John - Maitland, Richard (1714?-1763)
- Leybourn, William - Leybourne, Roger de - Leyburn, George - Leyburn, John - Leycester, John - Leycester, Peter - Leyden, John - Leyland, Joseph Bentley - Leyson, Thomas - Lhuyd, Edward
- Liardet, Francis - Liart, Matthew - Lichfield, Leonard - Lichfield, William - Liddel, Duncan - Liddell, Henry Thomas - Liddell, John - Liddiard, William - Liddon, Henry Parry - Light, Edward
- Light, William - Lightfoot, John (1602-1675) - Lightfoot, John (1735-1788) - Lightfoot, Joseph Barber - Maitland, William Fuller - Lyell, Charles (1797-1875) - Lyons, John Charles - Lower, Richard (1631-1691) - Ligonier, John - Lillingston, Luke
- Lillo, George - Lilly, Christian - Lilly, Edmond - Lilly, Henry - Lilly, William - Lillywhite, Frederick William - Lily, George - Lily, Peter - Lily, William - Limpus, Richard
- Linacre, Thomas - Linche, Richard - Lind, James (1716-1794) - Lind, James (1736-1812) - Lind, Johanna Maria - Lind, John - Lindley, John - Lindley, Robert - Lindon, Patrick - Malet, Charles Warre
- Malet, Robert - Malet, Thomas - Malet, William (d.1071) - Malet, William (fl.1195-1215) - McCulloch, John Ramsay - McCausland, Dominick - Macpherson, James (d.1700) - Mallet, David - Manson, George - Martin, William (1801-1867)
- Kidd, William (1803-1867) - Ludlam, Thomas - Lindsay, Alexander (d.1454) - Lindsay, Alexander (d.1607) - Lindsay, Alexander (d.1639) - Lindsay, Alexander (d.1646) - Lindsay, Alexander (1618-1659) - Lindsay, Alexander (1752-1825) - Lindsay, Alexander (1785-1872) - Lindsay, Alexander William Crawford
- Lindsay, David (1365?-1407) - Lindsay, David (1440?-1495) - Lindsay, David (1490-1555) - Lindsay, George - Lindsay, James - Lindsay, John (d.1335) - Lindsay, John (d.1563) - Lindsay, John (1596-1678) - Lindsay, John (1702-1749) - Lindsay, John (1686-1768)
- Lindsay, John (1737-1788) - Lindsay, Ludovic - Lindsay, Patrick (d.1589) - Lindsay, Patrick (d.1753) - Lindsay, Robert - Lindsay, Walter - Lindsay, William (d.1698) - Lindsay, William (1802-1866) - Lindsay, William Lauder - Lindsay, William Schaw
- Lindsey, Theophilus - Marshal, John (d.1164?) - MacMurchada, Diarmaid - MacCoisse, Erard - McGee, Thomas D'Arcy - Mackenzie, Robert Shelton - McKowen, James - Mant, Richard - Mant, Walter Bishop - Mante, Thomas
- Mantell, Gideon Algernon - Mantell, Joshua - Mantell, Thomas - Manton, Joseph - Manton, Thomas - Line, Francis - Lines, Samuel - Lingard, Frederick - Lingard, John - Lingard, Richard
- Lingen, Henry - Linley, Francis - Linley, George - Linley, Mary - Linley, Thomas (1756-1778) - Linley, Thomas (1732-1795) - Linley, William - Linnecar, Richard - Linnell, John - Linskill, Mary
- Lisle, John - Lisle, Samuel - Lisle, Thomas - Lisle, William - Lister, Edward - Lister, Joseph (1627-1709) - Lister, Joseph Jackson - Lister, Martin - Manwaring, Roger - Manwood, John
- Manwood, Peter - Manwood, Roger - Mansel, John - Mansel, William Lort - Mansell, Francis - Mansell, Robert - Mansell, Thomas - Mansfield, Charles Blachford - Mansfield, James - Mansfield, William Rose
- Manship, Henry - Manson, David - Mansel, Henry Longueville - Manlove, Edward - Martin, Henry - Maclaren, Archibald - Mann, Gother - Mackellar, Patrick - Lyhert, Walter - Maitland, Samuel Roffey
