Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute/Volume 24











(Seventh of New Series)





Issued May, 1892.






Art. I. Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of New Species from New Zealand, Australia, and elsewhere. By W. M. Maskell, Corr. Mem. Roy. Soc. of South Australia, Registrar of the University of New Zealand 1–64
II. Notes and Observations on New Zealand Birds. By Sir Walter L. Buller, K.C.M.G., F.R.S. 64–74
III. Further Notes and Observations on Certain Species of New Zealand Birds (with Exhibits). By Sir W. L. Buller 75–91
IV. On the large Kiwi from Stewart Island (Apteryx maxima). By Sir W. L. Buller 91–92
V. The Moas of New Zealand. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.G.S. 93–172
VI. Notes on Moa Gizzard-stones. By A. Hamilton 172–175
VII. On the Genus Aptornis, with more Especial Reference to Aptornis defossor, Owen. By A. Hamilton 175–184
VIII. Preliminary Notice of Additions to the Extinct Avi-fauna of New Zealand. By H. O. Forbes: communicated by J. T. Meeson, B.A. 185–189
IX. Note on a Species of Platycercus (P. erythrotis, Wagl.) from Antipodes Island. By H. O. Forbes: communicated by J. T. Meeson 190–191
X. On a Species of Regalecus or Great Oar-fish, caught in Okain's Bay. By H. O. Forbes: communicated by J. T. Meeson 192–198
XI. On some Points in the Anatomy of a Species of Sea-bear caught off Sumner, Canterbury, New Zealand; with Notes on the New Zealand Eared Seals. By H. O. Forbes: communicated by J. T. Meeson 198–200
XII. Note on the Occurrence of Cancer in Fish. By Professor Scott 201
XIII. Notes on Sea-fishes. By George M. Thomson, F.L.S. 202–215
XIV. On New Species of Lepidoptera. By E. Meyrick, B.A., F.Z.S. 216–220
XV. Catalogue of the Described Species of New Zealand Araneidæ. By A. T. Urquhart, Corr. Mem. Roy. Soc. of Tasmania 220–230
XVI. Descriptions of New Species of Araneæ. By A. T. Urquhart 230–253
XVII. On New Zealand Araneæ. By P. Goyen, F.L.S. 253–257
XVIII. Notes on some New Zealand Amphipoda and Isopoda. By Charles Chilton, M. A., B.Sc. 258–269
XIX. Contributions to the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. By H. Suter 270–278
XX. List of the Introduced Land and Fresh-water Mollusca of New Zealand. By H. Suter 279–281
XXI. List of Land and Fresh-water Mollusca doubtful for New Zealand or not inhabiting it. By H. Suter 281–283
XXII. Miscellaneous Communications on New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Mollusca. By H. Suter 283–286
XXIII. On the Dentition of some New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Mollusca, with Descriptions of New Species. By H. Suter 286–303
XXIV. Description of a New Genus of the Family Formicidæ. By Aug. Forel, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry in the University of Zurich, Switzerland: communicated by H. Suter 303–304
XXV. On the Composite Ascidians of the North Shore Reef. By J. T. Nott, M.A. 305–334
XXVI. On the Structure of Boltenia pachydermatina. By James Watt, M.A. From the Biological Laboratory of the University of Otago 334–348
XXVII. Animal Intelligence. By William W. Carlile 349–354
XXVIII. Instances of Instinct in Insects. By G. V. Hudson, F.E.S. 354–358
XXIX. On the Foliated Rocks of Otago. By Professor F. W. Hutton, F.G.S. 359–365
XXX. Note on the Boulders in the Port Hills, Nelson. By Captain F. W. Hutton 365
XXXI. The Auckland Volcanoes. By Hugh Shrewsbury, M.A. 366–380
XXXII. On the Prospects of finding Workable Coal on the Shores of the Waitemata. By James Park, F.G.S., Lecturer, Thames School of Mines 380–384
XXXIII. On the Occurrence of Native Zinc at Hape Creek, Thames. By James Park 384–385
XXXIV. On the Occurrence of Native Silver at the Thames Goldfield. By James Park 386
XXXV. A Description of some Newly-discovered Indigenous Plants, being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. By W. Colenso, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. 387–394
XXXVI. Description of Three Species of Newly-discovered New Zealand Ferns. By W. Colenso 394–398
XXXVII. A List of New Species of Hepaticæ Novæ-Zelandiæ, named by F. Stephani, Leipzig. By W. Colenso 398–400
XXXVIII. Plain and Practical Thoughts and Notes on New Zealand Botany. By W. Colenso 400–409
XXXIX. On some Recent Additions to the New Zealand Flora. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S., F.Z.S., Curator of the Auckland Museum 409–412
XL. Additional Notes on the Genus Carex. By T. F. Cheeseman 413–416
XLI. Note on the Cleistogamic Flowers of Melicope simplex. By George M. Thomson, F.L.S. 416–418
XLII. Remarks on the Genus Abrotanella, Cassini, with Descriptions of New Species. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 418–422
XLIII. Descriptions of New Plants from the Vicinity of Port Nicholson. By T. Kirk 423–425
XLIV. Notice of the Occurrence of Australian Orchids in New Zealand. By T. Kirk 425–428
XLV. On a New Mistletoe. By T. Kirk 429–430
XLVI. On the Ancient Relations between New Zealand and South America. By Dr. H. von Jhering, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: communicated by Professor Hutton 431–445
XLVII. Vestiges: Reminiscences: Memorabilia of Works, Deeds, and Sayings of the Ancient Maoris. By W. Colenso, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. 445–467
XLVIII. Status quo: A Retrospect.—A Few More Words by way of Explanation and Correction concerning the First Finding of the Bones of the Moa in New Zealand; also Strictures on the Quarterly Reviewer's Severe and Unjust Remarks on the Late Dr. G. A. Mantell, F.R.S., in connection with the same. By W. Colenso 468–478
XLIX. The Tradition respecting the Aboriginal Inhabitants of Whakatane. By the late Lieutenant-Colonel St. John: communicated by T. Kirk 478
L. On the Working of Greenstone or Nephrite by the Maoris. By F. R. Chapman 479–539
LI. On the Native Dog of New Zealand. By Taylor White 540–557
LII. Discoveries of Moa-bones. By H. C. Field 558–561
LIII. On the Shifting of Sand-dunes. By H. C. Field 561–568
LIV. On Earthquakes in the Vicinity of Wanganui. By H. C. Field 569–573
LV. Notes on the Earthquake of the 24th June, 1891. By George Hogben, M.A. 574–577
LVI. Notes on the Earthquake of the 5th July, 1891, in Cook Strait: an Attempt to define the Epicentrum. By George Hogben 577–579
LVII. On Geyser-action at Rotorua. By Camille Malfroy, C.E., J. P., Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur 579–590
LVIII. The Rotorua Railway and District. By James Stewart, C.E. 591–602
LIX. Ruapehu and Ngauruhoe. By H. Hill, B.A., F.G.S. 603–625
LX. On the Establishment of an Expert Agricultural Department in New Zealand. By W. M. Maskell, F.R.M.S. 625–627
LXI. The Farm: Winter Pasture and its Grazing. By J. R. Wilkinson, M.A. 628–630
LXII. On Moth-destruction. By Coleman Phillips 630–633
LXIII. Is it expedient to make Vaccination compulsory? By R. H. Bakewell, M.D., &c. 634–641
LXIV. Brake-Fins: A Proposed Appliance for the Better Handling of Ocean Steamers. By the Rev. Philip Walsh 641–644
LXV. Mill on Demonstration and Necessary Truth. By William W. Carlile, M.A. 644–653
LXVI. The Stability of Ships: its Principles made clear by Models and Diagrams. By E. Withy 653–676
Twenty-third Annual Report, 1890–91 679–680
Accounts for 1890–91 680
Memorandum regarding the New Zealand Institute 681–683


