Author:John Calvin Coolidge/Executive orders

Executive orders
Administration of Calvin Coolidge (August 2, 1923 – March 4, 1929)
  • 1,253 Total Executive Orders Issued [1]
  • Range: Executive Order 3885-A thru Executive Order 5075
Signature of Calvin Coolidge


  3885-A Aug 04 Closing of Executive Departments in connection with the death of Warren G. Harding approved
  3885-B Aug 04 Executive departments ordered closed from 1 p.m. August 7 through August 10 in connection with the death of Warren G. Harding
  3885-C Aug 04 Period of mourning for Warren G. Harding prescribed
  3885-D Aug 06 Executive Order 3885-B of August 4, 1923, closing all executive departments in connection with the death of Warren G. Harding made applicable to all executive establishments
  3886 Aug 04 Viola B. Pugh designated to sign the President's name to land patents
  3887 Aug 04 Ada Braddock designated to sign President's name to Land Patents in absence of designated clerk
  3893 Aug 13
  3893-A Aug 17 David W. Davis made eligible for appointment as commissioner in the Reclamation Service without regard to Civil Service Rules
  3897 Sep 05 Removing Lands from Katmai National Monument to End that Coal Mining Permit be Granted to John J. Folstad
  3908-A Sep 28 Civil Service Rule IX, pertaining to reinstatement, amended
  3917-A Oct 23 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at private sale certain specified stock of the Botany Worsted Mills of New Jersey
  3940 Dec 24 James L. Wilmeth and James E. Chamberlin, separated formerly in the Engraving and Printing Bureau, made eligible to reenter the classified service for five years on certificate


  3941 Jan 11 Executive Order 9 of January 17, 1873, prohibiting Federal employees from holding office under any State, Territorial, county or municipal Government, waived to permit C. C. Crabbe, Attorney General of Ohio, to hold position of special assistant to the Attorney General of the United States
  3941-A Jan 15 Harvey Entriken made eligible for appointment as private secretary in the office of the Board of General Appraisers in New York without regard to Civil Service Rules
  3946 Jan 21 Removing Lands from Mt. McKinley National Park, and Reserving Those and Adjoining Lands for Construction and Operation of Railroad Lines
  3949 Jan 24 Transferring Lands from the Department of the Interior to the Department of the Treasury
  3971 Mar 12
  3971-A Mar 15 Certain tax returns ordered open to inspection
  3972 Mar 18
  3976 Mar 22 Withdrawing Lands in Isle Royale, Michigan, to Determine Advisability for Inclusion in National Monument
  3983 Apr 01 Withdrawing Lands in Alaska to Determine Advisability for Inclusion in National Monument
  3984 Apr 02 Withdrawing Lands in New Mexico to Determine Advisability for Inclusion in National Park or Monument
  3999 Apr 25 Withdrawing Lands in Arizona for Classification and Pending Legislation for its Disposition
  3999-A Apr 28 Theodore J. Risley, Labor Departmet Solicitor, designated to act as Secretary of Labor in the absence of the Secretary, the Assistant and Second Assistant Secretaries
  4008 May 09 Reducing Lands of the Scotts Bluff National Monument
  4013 May 19
  4033-A Jun 24 Withdrawing Certain Described Lands in Arizona for Classification and Possible Inclusion Within the San Carlos Irrigation Project
  4048 Jul 12
  4056 Aug 01 Certain described lands in Alabama withdrawn from classification and possible inclusion within the Alabama National Forest
  4059 Aug 06
  4071-A Sep 05 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain described real estate at New York, N. Y., formerly the property of John Otterstedt of Germany
  4071-B Sep 08 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain specified shares of stock of the Botany Worsted Mills, held in trust for George Hirsch
  4073-A Sep 09 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain described real estate in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Levy and Cook Counties, Florida, formerly the property of Carl and Friedrich Magnus of Germany
  4102-A Nov 13 Alien Property Custodian authorized to ratify acts done by his subordinates which were judicial in character and which pertain to deposits, transfer and payment of moneys
  4102-B Nov 13 Certain Presidential powers authorized under the Trading with the Enemy Act delegated to the Alien Property Custodian
  4106-A Nov 24 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain described real estate at San Francisco, California, formerly the property of Adolph, Friedrich, Ernst, Elizabeth, and Clara Nussbaum of Germany
  4119 Dec 24 Effie A. Deane made eligible for appointment in the Government service without regard to Civil Service Rules