- King, Humphrey - Marston, John (1575?-1634) - Lister, Thomas (1559-1626?) - Lister, Thomas (1597-1668) - Liston, John - Liston, Robert (1742-1836) - Liston, Robert (1794-1847) - Litchfield, Harriett - Litlington, Nicholas - Litster, John
- Littledale, Joseph - Littler, John Hunter - Littleton, Adam - Littleton, Edward (1589-1645) - Littleton, Edward (fl.1694) - Littleton, Edward (d.1733) - Littleton, Edward John - Littleton, Henry - Littleton, James - Littleton, Thomas (1402-1481)
- Marshall, William (fl.1535) - Marshall, William (fl.1630-1650) - Marshall, William (1745-1818) - Marshall, William (1748-1833) - Marshall, William (1806-1875) - Marshall, William (1807-1880) - Marsham, John - Marsham, Thomas - Marshman, John Clark - Marshman, Joshua
- Mar, Donald (d.1297) - Mar, Donald (1293?-1332) - Mar, Thomas - Mar, William - Madocks, William Alexander - Macdonald, Alexander (1700?-1780?) - Macdonald, John (1620?-1716?) - MacIntyre, Duncan Ban - Livingstone, Thomas - Livingstone, William
- Lloyd, Charles (1784-1829) - Lloyd, Charles (1775-1839) - Lloyd, Charles Dalton Clifford - Lloyd, David (1597-1663) - Lloyd, David (1635-1692) - Lloyd, David (d.1714?) - Lloyd, David (1752-1838) - Lloyd, Edward (fl.1688-1726) - Lloyd, Edward (d.1847) - Lloyd, Edward (1815-1890)
- Lloyd, Evan - Lloyd, George - Lloyd, Godfrey - Lloyd, Hannibal Evans - Lloyd, Henry - Lloyd, Hugh (1546-1601) - Lloyd, Hugh (1586-1667) - Lloyd, Humphrey (1610-1689) - Lloyd, Humphrey (1800-1881) - Lloyd, Jacob Youde William
- Lloyd, John (d.1523) - Lloyd, John (1558-1603) - Lloyd, John (d.1682) - Lloyd, John (1638-1687) - Lloyd, John Augustus - Lloyd, Julius - Lloyd, Nicholas - Lloyd, Richard (1595-1659) - Lloyd, Richard (1606-1676) - Lloyd, Richard (d.1834)
- Lloyd, Ridgway Robert Syers Christian Codner - Lloyd, Robert - Lloyd, Simon - Lloyd, Thomas - Lloyd, William Forster - Mackay, Charles - MacGeoghegan, Roche - McNamara, Thomas - Mara, Gertrude Elizabeth - Mara, William de
- Marbeck, John - Marbeck, Roger - Marcet, Alexander John Gaspard - Marcet, Jane - March, John (1612-1657) - March, John (1640-1692) - March, William - Marchant, Nathaniel - Marchi, Giuseppe Filippo Liberati - Marckant, John
- Kenrick, John - Kenrick, William - Kent and Strathern, Edward Augustus - Kent, Victoria Mary Louisa - Kent, James - Kent, John - Kent, Nathaniel - Kent, Thomas - Kent, William (1684-1748) - Kenton, Benjamin
- Kenton, Nicholas - Kenyon, John - Kenyon, Lloyd - Keogh, John (1650?-1725) - Keogh, John (1740-1817) - Keon, Miles Gerald - Keper, John - Keppel, Arnold Joost van - Keppel, Augustus - Marnock, Robert
- Marochetti, Carlo - Marrable, Frederick - Marrat, William - Marrey, John - Marriott, Charles - Marriott, James - Marriott, John (d.1653) - Marriott, John (1780-1825) - Marriott, Wharton Booth - Marrowe, George
- Marryat, Frederick - Marryat, Thomas - Marsden, John Buxton - Marsden, John Howard - Marsden, Samuel - Marsden, William (1754-1836) - Marsden, William (1796-1867) - Marsh, Alphonso (1627-1681) - Marsh, Alphonso (1648?-1692) - Marsh, Charles
- Marsh, Francis - Marsh, George - Marsh, Henry - Marsh, Herbert - Marsh, James - Marsh, John (1750-1828) - Marsh, John Fitchett - Marsh, Narcissus - Keppel, Frederick - Keppel, George (1724-1772)
