The Monthly Challenge for June contains 71 works. You can help by reading the guide and contributing to the current challenge.
This month:
  • Pages processed: 2683 (89.4% of target)
  • Avg. pages/day: 128
  • Yesterday: 50

Last month:
  • Pages processed: 7372 (245.7% of target)
  • Avg. pages/day: 238

The current Proofread of the Month is The Silent Prince (1900) by Hattie Arnold Clark.

Recent collaborations: A Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet, The Tower, Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope, The Story of the Flute, The Art of Kissing, Frenzied Fiction, Napoleon, Doom of the Great City, The Ocean and its Wonders, The Playboy of the Western World

The current Maintenance of the Month task is OCR fixes

Recent collaborations: Missing images, Work licensing Work index revision, Orphans, Proposed policies and guidelines, Author page connection with Wikidata items