Title The Forerunners
Author Romain Rolland
Translator Eden and Cedar Paul
Year 1920
Publisher George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Location London
Source djvu
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in March 2023
Dedication 5
Introduction 9
I. Ara Pacis 11
II. Upwards, Along a Winding Road 15
III. To the Murdered People 23
IV. To the Undying Antigone 32
V. A Woman's Voice from out the Tumult 34
VI. Freedom 37
VII. Free Russia, the Liberator 39
VIII. Tolstoy: the Free Spirit 41
IX. To Maxim Gorki 45
X. Two Letters from Maxim Gorki 47
XI. To the Writers of America 51
XII. Free Voices from America 55
XIII. On Behalf of E. D. Morel 67
XIV. Young Switzerland 69
XV. Under Fire 86
XVI. Ave, Cæsar, Morituri Te Salutant 95
XVII. Ave, Cæsar, Those Who Wish to Live Salute Thee 101
XVIII. Men in Battle 106
XIX. Vox Clamantis 121
XX. A Great European, G. F. Nicolai 140
XXI. Reflections on Reading Auguste Forel 175
XXII. On Behalf of the International of the Mind 185
XXIII. A Call to Europeans 195
XXIV. Open Letter to President Wilson 204
XXV. Against Victorious Bismarckism 207
XXVI. Declaration of the Independence of the Mind 209
Supplementary Note to Chapter XX 216