Inaugural Address by the President, E. Tregear, F.R.G.S. 687–688
Notice of Salmon caught in Aparima River. By Sir J. Hector 688
On the Coalfields of New Zealand. By Sir J. Hector 688
Views of Old New Zealand 691
Geology of the Kaikouras. By Sir J. Hector 693
Notice of the Appearance of the Horse- or Bot-fly. By W. M. Maskell 696
Mr. A. Koebele and his Study of Blight-destroyers 696–697
On Stereo-chemistry, or the Arrangement of Atoms; being the Latest Phase in the Development of the Atomic Theory. By W. P. Evans, M.A., Ph.D. 697–698
Annual Report and Balance-sheet 700
Election of Officers for 1892 700
Vote of Thanks to the Retiring President 700
Anniversary Address by the President, Professor F. D. Brown 702–703
Notes on the Discovery of some Ancient IMaori Relics at Parua Bay, Whangarei. By A. J. Millar 704–705
New Species of Coleoptera, Part I. By Captain T. Broun, F.E.S. 705
Presentations to the Museum 705
New Species of Coleoptera, Part II. By Captain T. Broun, F.E.S. 705
Pasteur, Koch, and their Work. By Professor A. P. Thomas, F.L.S. 706
Descriptions of New Species of Coleoptera, Part III. By Captain T. Broun, F.E.S. 706
Note to accompany a Specimen of Kauri Timber taken from a Cottage erected more than Fifty Years ago. By Dr. J. L. Campbell 706–707
Exhibition of Old Kauri Flooring. By E. Bartley 707
Annual Report and Balance-sheet 707–708
Election of Officers for 1892 708
Hypnotism. By Robert M. Laing, M.A., B.Sc. 709
Note of the Occurrence in New Zealand of the English Spotted Flycatcher (Muscicapa grisola). By Professor Hutton 710
Annual Report and Balance-sheet 711
Election of Officers for 1892 711
On certain Volcanic Appearances in Dowling Street, Dunedin. By L. O. Beal 712
On the Structure of the Mammalian Ovum. By Professor T. J. Parker, F.R.S. 712
On the Growth of Ileodictyon. By Professor Parker 712
Exhibit of Tasmanian Sponges 712
Exhibit of Maori Implements and Ornaments. By F. R. Chapman 713
On the Dunedin Water-supply. By G. M. Thomson, F.L.S. 713
On the Extinction of the Native Birds on the West Coast. By James Richardson 713
Exhibit of Fossil Swordfish 713
Correspondence relating to Reserves for the Protection of Native Birds 713
On the Foundation and Settlement of Canterbury. By Dr. Hocken 713
On some Maori Bone Pendants from Otago. By A. Hamilton 714
Note on a Species of Branchellion found on a Skate. By Professor Parker, F.R.S. 714
Specimens of Dujardinia exhibited by Professor Parker 714
Annual Report and Balance-sheet 715
Election of Officers for 1892 715
On the Rise and Development of the Science of Political Economy. By Professor Gibbons 715
Abstract of Annual Report and Balance-sheet 629
Election of Officers for 1892 629
Inaugural Address by the President, H. Hill, B.A. 717
On the Rise, Progress, and Power of the Native Press of India. By the Right Rev. Dr. Stuart, Bishop of Waiapu 721
Account of the Introduction of the Bumble-bee to New Zealand. By Dr. Moore 721
On Tuberculine. By Dr. Spencer 721
On Ferns. By H. Pinckney 721
On the Influence of the Ruahine Mountains on the Rainfall of Hawke's Bay. By — Westall 721
Crescent Shadows. By Taylor White 722
Language and the Cow. By Taylor White 722
Language and Water. By Taylor White 722
Annual Report and Balance-sheet 722
Election of Officers for 1892 722
Exhibits described 723
On the Recent Annual Session of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. By Sidney Black 723
Resolution regarding the President 723
Presentations to the Museum 723
Exhibits described 723
On the Sectional Work of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. By Sidney Black 723–724
On the Statistics relating to Professor Koch's Cure for Tuberculosis. By Dr. J. Hudson 724
Election of Officers for 1892 724