- Keppel, George Thomas - Keppel, William Anne - Ker, Andrew (d.1526) - Ker, Andrew (1471?-1545) - Ker, John (1673-1726) - Ker, John (d.1741) - Ker, John (1740-1804) - Ker, John (1819-1886) - Ker, John Bellenden - Ker, Patrick
- Ker, Robert (1570?-1650) - Ker, Robert (1578-1654) - Ker, Thomas - Ker, Walter - Kerrich, Thomas - Kerrison, Edward - Kerseboom, Frederick - Kersey, John - Ketch, John - Ketel, Cornelis
- Ketel, William - Kethe, William - Kett, Francis - Kett, Henry - Kett, Robert - Ketterich, John - Kettle, Tilly - Keugh, Matthew - Key, Astley Cooper - Key, Charles Aston
- Key, John - Key, Thomas Hewitt - Mason, Henry Joseph Monck - Mason, James (fl.1743-1783) - Mason, James (1779-1827) - Mason, John (1503-1566) - Mason, John (1586-1635) - Mason, John (1600-1672) - Mason, Robert - Mason, William (fl.1672-1709)
- Mason, William Monck - Mason, John Monck - Mason, Josiah - Mason, George (1735-1806) - Maas, Joseph - Mab, James - Mab, John - Maberley, Frederick Herbert - Mainwaring, Matthew - Keyes, Roger
- Keyl, Frederick William - Keynes, George - Keynes, John - Keys, Mary - Keys, Samuel - Keyse, Thomas - Keyworth, Thomas - Kiallmark, George - Kickham, Charles Joseph - Kidd, James
- Kidd, John - Kidd, Joseph Bartholomew - Kidd, Thomas - Kidd, William (d.1701) - Kidd, William (1790?-1863) - Kidder, Richard - Kidgell, John - Kidley, William - Kilburn, William - Kilburne, Richard
- Kilham, Alexander - Kilham, Hannah - Kilkenny, William de - Killen, John - Killen, Thomas Young - Killigrew, Anne - Killigrew, Catherine - Killigrew, Charles - Killigrew, Henry (1613-1700) - Killigrew, Henry (d.1712)
- Killigrew, James - Killigrew, Robert - Killigrew, Thomas (1612-1683) - Killigrew, Thomas (1657-1719) - Killigrew, William - Killingworth, Grantham - Kilmaine, Charles Edward Saul Jennings - Kilvert, Francis - Kilwardby, Robert - Kimber, Edward
- Madan, Spencer (1758-1836) - Madden, Frederic - Madden, George Allan - Madden, Richard Robert - Madden, Samuel - Maddison, Ralph - Maddock, Henry - Maddox, Isaac - Maddox, Willis - Madgett, Nicholas
- Maddy, Watkin - King, Charles (fl.1721) - King, Charles (1687-1748) - King, Charles William - King, Daniel - King, David - King, Edmund - King, Edward (1735?-1807) - King, Edward (1795-1837) - King, Gregory
- King, James (1589?-1652?) - King, James (1750-1784) - King, John (1559?-1621) - King, John (d.1637) - King, John (d.1676) - King, John (1639-1677) - King, John (d.1679) - King, John (1696-1728) - King, John (1652-1732) - King, John (1788-1847)
- King, John Duncan - King, John Glen - King, Matthew Peter - King, Oliver - King, Paul - King, Peter (1669-1734) - King, Peter (1776-1833) - King, Philip Parker - King, Richard (1730-1806) - King, Richard (1748-1810)
- King, Richard (1774-1834) - King, Richard (1811?-1876) - King, Richard John - King, Robert (d.1557) - King, Robert (1599?-1657) - King, Robert (d.1693) - King, Robert (fl.1684-1711) - King, Robert (1754-1799) - King, Samuel William - King, Thomas (d.1769)
- King, Thomas (1730-1805) - McAll, Robert Stephens - Major, John (1469-1550) - Major, John (1782-1849) - Major, Joshua - Major, Thomas - Makin, Bathsua - Makkarell, Matthew - Mallet, Robert - Mallett, Francis
- Mallory, Thomas - Malone, Anthony - Malone, Edmund - Malone, William - Malory, Thomas - Maltby, Edward - Macgowan, John - Mackay, Robert William - Mackenzie, Frederick - Maclise, Daniel