  4120 Jan 08 A. H. Bergthold made eligible for appointment as postmaster at Weatherford, Oklahoma, without examination
  4124 Jan 12
  4145 Jan 28
  4146 Feb 02
  4163 Feb 27
  4164 Mar 06
  4165 Mar 09
  4165-A Mar 09
  4165-B Mar 09
  4165-C Mar 09
  4165-D Mar 09
  4165-E Mar 09
  4166 Mar 10
  4167 Mar 10
  4168 Mar 11
  4169 Mar 12
  4170 Mar 12
  4170-A Mar 12
  4171 Mar 13
  4172 Mar 13
  4173 Mar 14
  4174 Mar 16
  4175 Mar 17
  4176 Mar 17 Discontinuance and Transfer of 28 District Land Offices
  4177 Mar 18
  4178 Mar 19
  4179 Mar 20
  4179-A Mar 20 Diminishment of Sugar Loaf or Kakea Military Reservation, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, and Restoration of Excluded Lands to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii
  4179-B Mar 20
  4179-C Mar 20
  4179-D Mar 20
  4179-E Mar 20
  4180 Mar 24
  4181 Mar 24 Lands in Utah Withdrawn for Classification and Pending Legislation for Inclusion in Zion National Park
  4186 Mar 31
  4187 Apr 01 Fifty-one Posts Designated as Unhealthful Posts for the Purposes of Retirement of Personnel Under the Regulations for the Foreign Service
  4200 Apr 10
  4216 Apr 30
  4217 May 02
  4221 May 11
  4224 May 14
  4224-A May 14 Executive Order 4073-A of September 9, 1924, authorizing the Alien Property Custodian to sell certain real estate, formerly the property of Carl and Friedrich Magnus of Germany, amended to include certain described property in Cook County, Illinois
  4224½ May 15
  4225 May 16
  4235 May 27
  4236 Jun 01
  4250 Jun 10
  4257 Jun 27
  4258 Jul 01
  4262 Jul 03 Withdrawing Certain Described Lands in Alabama, Florida and Mississippi Pending Classification
  4274 Jul 25 Diminishment of Schofield Barracks Military Reservation, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, and Restoration of Excluded Lands to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii for use as a School Site
  4274-A Jul 27 Ordering Half-mast Flag Display for the Funeral of William Jennings Bryan
  4275 Jul 28
  4276 Jul 28
  4276-A Jul 29
  4277 Jul 30
  4278 Jul 31
  4279 Aug 06
  4279-A Aug 06
  4280 Aug 07
  4298 Aug 29
  4299 Sep 05
  4314 Sep 25 Establishing Rules Governing Navigation of the Panama Canal and Adjacent Waters
  4315 Sep 29
  4316 Oct 02
  4331 Oct 28
  4332 Nov 03
  4349 Nov 30
  4350 Dec 01
  4351 Dec 02 Amending Executive Order 4274 of July 25, 1925, which restored to its previous status, for use by Hawaii as site for public schools, part of military reservation of Schofield Barracks (Waianae-Uka), Island of Oahu, Hawaii, so as to correct azimuth of 2d course of property incorrectly described in said order
  4352 Dec 05
  4353 Dec 05 General Regulations for the Government of the Dominican Customs Receivership Under the Convention of December 27, 1924, Between the United States of America and the Dominican Republic
  4353-A Dec 09
  4353-B Dec 09
  4353-C Dec 09
  4353-D Dec 09
  4353-E Dec 09
  4354 Dec 11
  4354-A Dec 12
  4354-B Dec 12
  4355 Dec 12
  4356 Dec 15
  4357 Dec 15
  4358 Dec 16
  4359 Dec 19
  4359-A Dec 19
  4360 Dec 21
  4361 Dec 23
  4361-A Dec 23
  4361½ Dec 23
  4362 Dec 28
  4363 Dec 29 Malheur National Forest, Oregon, diminished, and the excluded lands restored to entry only for adjustment of a claim thereto
  4363-A Dec 31 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell certain specified stocks of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., formerly the property of the Anglo-Austrian Bank