Meteorological Statistics for 1891 727
Notes on the Weather for 1891 728
Earthquakes reported in New Zealand during 1891 729
Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute 730
Ordinary Members of the New Zealand Institute 731–739
Institutions and Individuals to whom this Volume is presented 740–744
Alphabetical Index 745–748

Contents v.–x.
List of Plates xi.
Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute xiii.
Abstract of Rules and Statutes of the New Zealand Institute xiii.–xv.
Roll of Incorporated Societies xvi.
Officers of Incorporated Societies, and Extracts from the Rules xvi.–xix.


Author TO FACE
I. Maskell.—Coccididæ 60
II. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
III. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
IV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
V. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
VI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
VII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
VIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
IX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
X. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XIV. Buller.Nestor notabilis with Deformed Bill. Foot of Penguin with Barnacles 74
XV. Hutton.—Skulls of Moas 172
XVI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XVII. {{{1}}}Bones of Anomalopteryx antiquus 172
XVIII. Scott.—Cancer in Fish 200
XIX. Goyen.—New Zealand Araneæ 256
XX. Suter.—New Zealand Mollusca 278
XXI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXIV. Nott.—New Zealand Composite Ascidians 330
XXV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXVI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXVII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXVIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXIX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXI. Watt.—Boltenia pachydermatina 348
XXXII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXIV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXV. Shrewsbury.—Microscopic Rock-sections 376
XXXVI. Kirk.—Abrotanella muscosa, n.s. 422
XXXVII. {{{1}}}Viscum clavatum 430
XXXVIII. Chapman.—Pirori, or Maori Drill 496
XXXIX. Hogben.—Diagram of Earthquake of 24th June, 1891 578
XL. Malfroy.—Plan and Section of Geysers at Whakarewarewa 590
XLI. {{{1}}}Plan and Section of Oruawhatua and Chameleon Springs
XLII. {{{1}}}Apparatus designed to show Geyser-action
XLIII. Hill.—Map of Country round Tongariro 624
XLIV. {{{1}}}Map of Summit of Ruapehu
XLV. {{{1}}}Crater of Ngauruhoe
XLVI. {{{1}}}Crater-lake on Ruapehu
XLVII. {{{1}}}Sketch-map of Tokaanu
XLVIII. {{{1}}}Ngauruhoe, from Tongariro
XLIX. {{{1}}}Tongariro, from Ngauruhoe
L. Withy.—Diagrams to show Stability of Ships 672
LI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}{{{1}}}