- Lovekyn, John - King, William (1624-1680) - King, William (1663-1712) - King, William (1650-1729) - King, William (1685-1763) - King, William (1701-1769) - King, William (1809-1886) - Kinghorn, Joseph - Kinglake, Alexander William - Kinglake, Robert
- Kingsbury, William - Kingscote, Henry Robert - Kingsford, Anna - Kingsley, Charles - Kingsley, George Henry - Kingsley, Henry - Kingsley, William - Kingsmill, Andrew - Kingsmill, Robert Brice - Kingsnorth, Richard
- Kingston, Anthony - Kingston, William Henry Giles - Kinloch, George Ritchie - Kinnaird, Arthur Fitzgerald - Kinnaird, Charles - Kinnaird, Douglas James William - Kinnaird, George Patrick - Kinnaird, George William Fox - Kinneir, John Macdonald - Kinsey, William Morgan
- Kinwelmersh, Francis - Malham, John - Malim, William - Malins, Richard - Malkin, Benjamin Heath - Malleson, John Philip - Maidment, James - Maidstone, Clement - Maidstone, Richard - Maihew, Edward
- Maire, William - Maitland, Charles (d.1691) - Maitland, Charles (1815-1866) - Maitland, Frederick (1763-1848) - Maitland, Frederick Lewis - Kip, Johannes - Kipling, Thomas - Kippist, Richard - Kirby, William - Kirk, Robert
- Kirk, Thomas (1765?-1797) - Kirk, Thomas (1777-1845) - Kirkall, Elisha - Kirkby, John (d.1290) - Kirkby, John de - Kirkby, John (1705-1754) - Kirkby, Richard - Kirkcaldy, James - Kirkcaldy, William - Kirke, Edward
- Kirke, John - Kirke, Percy - Kirkman, Jacob - Kirkpatrick, James - Kirkpatrick, John - Kirkpatrick, William (1754-1812) - Kirkpatrick, William Baillie - Kirkstall, Hugh of - Kirkton, James - Kirkup, Seymour Stocker
- Kirkwood, James (1650?-1708) - Kirkwood, James (fl.1698) - Kirton, Edmund - Kirwan, Francis - Kirwan, Owen - Kirwan, Richard - Kirwan, Stephen - Kirwan, Walter Blake - Kitchin, Anthony - Kitchiner, William
- Kitchingman, John - Kite, Charles - Kite, John - Kitto, John - Malcolm, Sarah - Malcolme, David - Malcom, Andrew George - Malcome, John - Malden, Daniel - Malden, Henry
- Knapton, George - Knapton, Philip - Knatchbull, Edward - Knatchbull, Norton - Knell, Paul - Knell, Thomas - Knell, William Adolphus - Kneller, Godfrey - Knevet, Ralph - Knight, Charles (1743-1827?)
- Knight, Edward - Knight, Ellis Cornelia - Knight, Henrietta - Knight, Henry Gally - Knight, James - Knight, John (d.1606) - Knight, John (1612-1683) - Knight, John (d.1718) - Knight, John (1748?-1831) - Knight, John Baverstock
- Knight, John Prescott - Knight, Joseph Philip - Knight, Mary Anne - Knight, Richard Payne - Knight, Samuel (1675-1746) - Knight, Samuel (1759-1827) - Knight, Thomas (d.1820) - Knight, Thomas Andrew - Knight, William (fl.1612) - Knight, William (1786-1844)
- Knight, William Henry - Knightbridge, John - Knightley, Richard (1533-1615) - Knightley, Richard (d.1639) - Knighton, Henry - Knighton, William - Knipe, Thomas - Knipp, Mrs. - Knolles, Richard - Knolles, Thomas
- Maitland, Richard (1653-1695) - Maitland, Thomas (1759?-1824) - Maitland, Thomas (1803-1878) - Maitland, William (1528?-1573) - Maitland, William (1693?-1757) - Magan, Francis - Magauran, Edmund - Magee, John - Magee, Martha Maria - Magee, William (1766-1831)
