Page:The European Concert in the Eastern Question.djvu/377

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Administrative Council of bondholders, 353.

Agents of Montenegro, 240.

Alaskerd, 305.

Albania, 292 n, 295 n.

Aleko Pasha, 289 n.

Alexander I, the Emperor, 1, 4.
— Prince of Bulgaria, 282 n.

Ancient rule, the, as to the Straits, 92 95, 99, 100, 225, 246.

Antivari, 295.

Appendix, 323.

Arab Tabia, the, 280.

Ardahan, 304, 344, 354.

Armenia, 306, 343.

Arms, right of carrying, 65, 87, 211.

Arrangement, the, as to the territory of Greece (1832), 13.
— as to the Greek loan (1860), 21, 43.

Arta, 14, 63.

Asia, Russian frontier in, 253, 304, 305, 344.

Athos, Mount, monks of, 307, 346.

Austria, and the Porte, treaty between, 356.
— occupation of Bosnia by, 241, 292, 293 n, 356.

Austria, protection of Montenegrin flag by, 296.

Autonomy, 238, 279.


Balkan peninsula, the, 220, 277.

Barrère, proposal the, 232, 333.

Batoum, 304, 305, 344, 354.

Bayazid, 305, 344.

Belgrade, 236.

Berlin, Conference of, 25,
— Congress of, 220.
— Treaty of, 220, 277.

Beshir, the Emir, 206.

Bessarabia, 250, 262, 302, 344.

Black Sea, the, 226, 227, 247, 258, 273.

Blockade (fictitious), 346.

Bosnia, 240, 292, 293 n, 342.

Bosphorus and Dardanelles, see Straits.

Boyana,' the, 295.

Brigandage, 65.

Bucharest, 310.

Bulgaria, 238, 279, 339.
— constitution of, 282.
— railways in, 285
— tribute of, 240.