  4364 Jan 07 Certain specified islands and rocks in the Pacific Ocean off the Oregon coast reserved pending legislation for use of said islands for recreational purposes or as breeding grounds for water-fowl and other native birds
  4373-A Jan 26 Alien Property Custodian authorized to sell at public sale stock in the Crex Carpet Company, formerly the property of Oscar Donner, deceased
  4374 Jan 26
  4382-A Feb 12 Prescribing Rules Governing the Granting and Issuing of Passports
  4383 Feb 19 Certain described lands in Alabama withdrawn for classification and pending legislation [to grant said lands to the State for recreational purposes]
  4421 Apr 17 Lands Near Hydaburg and Klawak, Alaska, Returned to Tongass National Forest, Except for School Reservations
  4439 May 08
  4456-A Jun 08 Establishing Reservoir Site Reserve No. 17, California
  4457 Jun 11
  4467 Jun 29 Establishing Johnston Island Reservation
  4472-A Jul 03 William W. Russell, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Siam, made eligible for retention on active duty until December 31, 1926
  4473 Jul 08
  4477-A Jul 14 Retirement of Henry H. Morgan, Foreign Service officer, Class 1, ordered effective July 31, 1926
  4478 Jul 15 Certain described lands in Colorado withdrawn pending resurvey
  4517 Oct 02 Creating Customs Station in Sitka, Alaska
  4523 Oct 18
  4527 Oct 22 Directing that Employees of Alaska Railroad Permanently Residing in Municipalities on Line of Railroad be Permitted to Run for Municipal Office Therein
  4535 Oct 29 Amending description of Kuwaaohe military reservation contained in Executive Order 2900 of July 2, 1918, which set aside lands on island of Oahu, Hawaii, for military purposes, so as to correct azimuths and distances incorrectly described in said order
  4559 Dec 30 Certain described lands in New Mexico withdrawn pending legislation for use as a power site and for irrigation purposes


  4560 Jan 05 Certain described lands at Cauayan, Isabela Province, Luzon, P. I., reserved for military purposes
  4601 Mar 01 Prescribing Regulations Pertaining to the Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross
  4627 Apr 07
  4628 Apr 13 Lands in the State of Utah
  4679 Jun 29 In General relates to Lands Reserved for Military Purposes in the Territory of Hawaii
  4712 Aug 30 Tongass National Forest, Alaska
  4715 Sep 08
  4736 Oct 04
  4736-A Oct 05
  4737 Oct 05
  4744 Oct 20 Tananarive, Madagascar, Added to Places Named in E.O. 4187 of April 1, 1925, as Unhealthful Foreign Service Post
  4772 Nov 28 Designating Lagos, Nigeria, as an Unhealthful Foreign Service Post
  4773 Nov 29 Prescribing A Manual for Courts-Martial, United States Army
  4791 Dec 31 Edward M. Flesh, treasurer and liquidating trustee of the Grain Corporation, directed to pay $115,419.98 into the Treasury in final settlement and liquidation of said Corporation, and the records, books of accounts, and files of the Food Administrator and the Wheat Director, heretofore held in custody of said Corporation, ordered transferred to Commerce Dept.


  4792 Jan 03 Canal Zone District Court rules pertaining to court clerks, the bonds to be given by them, and the handling and deposit of money in the registry of the court prescribed
  4846-A Mar 30 Frequencies Assigned to Government Radio Stations [Classified as Confidential]
  4902 Jun 04 Executive Order 4846-A of March 30, 1928, Assigning Frequencies to Government Radio Stations, Amended as to Certain Frequencies Assigned to the Army [Not Classified as Confidential]
  4919-A Jun 24 Certain Described Lands in Arizona Withdrawn for Classification and Possible Inclusion in the San Carlos Irrigation Project
  4930-A Jul 12 Executive Order 4033-A of June 24, 1924, Reserving Certain Lands Within the Proposed San Carlos Project, Arizona, Revoked and Said Lands Restored to Entry
  4986 Nov 02 Certain described lands in Osborn Townsite, in the Huntley Project Irrigation District, Montana, reserved for the use of the Agriculture Dept. as an agricultural field station
  5018 Dec 21 Treasury Sec'y authorized to retain in the Prohibition Service certain temporary personnel entitled to military preference until completion of rating of examination for the position of prohibition agent, and to reinstate any of said preference employees dropped from said service without charges subsequent to August 16, 1929


  5019 Jan 02 Mildred Brown Mclntosh made eligible for appointment as typist at the Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida, without regard to Civil Service Rules
  5037 Jan 28 Lands in Utah Withdrawn for Classification and Pending Determination for Inclusion in Zion National Park
  5075 Apr 04 Mrs. William M. Stuart, Sarah V. Kenner made Eligible for Reinstatement as Clerk in Federal Service without Regard to Length of Separation from Service


  1. NOTE: The total number of Executive orders issued for each administration includes number-and-letter designated orders, such as 9577-A, 9616-A, etc.