- Knollys, Robert - Knowler, William - Knowlton, Thomas - Knox, Alexander (1757-1831) - Knox, John (1555?-1623) - Knox, John (d.1688) - Knox, John (1720-1790) - Knox, Robert (1640?-1720) - Knox, Robert (1791-1862) - Knox, Robert (1815-1883)
- Knox, Thomas Francis - Knox, Thomas George - Knox, Vicesimus - Knox, William (1732-1810) - Knox, William (1789-1825) - Knox, William (1762-1831) - Knyff, Leonard - Knyvet, Edmund - Knyvet, John - Knyvet, Thomas (d.1512)
- Knyvet, Thomas (d.1622) - Knyvett, Charles - Kœhler, George Frederic - Kollman, August Friedrich Christoph - Konig, Charles Dietrich Eberhard - Kotzwara, Franz - Kratzer, Nicholas - Krause, William Henry - Kuper, Augustus Leopold - Kurz, Sulpiz
- Kyan, Esmond - Kyan, John Howard - Kyd, Robert - Kyffin, Maurice - Kyle, James Francis - Kylmington, Richard - Kymer, Gilbert - Maguire, Hugh - Maguire, John Francis - Maguire, Nicholas
- Lockey, Thomas - Lockhart, David - Lockhart, George (fl.1520) - Lockhart, George (1630?-1689) - Lockhart, George (1673-1731) - Lockhart, John Gibson - Lockhart, Laurence William Maxwell - Lockhart, Philip - Lockhart, William (1621-1676) - Lockhart, William (1820-1892)
- Lockier, Francis - Lockman, John - Lofft, Capell (1751-1824) - Lofft, Capell (1806-1873) - Lofthouse, Mary - Lofting, John - Loftus, Adam (1533?-1605) - Loftus, Adam (1568?-1643) - Loftus, Dudley - Loftus, William Kennett
- Logan, George - Logan, James (1674-1751) - Logan, James (1794?-1872) - Logan, James Richardson - Logan, John - Logan, Robert - Logan, William Edmond - Loggan, David - Kyrle, John - Kyte, Francis
- Maberly, William Leader - McAdam, John Loudon - Macalister, Arthur - Macfarlan, Walter - Macnee, Daniel - Lucas, Richard (1648-1715) - Luard, Henry Richards - Lyall, Robert - Lye, Edward - Ludlam, Henry
- Macbride, John Alexander Paterson - Macalpine, John - Macanward, Hugh Boy - Long, William - Longden, Henry Errington - Longespée, William de (d.1226) - Longespée, William de (1212?-1250) - Longfield, Mountifort - Longland, John - Longley, Charles Thomas
- Longmuir, John - Longstrother, John - Longueville, William - Longworth, Maria Theresa - Lonsdale, Henry - Lonsdale, James - Lonsdale, John - Lonsdale, William - Lookup, John - Loosemore, Henry
- Loosemore, John - Looten, Jan - Lopes, Manasseh Masseh - Lopez, Roderigo - Lord, Henry - Lord, Percival Barton - Lord, Thomas - Lord, William Keast - Lorimer, James - Lorimer, Peter
- Loring, John Wentworth - Lorkin, Thomas - Lorte, Roger - Loryng, Nigel - Losinga, Robert - Lothian, William - Lothropp, John - Macleod, Norman (1812-1872) - Macpherson, James (1736-1796) - Loudon, Charles
- Loudon, Jane - Loudon, John Claudius - Lough, John Graham - Lougher, Robert - Louis, Thomas - Lound, Thomas - Loundres, Henry de - Loveday, John - Loveday, Robert - Loveday, Samuel
- Lovegrove, William - Lovekyn, John - Lovel, Philip - Lovelace, Francis - Lovelace, John - Lovelace, Richard - Lovell, Daniel - Lovell, Francis - Lovell, George William - Lovell, Lovell Benjamin Badcock
- Lovell, Robert - Lovell, Thomas - Lover, Samuel - Lovett, Richard - Lovett, William - Lovibond, Edward - Low, David (1768-1855) - Low, George - Low, James - Low, John
- Low, Sampson - Low, William - Lowder, Charles Fuge - Lowe, John (d.1467) - Lowe, John (1750-1798) - Lowe, Mauritius - Lyall, Alfred - Lyall, George - Lyall, William Rowe - Lye, Thomas
- Lyell, Charles (1767-1849) - Lyte, Henry (1529?-1607) - Lyte, Henry Francis - Lyte, Thomas - Lushington, Thomas - Lumley, Benjamin - Lynn, Walter - Ludlam, Isaac - Lowe, Peter - Lowe, Richard Thomas
- Lowe, Robert - Lowe, Thomas - Lower, Mark Anthony - Lower, Thomas - Lower, William - Lowick, Robert - Lowin, John - Lowman, Moses - Lowndes, Thomas - Lowndes, William (1652-1724)
- Lowndes, William Thomas - Lowry, John - Lowry, Joseph Wilson - Lowth, Robert - Lowth, William - Lowther, James - Lowther, John - Lowther, Richard - Lowther, William - Loyd, Samuel Jones
- Luxford, George - Lupton, Thomas Goff - Lush, Robert - Lutwyche, Edward - Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell - Lunsford, Thomas - Lutterell, John - Lutwyche, Thomas - Luttrell, Narcissus - McCullagh, James
- McCulloch, James - Luckombe, Philip - Lucy, Charles - Lucy, Godfrey de - Lucy, Richard de - Lucy, Thomas - Lucy, William - Luders, Alexander - Ludford, Simon - Ludlam, William
- Lumisden, Andrew - Lumley, George - Lumley, Henry - Lumley, John (1493-1544) - Lumley, John (1534?-1609) - Lumley, Marmaduke - Lumley, Richard - Lumley, William - MacBain, James - Lyttelton, George (1709-1773)
- Macbride, John David - Macbeth, Norman - McBride, John - Lyster, Richard - Lynn, George - Lynn, Samuel Ferris - Lynn, Thomas - MacCarthy, Donough - MacCarthy, John George - Lumsden, Matthew
- Lunardi, Vincenzo - Lund, John - Lundgren, Egron Sellif - Lundie, John - Lundy, Robert - Lunn, Joseph - Luny, Thomas - Lupo, Thomas - Lupton, Donald - Lupton, Roger
- Lupton, Thomas (fl.1583) - Lupton, William - Luscombe, Michael Henry Thornhill - Lushington, Stephen (1782-1873) - Lushington, Stephen (1803-1877) - Lushington, Stephen Rumbold - Luttichuys, Simon - Luttrell, Edward - Luttrell, Henry (1655?-1717) - Luttrell, Henry (1765?-1851)
- Luttrell, Henry Lawes - Luttrell, James - Lydgate, John - Lygon, Frederick - Lyle, David - Lyle, Robert - Lynam, Robert - Lynch, Dominic - Lynch, Henry Blosse - Lynch, James
- Lynch, John - Lynch, Patrick Edward - Lynch, Richard - Lynch, Thomas (d.1684?) - MacArdell, James - Macarius - Macarthur, Edward - Macarthur, John - McArthur, John - McArthur, William - Macartney, George
- Macaulay, Aulay - Macaulay, Catharine - Lyne, Richard - Lynford, Thomas - Lynne, Walter - Lyon, George Francis - Lyon, James Frederick - Lyon, John (1510?-1558) - Lyon, John (d.1578) - Lyon, John (1514?-1592)
- Lyon, John (fl.1608-1622) - Lyon, John (1702-1790) - Lyon, John (1734-1817) - Lyon, Patrick (d.1695?) - Lyon, Patrick (1642-1695) - Lyons, Edmund - Lyons, Israel (d.1770) - Lyons, Israel (1739-1775) - Lysons, Daniel (1727-1800) - Lysons, Daniel (1762-1834)
- Lysons, Samuel (1763-1819) - Lysons, Samuel (1806-1877) - Lyttelton, Charles (1629-1716) - Lyttelton, George William - Lyttelton, Thomas (1596-1650) - Lyttelton, Thomas (1744-1779) - Lyttelton, William Henry (1724-1808) - Lyttelton, William Henry (1782-1837) - Lyttelton, William Henry (1820-1884) - Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-
- MacBrady, Fiachra - Macbrady, Philip - Macbride, David - MacBride, John (d.1800) - MacBruaidedh, Maoilin - MacBruaidedh, Tadhg - MacCabe, Cathaoir - M'Cabe, Edward - M'Cabe, William Putnam - MacCaghwell, Hugh